the winner of her heart

scent of you

I have often come to the orphanage. Taught them how to draw, giving present from my royalty, donating for this orphanage, I guess I will write this orphanage into my will. Since it is saturday, the kids are in the orphanage with 4 adults, which is me, Jongin, Luna, and Krystal. We played few games where we divided into several times, and I don't know why Luna and Krystal always in one team, and I stuck with Jongin. Luckily, I found both girls quite friendly toward each others. Of course they have to be friendly, they don't have problem, after all, I am the problem. When the game has finished, we sit and making a circle. I and Luna give out our manga to them freely.They are always happy to read them. Honestly, I am shocked to see that Luna write and draw the manga by herself. She is a genious artist. But the story make me remember something, the story was about my life, and fortunately, it was cut until my family left to NY, which is written in manga that they are moving to Australia. Still, that was my story..

I pull Luna quickly

" You're crazy"

" It help you to confess to her easily, foolish man"

" You have to give me royalty"

"There is no prove that it was your story"

"My brother will realize it"

" As soon as possible will be good"

" Kyungsoo, tell Krystal you love her"

" I can't..."

Krystal suddenly appear and ask me " Do you love me?"

" No, I am not"

Krystal asked Luna directly, " Are you her girlfriend?"

Luna answered truthfully," No, I am his bestfriend, that's right. But we're not and never being a lover. Because from 8 years ago, he has fallen love with another girl."

With that Luna leave me with Krystal

Krystal asked me with eyed glazzed glass, " why are you lying to me?"

"Because promise only broke your faith. I learn not to hold on a promise." I said facing her faces. She looked quite shocked, but she answered again

"I'm sorry for leaving without notice, I don't know your condition. When Jongin in NY, I was hoping to see you, but I don't see you. I was confused, where should I call you, and when I know Jongin will be back to Korea, I am so happy, because I could see you. I want to redeem all the time that we have lost in 8 years Kyungsoo. I love you." With that she pressed her soft lips again. Our second kiss

I pulled out myself from her kiss. It can't be like this. She will get hurt. More lie will be better

" Sorry Krystal, that feeling has changed. Three of us promised to be together, it was 8 years ago. I admitted that I have liked you, it was also 8 years ago. 8 years changes everything Krystal, love... I hated that word, that word make me feel abandoned. But if you were with me, maybe I will win from Jongin. I am tired being compared to him, just because my brain works slower. You shouldn't be with loser like me, you deserve to be with a winner, Jongin is."

"What is your right to decide with whom I should be. My heart choose you from very long time ago. Am I such a trophy that must stay in the winner hand? Find if I have to stay in winner hand, because the winner is you, it will be always you. Don't go away from me"

She hug me, and that happiness, the kind of happiness when seeing Jongin alive and breathing, it tears me up

I cry and told her," But I am get to used it being abandoned. If you want to broke me, abandoned me, I'll take it. Just please, care about me."

" I love you, and if you broke, we broke together, if you're abandoned, let's disappear."


Jongin saw that view from afar, Luna go closer to him

" Jongin, your brother already in pain for a long time, give him a happiness, not only from Krystal, but from you, from your family. You're already read my comic, right, that's about your brother. Everything."

Luna left Jongin to see that view

And once again Jongin asked himself

" Am I a good brother for you, hyung?

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JasKoh89 #1
Chapter 26: This story is so heart wrenching. Shed tears while reading it. Thank u
X1234x #2
Thankyou for taking time and giving appreciation for my work
Sorry for bad grammar and vocab
I will write the epilogue,but not sure when
anywho #3
Chapter 25: Is this story just end like that?
Why!!!Anyway this is the most beautiful story that i have ever rad.:)
Chapter 25: its complete?
Chapter 21: ㅠㅠㅠㅠoh my baby poor him.. Soo yah... Will you finally let him die? He is in sooo much pain. ㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 17: uwah this story make make tear up T___T
what will happen to kyungsoo ;_______;
yowazzup07 #7
Chapter 14: Wow this story is making me teary, i want to know what will happen to kyungsoo