teen beach movie by trashcakes

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  teen beach movie. please just pause the dvr, someone wont you make it stop. reg, applyfic romcom teen beach movie available credit two teenagers get trapped inside a movie where they find others also trapped, but all from different decades. 

the movie that the individuals get trapped in doesn't necessarily have to be west side story, like it is in the disney film, but it can be if you choose. whichever movie is up to you. 

whatever happens during this "trapped" version of the movie does not effect the actual cinema version. ex: if a trapped individual accidentally injures the protagonist of the movie, someone in real life watching the movie will not see it and the movie will be the same. 

there is plenty of room to grow here as trashcakes gives a vague look into the idea so you have a lot of space for your imagination to roam.

trashcakes does ask, though, that you keep the plot point of the individuals getting trapped in a movie.          
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could i adopt "quarter quell"? thanks~
yamitan7 #2
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fluffygorillas #4
Chapter 28: i really like 'hold me in your bionic arms', do you think i could adopt that?
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