another round

scent of you

After a week, Kyungsoo is still weak, still get used to be one leg man, the doctor said the operation worked and he would continue with chemo. Seeing him still alive make me grateful. And now, here I am. In front of his chemo room. Kyungsoo is starting his new round again, and I am waiting in front of his room.

" So, how's chemo?" I'm helping him pulling his wheelchair

" Like usual, the after effect will follow me later" he said with a little laughter

In his room, he move his body by himself with a little struggle. Still being stubborn, he didn't want any help, and I respect his help.

" Where is Jongin, Krys?"

" He is a young CEO now, of course he is taking care the company. He will come latee though."

" and Luna? "

" She is on the way here. She said she would bring some job from you."

"Really? It could be fun then. I am getting bored here without nothing to do."

Then, I heard someone open the door

"Luna!!!" I screamed, so happy to see her coming

" Krystal, I'm so happy to see you!" she replied me happily

" You both really look like old friend. And don't scream too loud, you could destroy someone's ear."

" Soo, why you don't appreciate our friendship. Here a lot of job you need to review. Since you haven't given your resignation letter yet, you're still my employeer."

" Well, thankyou Luna, at least even you're a horrible boss, you save me from boredom. Leave that here, and take Krystal out with you. She need refreshing.'

" But, Soo.. I dont need it."I tried to reject it, but Luna already put a big cardus beside Kyungsoo and take me out

" Bye, have fun!" I heard Kyungsoo screamed


" Krys, sorry to force you out like this. But you need refreshing."

" I know Luna, still I can leave him alone."

" Let him to be adjusted with his new condition, he smiled but you know him, full of secret."

We spend a few hours in the coffee shop, then we decided to go back


" Jongin, why are you outside?Let's go inside" I am ready to pull the door when Jongin prevent me

" Don't Krys", I am confused with his act," why?"

" Because...." I am afraid something happened to Kyungsoo, so I opened the door, and find an empty bed. But I heard someone's vomit, so I run to the bathroom. I find him there, feeling so helpless. I got closer to him, and he tried to pull me away, but I resist and it took a long time for him to stop vomitting. After that he cried to me, in my shoulder. And I, feeling weak than ever... just hold on my tear


Jongin's pov

Seeing my brother feeling so helpless, even he cried, I just wanted to cry with him. I wanted to take away all of his pain, and Luna beside me, she hold my hand, so tightly, and she might be not realise, that tear is already falling. I looked at her and wiped her tears. I got closer to her, and without knowing, our lips touching... suddenly she pulled away

" Jongin... maybe we're carried away...but I enjoy it" With that she walked away


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JasKoh89 #1
Chapter 26: This story is so heart wrenching. Shed tears while reading it. Thank u
X1234x #2
Thankyou for taking time and giving appreciation for my work
Sorry for bad grammar and vocab
I will write the epilogue,but not sure when
anywho #3
Chapter 25: Is this story just end like that?
Why!!!Anyway this is the most beautiful story that i have ever rad.:)
Chapter 25: its complete?
Chapter 21: ㅠㅠㅠㅠoh my baby poor him.. Soo yah... Will you finally let him die? He is in sooo much pain. ㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 17: uwah this story make make tear up T___T
what will happen to kyungsoo ;_______;
yowazzup07 #7
Chapter 14: Wow this story is making me teary, i want to know what will happen to kyungsoo