
scent of you

Atmosphere in the dinning room always like this.Grandma and I will enjoy the silent and eat our dinner. But not tonight, in the middle of eating, someone knocked our door. I rushed to open the door. What I didn't expect was...

" Kyungsoo!!!!" Jongin hug me tightly

I hug him then I realized someone behind him, I know that face, face that I pissed yet I love so deeply...

" Jongin, grandma said that you should arrive tomorrow, you came early heh?" I asked him after freeing myself from his hug

"Yes!!!I miss you so much, so I book early ticket just to see your face."

"I see, and who is this lady? Is this your girlfriend?" I asked him, pretending to not know her yet. I see a glimpse of disappointment in her face

" No, Kyungsoo..You remember our pretty classmate and playmate, it's her Krystal."

" Hmm.. honestly I'm not quite remember, sorry Krystal." I show my fake smile to her. I don't want to get hurt by her. I guess this is the best for us

" It's okay Kyungsoo, 8 years can change everything,' she laughed half hearted

" Soo, who is that?" Grandma shouted from the dinning room

With confused mind, I let Krystal and Jongin to go to the dinning room and meet with grandma

When grandma saw both of them, she get up and hug them tightly

" Jongin I haven't seen you so so so long, and who is this pretty lady? Is this your wife?" Grandma asked with a big smile in her face

" No grandma, I wish ahahaha. She is my childhood playmate with Soo." Jongin said, and I notice a small blush in his face. He must be so in love with her, and suddenly, I feel a little bit of jealousy.  No, I can't let this feeling get bigger!

Grandma let Jongin and Krystal eat the dinner. It seems grandma so happy with the guest,because he put many food inside their plate, and they didn't dare to reject the food. Personally, I enjoy this view, grandma with her big smile, Jongin my beloved brother, and Krystal, lover that shouldn't be mine. I don't know how long I can enjoy the view.

" Soo, I've been gone to our old home and cleaned it up. You should prepare your thing and tomorrow, you can start to live there again, with me, mom, dad, and Krys ." said Jongin

I was surprised with his words. I'm not ready to live there, I'm not ready to face my father, knowing I will be such a disappointment for him

Morover, I don't want to be near Krystal and hurt everyone...

Because secret is better to be kept as a secret.

" Jongin, that's too hurry. Give me time, beside, I don't want to leave grandma alone here." I tried to reject his offer

" Eh, but grandma said you have agreed and already packing, and grandma have no problem to live alone, she already found a caretaker to take care her and her garden." Jongin said with confused face

" But..." I said," No but Kyungsoo, prepare your thing and tomorrow there are truck to pick your thing. Now let me continue the dinner.

" Soo, it's okay with me," Grandma said, " you should be back. I pity you should catch a bus in the early morning just to go to the city. If you live in the city, you could be near you office." added Grandma

" Soo, you're already worked?WOW, where do you work?' Jongin can't hide his happiness

"In the manga company, I am a drawer, just lower person. Ahahaha, and how about you Jongin? I read that you got an honourable degree in your college. Do you back to continue dad's business?" I asked with curiousity. After all Jongin will always be a straight A student that my father adores deeply

"Drawer is a fun job Soo!!!," Jongin encouraged Kyungsoo," You stalked me." he tried to hide his face red

" Oh by the way, mom and dad's plane will be landing in the afternoon. I will prepare everything in the company with Krystal.She will help me there. and Soo,can you also help me in company?" asked Jongin

I was taken aback with his words. I am a dropout student from major business, Yes I entered Sungkyunkwan University,but on my 4th semester, I have given up. My brain can't take the lesson. This dyslexia is blocking my way to be dad's pride. And that's why I give up. I have already realized that everything I do, I can't beat Jongin, so I enrolled again at Arts University. My grandma, even though she doesn't know that I'm dyslexia, is supporting every decision that I've made. She protected me from dad's anger. My mom, also protected me. I knew how she always begged to my dad to take me to NY. When I couldn't understand a lesson and stay awake until I dont know, she also stayed awake and accompanied me from the family room, she didn't come to my room because she knew how I hated to feel weak. My father, since knowing that I enrolled to Arts University, he raged through the phone and told me to choose my own way alone, which led me to be a drawer in Luna's company. So, why Jongin, the honourable student asking me for help in dad's office.

" Jongin, are you kidding? I'm not capable to help you in office. But if you need drawer, I can help you." I laughed awkwardly at him

" Kyungsoo, I feel safe if you with me, could you help me?" Jongin asked seriously

"Yes Kyungsoo, could you help him?" Krystal voiced her mind

I was startled. Krystal spoke and for the first time I listened to her voice, it was so beautiful. And I was hoping, like 8 years ago, when I always protected her, that he entirely could be mine forever

"Soo...soo" Jongin's voice wake me up from my dream

"Okay Jongin, I will try to help you for a month, not more" I proposed my requirement

" Why just a month Soo?Help me while you being a drawer won't bring you any problem" He tried to persuade me with his puppy eyes

"No Jongin, you will be able to do everything by yourself, and later you dont need my help anymore." I said with the sweetest smile I ever give to him

" Your words like you'll be gone away Soo"

Yes Jongin, maybe in a month, six month, a year, I'll be gone

Just leaving a grave which maybe none attend

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JasKoh89 #1
Chapter 26: This story is so heart wrenching. Shed tears while reading it. Thank u
X1234x #2
Thankyou for taking time and giving appreciation for my work
Sorry for bad grammar and vocab
I will write the epilogue,but not sure when
anywho #3
Chapter 25: Is this story just end like that?
Why!!!Anyway this is the most beautiful story that i have ever rad.:)
Chapter 25: its complete?
Chapter 21: ㅠㅠㅠㅠoh my baby poor him.. Soo yah... Will you finally let him die? He is in sooo much pain. ㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 17: uwah this story make make tear up T___T
what will happen to kyungsoo ;_______;
yowazzup07 #7
Chapter 14: Wow this story is making me teary, i want to know what will happen to kyungsoo