first kiss

scent of you

Going to my parents home, I feel this kind of stingy sensation when entering the door. Jongin, notice my behaviour told me, but shrug it off, because he is too engrossed in Krystal. I go quickly to my old room, after a night slept there, my bad dreams started to appear, start when my father angry at me, my grade was the worst, I don't want that bad dream. I take a shower, and after that go to kitchen. It's still 7 p.m after all, yet there is no food. After coming home yesterday, my mom and my dad go to another city in Korea to do something about business, but I think they want to avoid me. Because when in NY, I hear from Jongin that they're always be there for Jongin, guess it's just my luck. Anyway, I won't be here anymore, so they don't need to avoid me.  I search the fridge, and found something to eat. With that, I cook for three of us, and call them after finishing my cooking. They quite surprise when I told them that I cook the food.

" I don't put a poison on it" I said when they look suspicious

" I trust you Kyungsoo, just... I am a woman and I can't cook like you" Krystal answered shyly

To hear her voice again, after what I have done, I am quite happy, it means that she is a strong woman

" To be woman, you don't need to prove yourself by cooking, but by ability to stand behind him, when he fell, he tired, you encouraged him and gave him support for everything that he've been through. That's the real woman." I said wholeheartedly

" Really, then I will try to be that woman, Kyungsoo" she said sweetly, and honestly the butterfly fly again in my tummy

No, Kyungsoo, the pain will be unbearable for her when you're gone

"Let's eat!!!"

In the middle of eating, suddenly I remember Luna's charity

" Jongin, Krystal, can you help me?"

"About what?" Jongin asked me

" Luna asked me if you both want to participate in charity in the her orphanage, it's not only by donating money, but you could help making cookies, serving milk, buying something that might be they need."

" I am interested Kyungsoo, just tell me the time and place, how about you Krystal?" Jongin asked Krystal

"Sure, I want to help, count me in too."

" Alright, it's clear now. Well I'll clean it up. Both of you could do your works."

" No, let us help you, OK"

"Well if you say so, then."


Krystal's pov

It can be like this.I have to confess even though he is having a girlfriend. While I was trying to control tears in the bathroom, I listened to his conversation with Jongin, I think I have hurt him so deeply by leaving without notice. I have to tell him.



"What's up Krystal?"

"I love you"

That's so sudden, but I can't accept her. This is so wrong

" Krystal, thankyou, but I already have a girlfriend, you shouldn't fall in love with me" I told him seriously

" I know, but...." the sudden movement that she's done, she pressed her soft lips into mine and I can't resist it. That was my first

" Thankyou Kyungsoo, my first kiss, I've done it with you, the one that I love" with that she left to her room

Me too Krystal, My first kiss with you, and I am happy



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JasKoh89 #1
Chapter 26: This story is so heart wrenching. Shed tears while reading it. Thank u
X1234x #2
Thankyou for taking time and giving appreciation for my work
Sorry for bad grammar and vocab
I will write the epilogue,but not sure when
anywho #3
Chapter 25: Is this story just end like that?
Why!!!Anyway this is the most beautiful story that i have ever rad.:)
Chapter 25: its complete?
Chapter 21: ㅠㅠㅠㅠoh my baby poor him.. Soo yah... Will you finally let him die? He is in sooo much pain. ㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 17: uwah this story make make tear up T___T
what will happen to kyungsoo ;_______;
yowazzup07 #7
Chapter 14: Wow this story is making me teary, i want to know what will happen to kyungsoo