go screw yourself

el dorado // adopt or donate a fic idea // OPEN
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  go screw yourself. i had a feeling it would go this way. regular romcom avery available credit male 1 and female 1 were previously best friends, until they were ripped apart due to their desire to be better than each other. the two have always been great on their own, but they are phenominal together. it's currently their last year of high school and their teachers have decided that in it's in the students' best interests that they seat the two next to each other in every class, and pair them up for every assignment to show the two how unstoppable they are as a pair. it's up to male 1 and female 1 to decide whether they want to grow together or fall on their own.

two main characters being male 1 and female 1, unless you choose to focus on one specifically. there should be a good amount of supporting characters aware of the problem between the two. the two of them should have a heavy background and strong personalities to keep a rivalry going so long. there's a lot of room to be creative with them.

it doesn't have to necessarily be a romance, though I always saw it as one.

feel free to make this any rating you'd like, or change it to a /yuri story if you please.          
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"the heartbreaker" has been adopted! check out the link in the chapter c:


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could i adopt "quarter quell"? thanks~
yamitan7 #2
Chapter 1: I donated an idea :)
Hello, would it be alright if I adopt 'Project: Bring Her Back'?
Please and thank you very much.
fluffygorillas #4
Chapter 28: i really like 'hold me in your bionic arms', do you think i could adopt that?
i've donated an idea~
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