logout by alcyonen

el dorado // adopt or donate a fic idea // OPEN
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  logout. internet is the town squre for the village of tomorrow. applyfic drama, slice of life experience available credit after a recent fiery debate between two well known users of xxx* website, the whole incident cause a major debate that ended in an overrun of trolls, reports, and many others that the founder had to finally close down the website for good. 

two years following the incident, five moderators (now with jobs and lives) of the website set up a 'reunion' with each other and discuss the joys, pains, and what was hidden from the layman users.

*a knockoff/made up website

the site being referred to should be a community/forum website; think of LiveJournal, AFF, or OneHallyu (as pure examples, don't use real websites).

the timeline of the story may vary as much as you want it to; alcyonen thinks it's better off as non-linear with the plot chronogy backwards. the setting could be in any year; but sometime around 2010 (or around the internet explosion) would be recommended.

the plotlines are quite flexible; free, even. include how the website impacts their lives. some of them could be realizing that it's some kind of unhealthy addiction or some as an only escapism - something like that.

faceclaims are free game: anything works. you could even make it interactive with other aff users or other website users through shares of experiences. username, passwords, and all the website login necessities are required.
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"the heartbreaker" has been adopted! check out the link in the chapter c:


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could i adopt "quarter quell"? thanks~
yamitan7 #2
Chapter 1: I donated an idea :)
Hello, would it be alright if I adopt 'Project: Bring Her Back'?
Please and thank you very much.
fluffygorillas #4
Chapter 28: i really like 'hold me in your bionic arms', do you think i could adopt that?
i've donated an idea~
Donated an idea!