one way to the top

el dorado // adopt or donate a fic idea // OPEN
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  one way to the top. backstabbing is in the business contract, babe. reg rOM, drama,
slight angst n/a available credit female 1 works for the entertainment company of group 1, and she loves it there, as well as the group. but to her dismay, they are being overlooked by the upcoming group 2. their popularity and market worth is dropping, and something needs to be done fast. the company offers her a job: if she can get into the entertainment company of group 2, into the members' heads, and destroy the group from the inside, then she'll be rewarded a $100,00 bonus as well as her dream job within their company. female 1 eagerly agrees and does well at it, until she begins connecting with group 2, and quickly realizes that she's gotten herself into a disaster waiting to happen.

this is an idol fic, and you can use two real kpop groups or make up your own. group 1 should be an underrated group and group 2 should be a very popular group.(so don't try to make group 1 exo and group 2 ze:a. it wouldn't work out). female 1 should have a very driven personality and she should be a huge fan of group 1, which is why she takes the job without thinking about the consequences first. the ceo/company advisor person who gives female 1 the job should be a supporting role. group 2 should be highlighted more than group 1.

feel free to make this story any rating you'd like, or change it to /yuri if you please.          
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"the heartbreaker" has been adopted! check out the link in the chapter c:


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could i adopt "quarter quell"? thanks~
yamitan7 #2
Chapter 1: I donated an idea :)
Hello, would it be alright if I adopt 'Project: Bring Her Back'?
Please and thank you very much.
fluffygorillas #4
Chapter 28: i really like 'hold me in your bionic arms', do you think i could adopt that?
i've donated an idea~
Donated an idea!