drummer boy

el dorado // adopt or donate a fic idea // OPEN
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  drummer boy. my heart goes to your beat. one shot, short story romcom my life tbh available credit female 1 just had a rough break up with her (ex) boyfriend. in an attempt to get her mind off of things, her best friend female 2 takes her out to a Japanese bon dance. they spend the night eating good food and learning about female 2's culture all while having fun. when the last dance roles around, female 1 can't help but be compelled to the boy about her age performing in the drummers. they maintain eye contact every time she passes him when coming around the yagura, and her best friend even whispers in her ear that there's no way he can see anything but female 1. unfortunately, the two depart abruptly after it's over, leaving the male and female 1 yearning for more. the two girls go to every bon dance for the rest of the obon season in the hopes of finding the drummer boy.

^pretty much a summary of my past week. the drummer boy doesn't necessarily need to be a traditional Japanese drummer, you could put him in a band or something, but like I said this was just my own personal experience. if you don't know what a Japanese bon dance is like, you can google it or check if there's any coming up in your area! they're really fun c:

the povs should switch from female 1 and the male to help lengthen the story. I see it as a one shot, and you could maybe make it a short story if you're good at spreading things out. I'm not confident that you could develop
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"the heartbreaker" has been adopted! check out the link in the chapter c:


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could i adopt "quarter quell"? thanks~
yamitan7 #2
Chapter 1: I donated an idea :)
Hello, would it be alright if I adopt 'Project: Bring Her Back'?
Please and thank you very much.
fluffygorillas #4
Chapter 28: i really like 'hold me in your bionic arms', do you think i could adopt that?
i've donated an idea~
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