Introduction of my life

scent of you

" Your face !"

" Good morning too, Luna."

Luna, sarcatic yet kind in her heart. I get to used it. The orphan girl that got lucky because of her foster parents are rich and spoiled her with soo much love, which she loved very much. I knew her when I entered my new college as a new student. She was a senior, same age but in her 3rd year. She saw me drew in the corner of the library and quite forced me to help her with everything she did, made me her eternal partner by force.

" How's date last night? I hope he fit your criteria." I asked about her blind date

" HORRIBLE.SHORTY.STUTTER.CANT APPRECIATE MY PROFFESION. And you such as a bad friend! I'll cut your payment!!"

" I'm sorry I can't save you last night, but my grandma is more important than you." I said, " And don't cut my payment, BOSS!" I begged her sweetly.

Her spoiled parent always want Luna to get married early, so  they always sent Luna to do a blind date. And Luna can't say no to her lovely parent, although she always screams at me that she is 23, and 23 is an age to have fun, which I agree since we are in the same age, so she always have crazy idea to ruin the blind date. One of her crazy idea is involving me, by asking me to crash at the blind date and pretend to ber her boyfriend. As much as I want to reject her idea, I can't because she is my partner and my boss.

As a friend, Luna can be horrible, as a boss, she is very reliable, as a partner, she always has fresh idea which is combined with my drawing skill, we are always able to make best seller comic.

Well our job is a manga artist. Luna can draw well, but she said that she like being the brain when I being her hand. Luna doesn't have a pen name, she prefers using her real name because she wants to make her foster parent proud of her, and it works. Different from me, I prefer using anonymous name.With that, I can protect my privacy and still be able to gain fame and there are even some fan sites for my atworks, not just manga, but painting. The royalty isn't a joke. Buy a big garden and some farm equipments for my grandma, I can do it. But my grandma still in love with that garden which is the place where she was married to grandpa. And losing grandpa was a big blow for her, and also for me. A few days after my graduation day from high school, he passed away because of his heart disease. The paramedic said it wasn't painful for him, but they didn't know that it was indeed very painful for me and my grandma. However, the funeral was beautiful, surrounded by orange blossoms, I knew my grandma would be always stuck in grandpa.

My parents and my brother flew from NY to attend his funeral. In pain of losing grandpa who always be there for me and hold me tight, I was in joy because I thought they were back to take me with them. I learnt dilligently, although my grades not as good as they were expecting, certainly it's not quite bad. 100 from 315 students. I was ready to face them.

"Dad, Mom, I graduated!.'" with happy face I got closer to them

" Yes Soo, we're happy for you." My mom hug me and I can smell her scent. 2 years has passed since I could hug this beautiful woman

" Are you going to take me?" I asked her

" No, Kyungsoo."' My father answers with his aura," We can't take you since we know this is not your best. You should enter the best university in Korea and majorring in bussiness, I hope you can continue our business. Jongin graduated too and he got accepted at Columbia University. You should be like him. Don't let me down son." He touched my shoulder and left to comfort my grandma

I hold my tears, always like this. I''ll never be good enough for him. Jongin will always be the best. I can't beat him because I am not good enough yet I can hate him either, because he is my beloved baby brother.


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JasKoh89 #1
Chapter 26: This story is so heart wrenching. Shed tears while reading it. Thank u
X1234x #2
Thankyou for taking time and giving appreciation for my work
Sorry for bad grammar and vocab
I will write the epilogue,but not sure when
anywho #3
Chapter 25: Is this story just end like that?
Why!!!Anyway this is the most beautiful story that i have ever rad.:)
Chapter 25: its complete?
Chapter 21: ㅠㅠㅠㅠoh my baby poor him.. Soo yah... Will you finally let him die? He is in sooo much pain. ㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 17: uwah this story make make tear up T___T
what will happen to kyungsoo ;_______;
yowazzup07 #7
Chapter 14: Wow this story is making me teary, i want to know what will happen to kyungsoo