It's impossible and we know it...?


"What if it was me?" he asked. Those made me dizzy. I swayed. I swallowed hard and took a deep breath. Is this like a dream? He, KIM JAEJOONG, likes me, AN ORDINARY GIRL? What?! I.. I can't believe it.

I slowly looked at him in the eye and said, "Yes. I'd say yes."


[Jaejoong's POV]

She said yes. But suddenly, BoA's words came to me. I... I can't let her be "devoured" by the fans. She'd be chased around, and interviewed. I don't want that to happen to someone i like... I can't. I won't.


[Nikki's POV]

He stared into space then suddenly started chuckling. "I must be really good looking, huh?"

"What?" I asked, raising my brows. Completely blur.

"You'd say no to other guys but me.. Hmm. It feels nice. But Nikki, what i asked you-"

"Was only a question, isn't it?" I finished coldly. Tears started to sting my eyes.

I stood up, pulling my hands from his. "Wait. Where're you going?"

"Where am i going? Somewhere to hide this ing face of mine," i yelled.

"What? Why?" He asked, grabbing my wrist.

"I just said YES to your so-called "confession". And then what? This turned out as a joke??" I asked harshly and pulled my hands away once again.

"It's not a joke, Nikki," he said and sighed.

"Then what is it? Just a stupid question? I'm your maid, i know. But i'm also a girl. I have feelings y'know?" I said and stood about 1 metre away from him.

"It's not a stupid question either..." He dragged.

"Listen, I don't fall in love. That was why i chose you as my bias. I thought i'd never meet you. I thought that i could like you and forget about the other guy. I wasn't supposed to meet you! I..I hate falling in love. I HATE IT. And here i am, in love all over again," i yelled. My tears fell. That was the reason why i stayed in the orphanage. I didn't meet other guys there. I only communicated with young kids. I HATED LOVE. parents left me. They abandoned me. Then i met a boy. He left me as well. I HATED LOVE.

"Nikki, don't cry. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry," Jaejoong said, and walked over to me. I leaned agianst the wall and eventually slid down to the ground. He knelt down and hugged me to his chest.

"Just, go away!!" I screamed and pushed him away.

"You're in love with me and you're crying?" He shouted. "Then what about me? I like you. ALOT. But i can't be with you. Do you know how much i want to be like any other guy?? To just hold their girl's hand in public, kiss them, hug them... And i can't do that! I want to be with you. But you'll be surrounded with reporters. You'll be interviewed. You'll be harrassed by fans. EVERYTHING. Soon, you'll get tired. You'll leave me. Or i'd break it off with you because i don't wanna see you sad. What kind of relationship is that? Do you want that? Tell me you want it, and i'll give it to you. I can be selfish and just make you mine. Or i can be big hearted and push you away so you can be happy. So tell me, who should be the one crying? At least you had a relationship. I never had one. I don't know what it feels like..." he said. I had already stopped crying. He held my hands in one of his and raised the other to my cheek.

He ran his thumb over my tears and wiped it off. Gosh was it overwhelming. I threw my arms over his neck and hugged him. He fell backwards a little but caught his balance. His arms came around my back, hugging me tight.

"Jaejoong ah," I called softly.


"I...don't wanna get hurt again.." I said and unhugged him.

"I won't hurt you. I promise. But it'll really be tiring for you. The interviews, reporters, fans...It's gonna be alot to take in, Nikki," he said and placed a hand over my cheek again.

"I don't know..." I admitted.

"How about we keep this relationship among us? We'll keep it low first. Once you're ready, i'll make it public. How's that?" He suggested.

"I guess that's better.." I smiled weakly.

"Am i supposed to be feeling like this?" He suddenly smiled and asked.

"Feel what?" I queried.

"This... Urge to laugh and jump around," he said. I laughed and nodded.

"Do you see that?" He asked.

"See what?"

"Us, together." I grinned as he said that.

"Jaejoong ah. I'm gonna tell Seung about us. Ok?" I said.

"Sure. I'm gonna tell the boys too," he answered. I nodded and hugged him once again.

He laughed and hugged me back. "Aren't you cold?" he asked.

"I am!" I whined.

"Of course you are. Look at what you're wearing! I told you to cover your bare shoulders isn't it? And your legs. Tsk," he scolded. We unhugged and i went over to sit on the bed. He walked to the cupboard and took his shirt out.

He passed it to me and muttered, "Put it on."

"We're in the hotel~" I said.

"I know. But Junsu is gonna come back anytime soon! So put it on!" He said.

"Okay, okay.." I agreed and under my breath, "first boyfriend job." Since he's already acting like a boyfriend, i'm gonna act like a girlfriend. "Jaejoong ah," i called as i pulled on his HUGE shirt over me.


"Gimme your phone," i demanded.

"What for?" he asked. In shock. HAHA.

"I'm your girlfriend. I wanna see your phone," i said. He nodded and went to get the phone. When he came, he sat down on the bed beside me.

"Which one do you want?" He took out a Blackberry, HTC-something and his iPhone4. I took his Blackberry first and scrolled down his contacts. Finally under "N", i saw "Nikki". WOAH. When i checked the two others, there were two hearts beside them.

I looked up at him with wide eyes. "What?" he asked, "I've liked you for quite some time."

"Since when?" I asked, curious already. I've been liking him since 2 years ago. I wanna know how long he did.

"I'm not gonna tell you!" He laughed.

"Whhhyyyyy~" I whined.

"I'm not gonna tell you!" He said and went into the toilet.

I laughed and secretly celebrated with a little boogie dance; clenched fists and moving them in circles. "Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah!" I sang softly.

I intended to change my name in his phone. But he already did way before. Hmm. I wanted to know how long he's been liking me!




OKAY! How's that?

HAHA. I know you guys hate cliffhangers. :D

And i love those comments! Thank you sooo much!

And welcome new readers! :D

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 34: Very sweet story ^^
2114 streak #2
Chapter 34: A nice story, author-nim :)
I liked reading it...
claribelmiranda #3
Chapter 34: Awww....hahaha sweet story! Looove this, great hehe, anyways done reading this one! ^^
MaxForever7 #4
great ending to a fun story!!!<br />
thank you so much for writing it (:
leedictator #5
Omgosh ~! It`s finished! I`ve been gone for so long that I didn`t know, haha. The ending was lovely, I really like this story ^^
AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! I AGREE WITH kannielove!!!!!!!!!!<br />
UNEXPECTED sequel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
ParkChinji #7
it already ended . sniff * T_T<br />
hahahhaha ! t`was a success !!
lovetronica #9
Thank you all for reading, and commenting! I live to write for wonderful readers like you all. Since this is the last chapter can you guys comment more???? Pleaseeeeeeeeee.