conversation with my sister

scent of you

"Luna, this is emergency! Please help me!" The tone I used different from the usual. Luna quickly noticed the change

"My room?" She asked. "OK" I replied

After making sure the door is locked and none can hear what we will talk about we talk

" Luna... maybe it's time for me to resign."

"You're crazy, who will help me? Do the chemo and you can draw manga freely. I BEG YOU KYUNGSOO, PLEASE!" She cried hysterically, and honestly it shocked me

"the pain that you felt in your left leg, we make sure that it was bone cancer. To be excact it is osteosarcoma, malignant tumor. The best plan to get rid of this tumor is chemotherapy. Make sure the cancer cells is killed, after that surgery must be done for the bone. You're in the stage 2. The sooner treatment done, the survival rate is higher."

" If the chemo works, He won't lose my left leg right?"It was Luna asking the doctor, not me, the patient

"There is always a change. But from the result it seems that amputation has to be done" the doctor answered her

"But he can live well right?" Asked Luna again

"There is always possibility...." I cut the doctor, "Just give me painkiller and I'll leave this place"

"No, you sit here and do the chemo!" Luna yelled at me

"Doc, could we go out for a moment?" He nodded and we go out.

"Luna, before you told me anything, I want you to sit and listen to me." She sit beside me

"I and my brother, once, we made a promise with this lovely girl to be together and grow old together. Suddenly she left, without notice and it broke my heart. But I thought I would be fine because I have my brother. One year later, I knew I wasn't fine anymore. My family left me here, just because my dad thought I was lazy, which I found out after graduating that I am dyslexia, still I tried to make him proud, to be like Jongin, my brother, who always be perfect. Even in my eyes, he will always be perfect. But I was tired, tired being something I cant afford to do. Then someone taught me about love that I founfd in drawing, it was you, the weird queen but surprisingly was the best student in our department. We started being friend when you forced me to do anything, and now we are bestfriend. The bestfriend that cared about me when I complained about pain in my right leg which turned out to be the malignant tumor. Now I ask you.

Are we bestfriend?"

"Yes" she answered

" Do you love me?"

"From the moment I met you till now, I  love you, Yes i love you! But it's not like man loves woman and vice versa. It is like sister loves his brother and hopes that his brother will see her to get married, to have children, to chat about anything, doing something like a family do. Because in you, Kyungsoo, I found a big brother that I never had. You always showered me with that kind of love. Even my parent agree that you look like my big brother than lover, that is way they never forced you to be my lover.

Now as a sister, little sister, I beg you

Please live, it's not for anyone else, it's for you, to meet Krystal...

Don't you remember your paint in my office, about the playground where three of you promise?

Why dont you try to live, holding to that promise?" She concluded her speech


" Luna, do you remember our conversation in the doctor one month ago?" I asked her

" Sure, so you want to do a chemo now?" She answered full of hope

"No, I still choose the meds."  "So why do you talk about it?"

"Jongin and Krystal are in Korea  now, and Jongin asked me to leave in the home and take care the company."

"So, it's the reason why you want to resign?"

"No, I want to travel around the world. I will help Jongin for one month, after that I will disappear."

"Don't say that you will disappear, please do the chemo." She cried in front of me

"I... I won't disappear, for now."

"Then before you travel, help me again"

"What is that?"

" I want to do a charity in my old orphanage, I think Jongin will be happy to help us."

"OK, I'll tell him. So I am leaving now."

"Wait..." she stopped me," Tell her you love her, know what I mean."

I hug  her, so tightly and open door of her room

" Please resign after one month, I need your help right now." She told me before I leave

And I raise my thumb, agree to what she said


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JasKoh89 #1
Chapter 26: This story is so heart wrenching. Shed tears while reading it. Thank u
X1234x #2
Thankyou for taking time and giving appreciation for my work
Sorry for bad grammar and vocab
I will write the epilogue,but not sure when
anywho #3
Chapter 25: Is this story just end like that?
Why!!!Anyway this is the most beautiful story that i have ever rad.:)
Chapter 25: its complete?
Chapter 21: ㅠㅠㅠㅠoh my baby poor him.. Soo yah... Will you finally let him die? He is in sooo much pain. ㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 17: uwah this story make make tear up T___T
what will happen to kyungsoo ;_______;
yowazzup07 #7
Chapter 14: Wow this story is making me teary, i want to know what will happen to kyungsoo