Chapter 41

Storm Rising

Jisun sat with Himchan in the cage. She was no longer crying. She just felt completely numb as she waited. Waited for something to happen and she was sure it would be something bad. She looked at Himchan out of the corner of her eye and noticed he was still deep in thought. She hoped it would be an escape plan. There wasn't much he could probably do though. Not with his knives confiscated though she did off him her knife. He told her to hold on to it in case she needed it. His dog tags were taken as well. She told him that Zelo's and Suyun's tags were taken and that she felt guilty but he reassured her that he knew she didn't give them willingly.
A noise drew her attention and her heart instantly sped up. She looked at the entrance and saw a masked person slowly approaching the cage. Himchan stood up and she quickly got to her feet as well. Himchan took one arm and pushed her back, putting him between her and the person.
"If you let Jisun go, I'll do whatever you want." Himchan declared.
She inhaled sharply and turned her attention to him. "Himchan!"
He didn't look at her as he replied, "It's fine."
"No." she argued and grabbed his arm. "I can't leave you here."
When he didn't answer her, she glanced at the masked person. They shifted their gaze between the two caged people, regarding them. Then they took another step forward. "It... It's me Jisun."
Jisun recognized the voice and gasped. "Yoonjung??" It was one thing to know her friend was in on this evil operation but seeing it with her own eyes was still shocking. She clenched her jaw and brushed past Himchan so she was in front instead. "What do you want?" she angrily hissed.
Yoonjung uncertainly looked between the two of them again before her shoulders slumped. She glanced behind her and then went to the door of the cage. "I'm getting you out of here." she whispered.
That certainly surprised Jisun enough to change her mood. "Wait, what?"
Himchan lightly pushed Jisun forward. "Go."
Jisun turned to look at him before turning back to Yoonjung. "I'm not leaving without him."
"Jisun." groaned a frustrated Himchan.
She stood firm though and held her breath. She couldn't possibly leave him here to suffer through who knows what.
Yoonjung gave Himchan a long look before staring at Jisun. Then she gave a small nod of her head. "Okay." she agreed and moved to the cage.
Jisun let out a shaky breath and rushed towards the cage's door. She looked down and watched as Yoonjung put a key in to the lock. She turned it and the lock sprung open.
"No!" exclaimed Himchan all of a sudden.
Jisun's head jerked up. At the same time, Yoonjung spun around to face the person who had entered the room. Jisun's eyes widened in horror as she started to scream but Himchan quickly wrapped his arm around her head and placed his hand on to muffle her.
Everything moved in slow motion as she stared at Daehyun and Yoonjung, their bodies close together. Then he stepped back while pulling the knife from Yoonjung's chest. She didn't say anything as she slumped to the ground.
Himchan kept ahold of Jisun as his other hand reached through the metal bars. He pulled the lock off and swung the door open. That's when Jisun snapped out of it and pushed Himchan off of her. She hurried to her friend and knelt down. "Yoonjung. Yoonjung." she worriedly repeated as her eyes watered. Her right hand automatically went to the spot on Yoonjung's shirt that was turning red. "No, no, no. Yoonjung."
"She was getting us out." Himchan hissed.
Yoonjung opened but only a bubbling noise came. Then Jisun watched as the light in her eyes faded away. "Yoo... Yoon..." Jisun couldn't get her voice to work. She felt her whole body beginning to shake as the tears freed themselves from her eyes.
Suddenly she was yanked to her feet and arms wrapped around her. She realized Himchan was holding her and she allowed herself to break a little as she let out a painful sob. Then she noticed he was talking to her.
"We have to go, okay? Before they find us." he whispered in her ear. "We have to go."
"We." She turned her head towards Daehyun. He was staring down at Yoonjung's body with his mouth hanging open, completely in shock. When she saw the bloody knife in his hand though, something inside her changed. She glared at him, feeling so much disgust and hatred for him. Then he lifted his head and looked at her. He held her gaze for a few moments before looking away.
"Come on." Himchan said, getting both of their attention. He let go of her and grabbed her hand. Then with a brief nod at Daehyun, they hurried away.

Himchan and Daehyun argued in a hushed tone as they slowly crept through the mine shaft. Whether they should split up and find the others or stay together. Whether to get Jisun out first and then return. Or for one person to stay behind to search which brought about an argument on who would stay and who would leave. Which of course brought up how hurt Daehyun was. He insisted he was fine but they way he kept one hand on the wall to steady himself proved otherwise. Neither of them asked her what she wanted.
As they approached the main shaft, they stopped when they head voices. They pressed themselves against the wall and Jisun held her breath. A few seconds passed and then two people with masks on appeared. They didn't turn but kept walking down the shaft, talking to each other and oblivious to the three people hiding.
Once they were past, Daehyun took a silent step forward and raised his knife. And then he stopped. He hesitated as he stared at the two masked people for several moments. Then he stepped back and looked down at the ground.
Himchan eyed the other male before reaching with his free hand and grabbing Daehyun's arm. "Let's find the others together."
Daehyun lifted his head to look at Himchan. Then he briefly glanced at her before quickly looking away. He looked at Himchan again and nodded his head. "I think they're keeping someone at the other cages."
"It would make sense for them to separate us." Himchan agreed.
Decided, they set off once more and stepped in to the main shaft. They hurried towards the entrance but veered off in to one of the other passages. They passed little cut outs, some that were empty and others that were turned in to rooms. Most of the rooms held old mining equipment that was abandoned when the miners left.
They turned in to one of the rooms and Jisun gasped. There were small cages that were hastily welded together like the one Zelo had put her in. Inside two of them were Jongup and Youngjae. At the sound of them entering the room, both men lifted their heads and looked towards the entrance.
"Hyung." whispered Jongup in surprise.
Himchan hurried forward and knelt down in front of Jongup's cage. He pulled a key from his pocket, the one that Yoonjung must have had. Then he set it in the lock keeping the door closed.
Suddenly Jisun felt her hair grabbed and yanked backwards. She let out a painful scream as she stumbled back and then she was shoved away. She lost her balance and fell to the ground. She managed to twist soon enough so she didn't land on her left arm. Then she rolled to look up at the person who had grabbed them.
The person was facing Daehyun who lunged at them. The masked man though dodged out of the way and brought his fist up to counter. His punch landed on Daehyun's bruised side. Instantly, Daehyun dropped to his knees as he cried out and grabbed his side. Then the man kicked the hurt side and sent Daehyun rolling on to his back.
With Daehyun out of the way, the man whirled around to face her. He stalked towards her as a panicked whine tore from . She shrunk back and slid her right hand to her sling. She found the handle of the small knife and pulled it out. At that moment, he leaned down to grab her. As fast as she could, she upwards and the blade went in to his stomach. She twisted and then yanked it out. He jerked back with a grunt before falling to his hands and knees above her. He reached for her right arm but she hurriedly slashed at him. Then she kicked her legs repeatedly. He fell to the side in an attempt to get away from her onslaught. She scrambled to her knees and then lunged forward. She stabbed him in the stomach a second time, twisting the blade before pulling it out. And then again. And again.
She jumped and swung before her arm was grabbed. She started to fight back but stopped as her mind slowly processed who was kneeling next to her. She breathed heavily as she stared at Jongup. Then her gaze went to the bloody knife in her hand that she had aimed towards him. She opened her fingers and let it fall to the ground.
"You're okay." he assured her as he brought her hand closer. He used his shirt to wipe some blood off of her hand. "He can't hurt her anymore."
She quickly looked at the masked man and saw how he was laying still. Then just as quickly, she turned her head away and squeezed her eyes shut. She swallowed several times as nausea built up inside her.
"It's okay noona." Jongup softly said again.
She felt him let go of her hand and then both of his hands were cupping her face. She opened her eyes and met his gaze.
"Think about finding Yongguk-hyung." he firmly told her. "Just think about him. We have to find him."
She took in a shaky breath before giving him a brief nod. Then he let go and grabbed her right hand. He put the now clean knife in her hand and curled her fingers around the grip. She held it tightly as she took several deep breaths. Then she let him help her to her feet.
Once she was standing, Jongup left her and moved towards Daehyun. He was on his knees with one hand on the ground to hold him up and his other hand wrapped around his body to hold his side. He let out a hacking cough and then he spat blood on to the dirt. Youngjae was kneeling beside him with a comforting hand on the older male's back. At the sight of the coughed up blood, he cursed and gave Himchan a worried look.
"Others would have heard us. Let's hurry and find Yongguk." Himchan ordered.
"Leave me." Daehyun breathlessly said before wincing.
"You don't have a say in that." Jongup merely stated. Then he grabbed Daehyun and hoisted him to his feet. Daehyun leaned heavily on Jongup as he got his balance.
Himchan bent down and picked up the knife Daehyun had used before. He surveyed everyone and then with a nod, began walking through the shaft.
Jisun hurried with them and glanced in to the room the two boys had been held in as she passed by. There were two more bodies laying on the ground that weren't moving. Then she moved to Youngjae's side. She eyed him holding his left arm to his stomach just like her. Keeping his shoulder from moving to not aggravate the bullet wound.
"I'm okay noona."
She lifted her gaze and saw him looking at her with a small smile. "I'm glad you're okay." he quietly added.
She nodded her head a little before looking away. Her hand tightened around the knife as she took a couple of deep breaths and kept her mind focused on one single thought.

They went through a few more passages as they searched for where Yongguk was being kept. Luckily they managed to avoid running in to anyone or having anyone sneak up on them again. But the longer they searched, the more Jisun began to panic. What if they didn't bring him here? What if he's still laying in the forest because they... She shook her head and forced that thought away. She had to keep thinking he was here and that they would find him.
Suddenly they heard voices and the group came to a halt. Jisun listened carefully but couldn't understand what was being said. Then a signal from Himchan made the group slowly and silently moved forward.
As they moved up the mine shaft, a male voice yelled, "ing bastard!"
Something about the voice gave Jisun a sense of déjà vu. She furrowed her eyebrows as she tried to pinpoint what it was. Then her eyes widened as she heard, "You did something to her, didn't you?! Why else would she be with a freak like you!"
She jumped when she felt something brush her hand. She turned to see Jongup next to her and he took the knife out of her hand. Together with Himchan, he moved past the group and to a small opening a little ways further up. She glanced back and noticed Youngjae holding Daehyun up, the two of them quietly waiting.
She looked down at the ground and swallowed thickly. "Yongguk. Yongguk. Yongguk." she repeatedly thought to herself. He had to be in there.
Not wanting to wait, she hurried to the opening. She stepped in to the room and saw three bodies laying on the floor. They all wore masks and Jongup pulled her knife out of the throat of one of them. Her gaze landed on the black haired man kneeling in the middle. He was breathing heavily and his face was heavily bruised from them beating him.
She stumbled forward and fell to her knees in front of him. Yongguk looked up and regarded her for a second. Then he whispered, "Jisun" and moved forward. He collapsed against her, his head resting on her shoulder. She closed her eyes as she leaned her head against him.
"We have to go."
She opened her eyes and saw Himchan kneeling by them with a hand on Yongguk's back. Yongguk pulled back and gave a brief nod. The three of them stood but Yongguk staggered and dropped to one knee. Then he brought a hand up to his head as he squeezed his eyes shut. Jisun let out a strangled whine as her eyes widened in panic.
"Yongguk." Himchan said as he quickly went to the eldest.
"I'm okay." replied Yongguk before he swallowed. "I think the pain is more from being knocked out. Probably a concussion." Then with Himchan's help he got back on his feet. Once he got his balance, he let go of the pink haired man and nodded at the group.
"Okay, let's get out of here." Himchan declared.
Someone lightly touched her arm and she turned her head. Jongup held out her knife to her and she blinked at it for a moment. Then she reached out a shaky hand and took it from him. She squeezed it tightly, trying to draw strength from it.
She stiffened and inhaled sharply when an arm wrapped around her. She quickly realized it was Yongguk though and she forcefully exhaled.
"It's okay." he whispered to her as they set off behind the others. "We'll make it out of here."
She remained quiet but gave a brief nod as she let him lead her out of the room.

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To clarify: the rabbit is not Daehyun. None of the boys are rabbits. The rabbit is basically a metaphor and a lot of what Jisun says to it is foreshadowing.


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Chiiyochii #1
Chapter 50: This was to beautiful ???
Chapter 49: Oh man oh man! I don't usually read long stories since they can never keep my interest but THIS WAS A MASTERPIECE. I loved every bit of it and felt so much emotion while reading it! It felt so real I had to stop reading and come back to reality XD I was low-key hoping Jisun would be able to go back to Mato Planet too T-T but I'm sooooo glad they all came back! AMAZING story!
Shawn1231 #3
Chapter 50: Zelo not being zelo... idk fam kinda bumed out. I feel bad for these creatures. They went through a lot.. ): I really hope that no one would have to experience what they went through in this story.. tha ks for writing such awesome stories authornim! (: <3
AlexxxxaRae #4
Chapter 6: So I've been a fan of your stories about 2-3 years now. I can't believe I just stumbled upon this fic just last night! I, too, also pulled an all nighter reading this story and thought it was amazing. You truly are a great writer. Thank you for writing amazing fics about our favorite boys :) I'm still suffering from post concert depression from BAP's Party Baby in NYC, so I've been on a BAP fic binge ever since! This is definitely one of my fav BAP fics thus far. Keep up the great work <3
Chapter 50: I stayed up until 4am reading this yesterday and now I just re-read the whole thing. Its an amazing story, thank you for writing it!
Kinda weird since I've been following this story from the start, but I just wanted to comment on how Zelo's death literally affected me in this story. I decided to read a little bit of the last chapters again, and it just hit me how different have the same, yet different "Zelo" is such a big change. Not sure if I should be emotionally attached to any character or anything, but I was literally on the verge of tears thinking: "Wow. Zelo's really gone. These two are two different beings and I don't know how his death didn't impact me like this when I was reading."
I hope it's not too weird that I'm writing this, but you're such an amazing writer, and I've never felt this way about a story before. I'll just thank ya because I actually know how a story could literally be so connected to someone.
Chapter 50: Ughh Daehyun and ji sun SOO adorbss lol like they are brother and sister
Chapter 50: So happy everything worked out for them! I feel alittle sad when Zelo committed suicide... But the new one is so cute as well! And Yongguk is just cute and adorable no matter what he does! I really enjoyed reading this!
Chapter 50: After 3 days, I'm finally finished~
Many feels, the most coming from Zelo's involuntary change, death, then "restoring"... UGH WHY DO YOU HAVE TO LIKE CHOCOLATE ICE-CREAM T.T
Story was great though~ thought I could handle a bit of graphic violence but ended up skimming through it because Zelo doing the deed without being in control it was too much huehue >~<
Jisun is definitely a strong character jeez, so much happened in one day I thought the hysteria and panic attacks weren't even enough... Although I don't know what one would write in place of such symptoms hehe....
Good read~ going to check out your other stories now :3