
scent of you

Krystal's pov

Today, after his chemo, suddenly Kyungsoo asked me to accompany him to his grandma home. I was quite surprised with his request, since I know the chemo already weaken his current state. But being stubborn he is, I was forced to go with him. His parent offered a driver to take me there, but I rejected, since I know that Kyungsoo prefers me to drive him there. On my way there, I feel that he was feeling sleepy, so I told him to sleep and I will wake him up, and he quickly agreed. I enjoyed our trip. He looked so innocent, yet so strong, even though his body is weak. I prayed God, hoping that we will be together for another trips.

Finally, we arrived there. I gently wake him up. And I was surprised to find that his body is quite warm. But he quickly awakes and assures me that he is fine. I'm still suspicious, but I decided to trust him. Slowly holding his hand, I help him to go to the garden. There, he pulls out something  from his pocket.

"Krystal... look at this"

He showed me seeds, and I asked him, " what is it?"

"Since my grandma loved flowers, when I was living with her, I started to help her taking care her flowers. I started to understand their characteristic, their meaning, and the perfect place for them. But, this seeds is catching my eyes. I wasn't able to plant it here when my grandma was alive, now I want to plant this seeds here. You know, this is seeds of dandelion. People said that dandelion is one kind of weed. It needs to be destroyed. But, dandelion has a lot of function. Every part of its body is very useful. I want to be like dandelion, people don't know its benefits, but it surprised us with its excellence."

His thought is really mature, yet quite sad. He still doesn't understand the importance of his life in another people, how he helps people with everything he can.

" Soo..." I told him," you already helping people, better than the dandelion. People don't consider you as a weed, you help them without giving them any problem. Don't judge yourself lowly. You're very important, not only for me, but another people."

"Am I? I think I have caused a lot of problems for them." he laughed

" No, you're not." I looked deeply at his beautiful eyes. The eyes that I've been longing for.

He looked me back and told me," thank you Krystal. for supporting me," for a moment he paused the resumed," the dandelion, it reflects faithfulness and happiness. For an ordinary flower to hold on such as amazing meaning surprised me. He starred me and talked again," so, can we start to plan it? so it will grow well."

."Sure." I nodded my head

With mostly my strength to plant the dandelion seeds because Kyungsoo is too weak,  finally we finished it. After take a break, we decided to go back to his home. On our way, he told me

" Krystal, I am not be able to pass this chemo, please forgive me, I am getting tired. I am afraid that I won't be able to reach the finish line." He told me with weak voice

I touch his forehead and it feels like my palms was burnt

" Kyungsoo, you're having fever, I'll take you to the hospital." I rushed the car to the hospital panickly

"Krystal... I'm sorry, tell my mom to forgive me, I should thank my dad to for huging me, and Jongin, he is such as a good brother." he mumbled in his current state. And I realise that he is between conscious and unconscious.

" Wait Kyungsoo, don't die yet."

The doctor opened the ICU room and walked toward us. His parent and Jongin rushed as soon as I told him his condition. I tried to inform Luna, but it seems that she was outside the country, therefore she can't be reached, so I just leave her a message, to inform her abou Kyungsoo's condition.

"How is Kyungsoo?" uncle's voice startled me

" Like I said to him before, the current dosage of chemo doesn't work well on him. We need to increase the dosage,but he doesn't give us the answer."

We are shocked with the doctor's words. So,  Kyungsoo  haven't been in remission? Has his cancer already beaten his body?Does it mean that he would die?"

I was deep in my mind when I realise that aunt cried histerically knowing Kyungsoo's current state. Uncle tried to calm her down with his sad eyes, and Jongin, he rushed to his brother room and I don't know what he's done there.

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JasKoh89 #1
Chapter 26: This story is so heart wrenching. Shed tears while reading it. Thank u
X1234x #2
Thankyou for taking time and giving appreciation for my work
Sorry for bad grammar and vocab
I will write the epilogue,but not sure when
anywho #3
Chapter 25: Is this story just end like that?
Why!!!Anyway this is the most beautiful story that i have ever rad.:)
Chapter 25: its complete?
Chapter 21: ㅠㅠㅠㅠoh my baby poor him.. Soo yah... Will you finally let him die? He is in sooo much pain. ㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 17: uwah this story make make tear up T___T
what will happen to kyungsoo ;_______;
yowazzup07 #7
Chapter 14: Wow this story is making me teary, i want to know what will happen to kyungsoo