coffee shop

scent of you

My first day in the company is not quite busy. Everything has been handled by Jongin and Krystal. Working with them both, I must admit that they have good comunication and coordination, which reminded me on Luna. Randomly, I asked her out to the coffee shop near the company, since her office just two blocks away. After asking permission to Jongin, which he immediately agree and he told me not to ask permission like he is boss, which indeed he is the boss, I go to the coffee shop and Luna has already waited for me.

" Have you told her, that you love her?"


"Have you told Jongin to help in my charity?"

"I forgot"

"What can you do right?"

"Enjoying life"


A waitress came and we ordered, black coffee for me  and green tea latte for her

"Full of bitterness, eh" Luna said


"Do chemo and you'll be happy" she tried to persuaded me again and I just laugh

Suddenly I feel pain in the right leg, the pain is very painful, not like the usual pain. Luna, noticing my expression, grab my bag and find my painkiller. Hurriedly, she shoved the painkiller to my mouth and give me my mineral water in bag. The pain doesn't go away quickly, that's not how painkiller works. But it lessen the pain gradually. Almost one hour later, I feel the usual pain, not the unusual like that again.

Luna, after confirming I was okay, start to scold me again

" I'm free today, lets sign up for chemo"

"No, I can't, I have to help Jongin."

"Who needs your help, look..., it's that Jongin with Krystal?"

"How did you know them? Wait...they are here?" I hurriedly put my meds and everything about my disease to my bag so they won't find it

" From your facebook, doing some research, and relax, your meds are already safe on your bag, Soo... they're walking toward here..."


Krystal' pov

Jongin and I got tired and we decided to go to the coffee shop near our company. I heard Kyungsoo also there. I got excited to meet him in the coffee shop. I want to know what is his favorit. When we open the door, in the corner, from behind, I saw someone like Kyungsoo, but he is not alone, he is with a quite pretty girl, and it makes me jealous. Has 8 years changed everything? Should I give up to be with you? But what if my heart wants you so badly?


Jongin's pov

I saw my brother and this girl. And Krystal's expression changed quickly, from happiness to disappointment. But I can't blame my brother either. When we were together, my brother always can read me like a book, but I never be able to understand him. He is like an riddle, and that girl, is she her girlfriend? She looked so close with my brother. I walked toward them, hoping to know who she is and I know, Krystal will also follow me.


"Kyungsoo, who is this girl? Is this your girlfriend?" Asked Jongin with curiousity

" What...I am," I cut Luna's words," Yes she is." I show my fake smile to them

I can read them, they are shocked for all different reason

"Well I see, then we will choose different table, we dont want to disturb you." Jongin stopped this awkwardness

"No, it's okay if you join us. Just two of us is getting boring." I let them to join us

I know Luna stared me with the eyes that want to kill someone, but I just pay attention to one person

Her face is now trying to hide the tears, I know I hurt her

Sorry Krystal, don't fall in love with me

You're better getting hurt now than later


Krystal's pov

I think my feeling really one side

I should learn to forget him

Loving, can be really hurt


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JasKoh89 #1
Chapter 26: This story is so heart wrenching. Shed tears while reading it. Thank u
X1234x #2
Thankyou for taking time and giving appreciation for my work
Sorry for bad grammar and vocab
I will write the epilogue,but not sure when
anywho #3
Chapter 25: Is this story just end like that?
Why!!!Anyway this is the most beautiful story that i have ever rad.:)
Chapter 25: its complete?
Chapter 21: ㅠㅠㅠㅠoh my baby poor him.. Soo yah... Will you finally let him die? He is in sooo much pain. ㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 17: uwah this story make make tear up T___T
what will happen to kyungsoo ;_______;
yowazzup07 #7
Chapter 14: Wow this story is making me teary, i want to know what will happen to kyungsoo