please wake up

scent of you

Mom's pov

I am such as a bad mother. My son always tries to protect everyone, but I just broke him again. Knowing he is disable to follow the lesson, because of his brain need a little help. And I knew it not by myself, but from his grandma, I am such as an irresponsible mother, never knowing the well care of her children. I am just asking him to improve without helping him. I don't try hard to take him to NY. I should take him there, maybe he will be able to learn, and maybe he won't get this disease. All is about maybe which I know isn't the truth I face right now. And know, he was lying there, the wires start to scare me. I am afraid he won't wake up. At least, let him wake up so I can apologize


Dad's pov

When my mother dies, I let out my tears. That was when I cry loudly. Knowing my son lying in that bed, my mother still can open her eyes, but him, won't open at all. Holding his hand, I never hold his hand so close. He is so thin, I wonder if he eats well. When I met my mother a day after Kyungsoo coming, she told me and my wife about Kyungsoo dyslexia, his abandoned fear, and about Krystal. I am never a good father from the begining. Kyungsoo showed me that he was humble by donating kidney for his brother. And years passed by, I never cared enough for him, I just cared about grade and achievement without understand of his need. Selfishly, leaving him to be with my mother and father only tore him apart. When Krystal appears, I want her to be with Jongin, but maybe since begining I know her heart, the heart that always longing for Kyungsoo's. I never know that Kyungsoo always care about people around him, donating to poor people and the orphanage, and what I do was complaining. Seeing him fall after my mother dead, I thought he was just shocked, I never thought he hide another secret. And I am afraid, that I don't know what his eyes like, because I never care about him like I care about Jongin. And now the tears is falling again, I want him to call me dad, and be angry for everything that I have ever done.


Jongin's pov

Grandma's funeral has already finished. Surrounded by camellia pink, I notice the meaning from Kyungsoo book in his room. I never know that Kyungsoo will be such an enigma. I never know that he loved flower, I never know how alone he was when I go, I never know the scar in my abdomen, is a sign to remind me, how grateful I for having him to be my brother. 4 years old yet he willing to give his kidney to his brother, that stupid brother which can't even protect him from father's scolding. I never know that dyslexia made him look stupid, whereas it's just his brain need a little therapy. I just let him go sinking. And when father scolded him for being manga artist and always praised me, my head shouldn't be go big. I should be happy for his choice. And when osteosarcoma broke him down, I should know about it. He always be able to read me like a book, yet I never know the truth about him. About the smile that he always shows to me, I wonder, whether it is the truth or just a cover. He always protects people feeling, and doesn't care if his heart got hurt too deeply. Like Krystal, he made his own decision to protect her, by staying away from her, but she is strong, stronger than you, Kyungsoo. Hyung, I am your brother, yet felt like outsider. Hyung, I'm sorry.


Luna's pov

Crazy man, I told you that you should do the chemo, yet you reject. I know what you've done is suicide act. I know your life is not quite happy. But your future is. Please wake up my brother, oppa, you and Krystal just started a relationship. Don't you want a happy family for yourself? Wake up and do the surgery, you're still Kyungsoo even though you lost your right leg. They said the cancer has spread to your brain that is why you are getting dizzy. Krystal is waiting for you, and I am waiting for you too, to be my future children godfather.


Krystal's pov

You're such as a horrible person. We just confessed our love and now you're lying with that wires. I hate that sound, but I like the ryhthm, because it is indicated you're still here, please dont leave. We haven't redeem our 8 years yet. I never know your struggle with the lesson, I should be helping you, I want to be the real woman you expect me to be. I want to support you and encourage you when you're tired. Luna told me your crazy mind to not follow the chemo, suddenly asked her to be your pretend girlfriend, and your painting in her office, she said you wanted to give it to me but you're too afraid. Thankyou Kyungsoo, for loving me this 8 years. I know I am an egoistic person, asking without giving. I want to give you happiness, I want to love you and hold you

Please wake up


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JasKoh89 #1
Chapter 26: This story is so heart wrenching. Shed tears while reading it. Thank u
X1234x #2
Thankyou for taking time and giving appreciation for my work
Sorry for bad grammar and vocab
I will write the epilogue,but not sure when
anywho #3
Chapter 25: Is this story just end like that?
Why!!!Anyway this is the most beautiful story that i have ever rad.:)
Chapter 25: its complete?
Chapter 21: ㅠㅠㅠㅠoh my baby poor him.. Soo yah... Will you finally let him die? He is in sooo much pain. ㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 17: uwah this story make make tear up T___T
what will happen to kyungsoo ;_______;
yowazzup07 #7
Chapter 14: Wow this story is making me teary, i want to know what will happen to kyungsoo