twin complex by decapitated

el dorado // adopt or donate a fic idea // OPEN
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  twin complex. only the greatest shall live, the weak will die. regular scifi, action n/a taken credit perfection will only be reached by keeping the strongest. in this world, all individuals are genitically mutated, with everybody having a twin. at the age of 16, all of the twins' accomplsihments shall be evaluated and a panel will choose which one is the superior twin. the other shall be killed, as they are deemed not worthy enough to live.

the main character should be someone who is either learning to accept the society, or is planning to rebel against it. that person should be the main character, and their twin can be a supporting character if you choose for the twins to know each other prior to the evaluation. everything else is open.

decapitated stated that you're free to change anything you'd like; it's a really loose idea.

feel free to make the story any rating you'd like, or change it to yaooi/yuri if you please.          
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"the heartbreaker" has been adopted! check out the link in the chapter c:


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could i adopt "quarter quell"? thanks~
yamitan7 #2
Chapter 1: I donated an idea :)
Hello, would it be alright if I adopt 'Project: Bring Her Back'?
Please and thank you very much.
fluffygorillas #4
Chapter 28: i really like 'hold me in your bionic arms', do you think i could adopt that?
i've donated an idea~
Donated an idea!