Chapter 44

Storm Rising

Jisun slowly helped Daehyun across the open expanse towards the building. She could tell that he was trying his best to hurry and that it was really hurting him to do so. She was sure his attempt to rush was more to do with Yongguk than with himself. Trying to get her back to Yongguk. The oldest was being held up by a struggling Youngjae a little ways in front of them. Behind her, she could hear Jongup catching them quickly.
They went around the side of the building and she saw a door that was open. As they stepped inside, Jisun gasped at the sight before her. The building was one large room with a massive door on the other side of the place. There was a large semi-truck parked inside with an oversized trailer hooked to it. On the trailer was the spaceship. It didn't seem too big though it barely fit on the trailer. It was a round saucer shape with a dome part sticking up. On top of the dome was two long antennas that looked almost like rabbit ears.
"Come on." Jongup urged as he walked past her with Zelo's body draped over his shoulders.
She swallowed and glanced at Daehyun briefly before walking again. They went towards the back of the trailer where Himchan was waiting. He was sitting on the back of the trailer and inspecting a bullet wound on his leg.
"Hyung!" Youngaje exclaimed in surprise.
"I'm fine." stated Himchan. "It went all the way through." He moved so he was crouched and indicated for them to climb up.
Jongup laid Zelo on the trailer and then helped Yongguk up. Next they worked on getting Daehyun up the trailer. Then Himchan grabbed her hand while Jongup held her hips to steady her. She let Himchan pull her up as she climbed on the metal bar that was the bumper.
Youngjae hurried forward and touched a part of the ship. A few small lights lit up before a whooshing sound could be heard and a part of the wall parted to reveal a doorway. Then he came back to the group and put Yongguk's arm back around his neck.
Jisun eyed the ship curiously for a moment before turning back to Daehyun. She didn't need to help him though as Jongup was already helping the hurt boy to his feet. Without sparing Daehyun another glance, she quickly went to Yongguk. She moved to the side that was opposite of Youngjae and looked at his face. He was pale and sweating with a little trickle of blood coming out of his nose still. He breathed heavily as they staggered to the ship.
As they entered the ship, dim lights to light the single room. It was white with what looked like a computer on the far end. Along the each wall were three tall, cylindrical pod looking things. Almost like the charging unit in Zelo's room but these had doors that were closed. Youngjae helped Yongguk to the pod on the far left before sitting him down. Jisun knelt down and ran her fingers through his hair, hoping to soothe him enough to ease some of the pain. Then Youngjae ran over to the computer. "Tags!" he called out frantically.
Himchan limped into the ship and tossed a metal tag to the black haired guy. Youngjae easily caught it and pressed it against a small monitor. Nothing happened.
Youngjae lifted the tag up before pushing it down again. The computer didn't react at all though. Then he spun around and stared at her. Before Jisun could open , he stalked towards her and grabbed her arm. He yanked her to her feet and pulled her to the computer. He forced her hand on to the computer and suddenly, it . The computer hummed with life and bright lights to illuminate the ship. Then he let her go.
Jisun stumbled back a couple of steps and looked around the room with wide eyes. Then she lowered her head to stare at her hand. Zelo's words that he had told her before echoed in her mind. "We can tell who is human and who is matoki even if we've never met them. Humans have a different aura. You look different to us."
"Our planet is dying. There is barely enough energy to sustain us anymore." That's what Himchan had said. Without the energy, their planet and everything on it dies. Including their race. They needed energy to live as well. To... sustain them.
When Yongguk had a headache at the house. "Stay with him. Please."
When both Yongguk and Daehyun were hurt in the cave. "Stay close with them please."
"It's me." she uttered in a whisper. She lifted her head and stared at Youngjae in disbelief. "It's me." she repeated in a louder voice. "I'm the energy source. Humans."
Youngjae's right hand flew across the computer screen as he pushed several buttons. He glanced at her just long enough to give her one small nod before turning his attention back to the computer. He pushed a few more buttons and then hurried past her.
She spun around and saw that the pod's doors were opened. Himchan was helping Yongguk in to the pod and Youngjae quickly went to help him. Jisun hurried over as well and waited till they were done. Once Yongguk was inside she stepped close and cupped his cheek with her hand.
His eyes fluttered open. "Jisun." he breathlessly said. "I.."
She cut him off by kissing him. They were working against time so she kept the kiss brief but she pressed hard against his lips, pouring everything she could in to that one kiss. Then she pulled back. "Sleep." she quietly told him. "Please."
He stared at her for a moment before his eyelids drooped close. She took a step back and the doors suddenly closed. She reached up and touched the cool metal of the pod. "Please be okay." she silently hoped.
A noise made her turn her head. She watched as Himchan and Jongup stood Zelo's lifeless body up as they put him in another pod. Once its doors closed, Himchan hobbled hurriedly towards the computer as fast as he could. Her gaze followed him and she saw him peer over Youngjae's shoulder.
"How is it?" the older male questioned.
Youngjae replied by nodding his head as he continued pushing buttons on the touch screen.
"Hyung!" Himchan quickly turned around and at the same time, Jisun turned her head. Jongup was knelt down by Daehyun who was laying on the floor by the entrance. He wasn't moving.
Himchan swiftly crossed the room to them. Together, they lifted Daehyun off of the floor. He was unconscious and there was some blood by his mouth. They carried him to the pod next to Yongguk and then Himchan reached behind the machine. The doors opened and they carefully set Daehyun inside it. Then they stepped back to allow the doors to close.
"Youngjae." Himchan said as he turned his head towards the younger boy.
"I got him." replied Youngjae from the computer.
Himchan eyed the pod and let out a small breath of relief. Then he moved away and went to Youngjae. He reached in to his pocket and produced the other tags. One by one, he pressed them against the computer. When he was finished, he slipped one of the chains over his head before handing a set of dog tags to Youngjae. Then he turned and tossed another set to Jongup.
"I can take it from here." Himchan told Youngjae. "Go heal."
Youngjae shook his head. "I can't." he argued as he pushed one last button. He turned so the back of his shoulder faced the older male. "The bullet didn't go all the way through. You have to dig it out."
Himchan pressed his lips together in to a thin line before nodding. Then he reached over and pushed a button. To Jisun's surprise, the middle section of the floor lifted up and formed a table. She stared at it for a few moments before turning her attention back to the boys. Himchan helped strip Youngjae's shirt off and then the younger went to the table. He laid down on top of it and took a couple of deep breaths to prepare himself.
"Here." Jongup said and reached for his belts. He took one off and grabbed a knife on one of the ends. He slipped the sheath off of the belt before pulling the knife out of it. Then he moved the empty sheath to Youngjae's mouth. He bit down on it and nodded at Jongup gratefully.
Himchan approached the table then with a couple of metal things in his hands. Jisun glanced around the ship, trying to discern where he got them but she found no shelves or handles to signal drawers.
"Hold him down." Himchan instructed. Then he said, "I'll try to be quick."
Jisun started to look back at the table when Youngjae let out a muffled yell. She jumped and squeezed her eyes shut. Then she heard him scream in pain again and she turned her back to him. She dropped down to sit on the floor and brought her knees up. She pressed her left ear against her knee and pressed her right hand over her other ear. Trying to block the sounds out. Tears quickly leaked out of her eyes as she began to rock herself.

When the noises stopped, Jisun continued sitting where she was. She didn't want to move and instead cried, letting out all the hopeless emotions she had been feeling. Even with them in the ship, it didn't feel like it was over. Everyone was hurt and they just kept getting worse.
"Noona." Jongup softly said, getting her attention.
She jumped a little and lifted her head. She watched as Jongup sat next to her and wrapped an arm around her.
"It's okay." he told her with a small smile. "It's over."
She shook her head, not believing his words. It wouldn't be over until she knew for sure that Yongguk was fine. That all of them would be fine. But even then, something bad was going to happen. She was so sure of it.
Jongup bit his bottom lip thoughtfully as he stared at her. Then he shifted and stood up. "Come on." he urged and grabbed her arm to lift her up.
She let out a little whine in protest but eventually got to her feet. Jongup turned his head to Himchan who was sitting on a chair in front of the computer. He said something she couldn't understand before leading her across the ship towards the entrance. Youngjae was nowhere to be seen so he must have gone inside his pod.
Once they reached the wall, she examined it curiously and tried to figure out what Jongup was doing. Then she inhaled sharply as her eyes widened. The wall in front of her somehow dissolved in to a window that she could look through. On the other side of the window, she was greeted with black space that was dotted with stars. And a little ways below them, Earth spun. She stared in wonder at its blue oceans and the brown expanses of land that was marked with little bits of green.
"You're safe." Jongup declared.
She tore her gaze from the sight before her to look at him. He smiled at her and nodded his head reassuringly. "No one can get you here." he continued, emphasizing every word. "You're safe now."
She let out a shaky breath and closed her eyes, letting his words wash over her. Then she reached up and wiped her face. "I didn't even feel us move." she commented and looked at him again.
Jongup chuckled amusingly. "Pretty cool huh?" He reached up with his hand and made a fist. He banged it against the window. "It's made out of the toughest material in the known universe. Known to us anyways. Stronger than anything you'll find on Earth or in this solar system." He lowered his hand and indicated the planet beneath them. "We could crash right now and it still won't break. You're completely safe in here."
She raised her eyebrows in surprise and regarded the window once more.
"Oh and by the way, you're safe."
She snorted before giggling a little. A tiny smile formed on her face as she turned to him again. "Thank you."
He returned her smile with one of his own. Then he walked away and she faced the window. She let her mind wander as she stared out at the cosmos. The idea of being in space in an alien spaceship should have felt weird to her but it didn't. Instead, she felt more at ease.
Taking a deep breath, she turned away from the window and glanced around the room. Himchan was still working at the computer while Jongup was kneeling on the floor. The younger boy was pulling blankets and pillows out of a hole in the floor. Curious, Jisun made her way over to him.
Jongup glanced up and then indicated the floor. "There's storage spaces underneath." he explained to her.
She raised her eyebrows in disbelief and surveyed the floor. There weren't any cracks at all. No seams. It looked like one, solid metal sheet. She went back to watching Jongup and saw him pull a few more items out before standing. Then he went over to the computer and pushed a button. The hole in the floor closed, leaving no trace it was ever there.
"That's... kind of freaky." Jisun uttered as he rejoined her.
"You'll get use to it." he told her with a small chuckle. He knelt down and spread out the blankets to make a small bed. "Here you go."
She hesitated for a moment before kicking off her shoes. She stepped on to the soft blanket and sat down.
Both of them turned to face Himchan. He eyed her for a second and then he nodded at Jongup. "Patch up at least."
"Okay." answered Jongup. He went back over to the computer and stepped around Himchan so he was on the other side. At the same time, Himchan pushed a button and another hole opened in the floor. Jongup crouched down and lifted a box up. He set it on the floor and opened it. He pulled out few squares of cloth before closing the box and placing it back in the hole. Then he stood and approached Himchan.
"Here hyung." he said and offered the elder two of the squares. Himchan took them and then Jongup moved past him.
Jisun watched curiously as he sat by her and laid his two squares on the floor. He stripped his shirt off and set it aside. Then he grabbed one of the cloths. He pulled on a seam and it split open. On the inside of the cloth was a thick, clear gel. He sat up straighter as he brought the cloth to the bullet wound on his side. He placed it over the hole and pushed along the edges of the cloth. When he moved his hands away, the cloth stayed in place.
"You mind?" he asked as he ripped open the second cloth and indicated his back.
She took it from him and aligned it over the exit hole. It was a little awkward doing it one handed but she managed to make it stick. Then he put his shirt back on.
"I'd offer you some but considering how human medicine affects us, using matoki medicine on you might be a bad thing." he reasoned with her.
Jisun stole a quick glance at the pod Yongguk was in before turning back to him. "Yeah." she quietly agreed.
He reached over and grabbed her hand. "Hyung is safe now too." he sincerely told her.
She met his gaze and stared in to her eyes. She saw no doubt in them. He truly believed what he said. She swallowed and nodded her head before squeezing his hand in return. She needed to believe it too.

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To clarify: the rabbit is not Daehyun. None of the boys are rabbits. The rabbit is basically a metaphor and a lot of what Jisun says to it is foreshadowing.


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Chiiyochii #1
Chapter 50: This was to beautiful ???
Chapter 49: Oh man oh man! I don't usually read long stories since they can never keep my interest but THIS WAS A MASTERPIECE. I loved every bit of it and felt so much emotion while reading it! It felt so real I had to stop reading and come back to reality XD I was low-key hoping Jisun would be able to go back to Mato Planet too T-T but I'm sooooo glad they all came back! AMAZING story!
Shawn1231 #3
Chapter 50: Zelo not being zelo... idk fam kinda bumed out. I feel bad for these creatures. They went through a lot.. ): I really hope that no one would have to experience what they went through in this story.. tha ks for writing such awesome stories authornim! (: <3
AlexxxxaRae #4
Chapter 6: So I've been a fan of your stories about 2-3 years now. I can't believe I just stumbled upon this fic just last night! I, too, also pulled an all nighter reading this story and thought it was amazing. You truly are a great writer. Thank you for writing amazing fics about our favorite boys :) I'm still suffering from post concert depression from BAP's Party Baby in NYC, so I've been on a BAP fic binge ever since! This is definitely one of my fav BAP fics thus far. Keep up the great work <3
Chapter 50: I stayed up until 4am reading this yesterday and now I just re-read the whole thing. Its an amazing story, thank you for writing it!
Kinda weird since I've been following this story from the start, but I just wanted to comment on how Zelo's death literally affected me in this story. I decided to read a little bit of the last chapters again, and it just hit me how different have the same, yet different "Zelo" is such a big change. Not sure if I should be emotionally attached to any character or anything, but I was literally on the verge of tears thinking: "Wow. Zelo's really gone. These two are two different beings and I don't know how his death didn't impact me like this when I was reading."
I hope it's not too weird that I'm writing this, but you're such an amazing writer, and I've never felt this way about a story before. I'll just thank ya because I actually know how a story could literally be so connected to someone.
Chapter 50: Ughh Daehyun and ji sun SOO adorbss lol like they are brother and sister
Chapter 50: So happy everything worked out for them! I feel alittle sad when Zelo committed suicide... But the new one is so cute as well! And Yongguk is just cute and adorable no matter what he does! I really enjoyed reading this!
Chapter 50: After 3 days, I'm finally finished~
Many feels, the most coming from Zelo's involuntary change, death, then "restoring"... UGH WHY DO YOU HAVE TO LIKE CHOCOLATE ICE-CREAM T.T
Story was great though~ thought I could handle a bit of graphic violence but ended up skimming through it because Zelo doing the deed without being in control it was too much huehue >~<
Jisun is definitely a strong character jeez, so much happened in one day I thought the hysteria and panic attacks weren't even enough... Although I don't know what one would write in place of such symptoms hehe....
Good read~ going to check out your other stories now :3