Chapter 3

Storm Rising

Jisun continued to wipe him down with the cold cloth until she was sure he was fully asleep. Then she slowly stood up, silently praying the bed wouldn't squeak. It thankfully didn't though. She retrieved the thermometer and the medicine from the floor. She set them down on the bedside table as well.
Then she stood there for a moment, observing him. Making up her mind, she left the room and went to the kitchen. She grabbed one of the chairs from the small dining table and carried it to the bedroom, setting it beside the bed. Next she went to her own room and grabbed a book off of the shelf. She took it with her to the spare bedroom and placed it on the chair.
Carefully, she lifted the rag off of his forehead and dipped it in the water to cool it off again. After wringing it, she gently laid it back on him. Then she dried her hand on her jeans, grabbed her book, and sat down to begin her long vigil. Staying with him like she promised.

Blinking against the sunlight, Jisun slowly opened her eyes and yawned. She lifted her head off of the table and stretched her sore muscles. Then she glanced at the man laying in the bed.
His eyes were still closed as he continued sleeping. The cloth had fallen off of his head from him moving in the night and she lifted it off of the bed. Then she reached for his forehead and felt his skin warm to the touch, not feverishly hot anymore. She also noticed his hair matted, as if he had been sweating. Which meant the fever had broke.
'And stay away this time.' she thought with a small sigh of relief.
She stood up and went to leave the room but stopped. She spotted his discarded jeans on the floor and picked them up. She rummaged through the pockets, hoping to find some sort of additional identification, but nothing. They were empty.
With another sigh, she carried them with her out of the room. She went to the mud room and scooped his socks off of the floor. Everything went in to the washer as she set the dials to the right settings. Then some soap and she closed the lid.
She stretched once more as she made her way to the back door. She opened it and stepped outside, feeling the warmth of the sun on her skin. She smiled slightly and closed her eyes, relishing it for a brief moment.
When she opened her eyes, she glanced around the backyard until she noticed the garden. She gasped in surprise before letting out a small whine. Then she turned and grabbed a pair of sandals by the back door. She slipped them on before hurrying off of the porch and across the yard.
Once she reached the garden, she went to the apple tree and inspected the damage. A large branch had splintered off and was laying on the ground.
"Poor thing." she uttered and placed her hand on the trunk. The branch broke off away from the trunk so the tree itself should be okay. The rest of the branch still on the tree would just need to be trimmed down to prevent decay.
She carefully stepped around the fallen branch and grabbed one of the ends. With a grunt, she started dragging it across the yard to the forest. She only made it a few feet though before she stopped with a groan. Letting go of the branch, her hands went to her shoulders and gently massaged them. Not only stiff from the way she slept, but still sore from dragging Yongguk.
Glancing down at the branch, she narrowed her eyes. "I'll deal with you later then."
Instead, she went back to the tree and searched the ground. She found a couple of apples that had prematurely fallen during the storm and she gathered them up. Then chucked them off in to the forest.
Leaving the rest of the cleanup for later, she made her way back to the house and through the back door. She kicked off her sandals and entered the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Waffles sounded really good to go with the fresh strawberries and the jam. She made extra too for when Yongguk woke.
After slicing up some strawberries, she added them to her plate and carried it to the table. Just as she was about to sit down, she heard the washer beep and she went in to the mud room. She switched the clothes from the washer to the dryer and set the time. Then she went back to the kitchen and sat down. She leisurely ate her breakfast and savored the homemade jam she had spread on the waffles.
When she was finished, she glanced at the clock on the wall and frowned a little. She got up and placed her plate in the sink before heading for the hallway. She went to the second bedroom and spied the male still sleeping in the bed, his chest steadily rising and falling. Biting her lip, she contemplated for a moment on whether she should wake him to eat. Then she thought better of it. He should wake when he's hungry.
Jisun turned and went back to the kitchen. She went over to the sink and washed the breakfast dishes, including the waffle maker. Then the sound of the dryer's buzzer took her back to the mud room as she fetched his clothes. She carried them to the bedroom and laid them on the dresser. She glanced at Yongguk's sleeping form one more time before she left the room again.
Going back to the mud room, she grabbed a metal bowl and slipped on her sandals. She stepped outside and walked over to the garden. There were several rows of plants of various vegetables, all covered with curved, metal meshing to keep the animals from eating them.
"Let's see how you did in the storm." she commented out loud and set the bowl on the ground. She grabbed one section of the metal mesh and easily pulled it out of the ground, letting it roll back off of the plants.
As she inspected them and the ground, she didn't see much damage. She also checked to see if any of the vegetables were ripe since the strawberries had come a little early. Sure enough, the top of the carrots were perfectly round and orange.
Smiling to herself, she began to fill the bowl she brought with her and continued working her way down the first row. Her bowl was full by the time she got to the end and she stood up with a small stretch. She carefully put the metal net over the plants, making sure the small prongs went firmly in to the ground.
When she was sure the plants were protected, she turned and picked up the bowl. Then she went to walk towards the house but stopped abruptly. The bowl fell from her hands as she inhaled sharply.
Yongguk came to a stop just as quickly, even taking a small step backwards. "Sorry." he hurriedly said. "I didn't mean to surprise you."
Jisun opened but remained silent as her words caught in . So they both stood there, not moving or saying anything.
Finally, he moved first and slowly took a few steps closer to her. Then he knelt down and grabbed the bowl. "You didn't have to untie me." he told her as he gathered up the carrots that had spilled to the ground. "And if you want to tie me up again, I'd understand."
She swallowed thickly and took a deep breath. "Are you dangerous?"
He placed the last carrot back in to the bowl and stood up. He briefly met her gaze before looking down and holding the bowl out for her. "I don't want to be." he quietly replied.
The guilt she saw see in his eyes for that brief moment helped calm her racing heart. "Thank you." She reached out and took the bowl from him. "Though you shouldn't be out of bed with your injuries."
He glanced at his chest as a sheepish look formed on his face. "I was... uh... hungry." he mumbled.
A giggle burst from her before she could stop herself, causing him to blush and her to giggle even more.
"I made you breakfast." she informed him. "I hope you like waffles and strawberries."
"I hope so too then." he said with a smile. Then he glanced around the garden. "Is there anything I can help you with?"
She indicated the bowl of carrots in her hand. "I'm done for now. Let's get you taken care."

She lead the way back to the house with Yongguk following her. She set the carrots on the patio table, intending to spray them off with the hose later. Then she continued inside to the kitchen. There she put a couple of waffles on a plate and heated them up a little in the microwave while Yongguk took a seat at the table. She grabbed a spoon and the jam, setting them on the table before retrieving the waffles. Then she set them in front of him and waited.
He scooped a little bit of the jam out of the jar and spread it on the corner of a waffle. Then he took a bite of it, chewing slowly, quickly followed by a small moan. "Oh this is so good." he declared as he swallowed.
Jisun giggled and nodded her head. "I've always liked homemade jam more than store bought. Help yourself."
He reached for the spoon but stopped and blinked at her. "You made this?"
"Yeah." she answered with a bright smile. She turned and retrieved some of the extra strawberries she had sliced from the counter. "Here." she said and set them on the table.
He immediately scooped more jam on to his waffle and topped it with a strawberry. Then he took a big bite and let out another moan.
"I take you love strawberries." she commented with a chuckle.
"Absolutely." he agreed with a nod. "I could eat this every day." Then he stopped eating and gave her an odd look. "I mean..."
She realized what he meant and swallowed. Taking a deep breath, she sat down in the chair next to him. "I checked your pockets before I washed your jeans. They were empty." she informed him. "Nothing else to say who you are or where you live."
One of his hands went to the dog tags around his neck as he glanced away.
"I found you in the woods not far from here. You were unconscious. I started to go for help but a storm was quickly rolling in." she continued. "So I dragged you here. I couldn't call for help though cause the power went out and the phone line went dead."
She stopped the story and pressed her lips together. He eyed her curiously before his gaze went down to her neck. "And what about that?"
Automatically, her hand reached up and she gently rubbed her neck. "You suddenly woke up and grabbed me. You asked who I was before going unconscious again."
He bit his bottom lip and nodded as he looked down at the plate in front of him. "I'm sorry." he whispered. Then he met her gaze once more and in a louder voice said, "I'm really sorry. I don't want to hurt you."
She stared at him for a few moments, observing him. She didn't feel any storm of anxiety or any other intense emotion though. Instead, she was calm and at peace. "That's good then." she finally stated, breaking the silence. "Cause you can't exactly go around homeless, with or without those injuries."
His eyes widened as his mouth dropped open. Then he was quickly shaking his head. "No. It's okay. You don't have to let..."
"It's fine Yongguk" she interrupted. Then she reached over and placed her hand on top of his.
He stared down at her hand for a bit before shyly smiling. "Well... I suppose you better teach me how to make jam then. Cause I'm serious when I say I could eat it every day."
She laughed and nodded her head. "Alright then."

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To clarify: the rabbit is not Daehyun. None of the boys are rabbits. The rabbit is basically a metaphor and a lot of what Jisun says to it is foreshadowing.


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Chiiyochii #1
Chapter 50: This was to beautiful ???
Chapter 49: Oh man oh man! I don't usually read long stories since they can never keep my interest but THIS WAS A MASTERPIECE. I loved every bit of it and felt so much emotion while reading it! It felt so real I had to stop reading and come back to reality XD I was low-key hoping Jisun would be able to go back to Mato Planet too T-T but I'm sooooo glad they all came back! AMAZING story!
Shawn1231 #3
Chapter 50: Zelo not being zelo... idk fam kinda bumed out. I feel bad for these creatures. They went through a lot.. ): I really hope that no one would have to experience what they went through in this story.. tha ks for writing such awesome stories authornim! (: <3
AlexxxxaRae #4
Chapter 6: So I've been a fan of your stories about 2-3 years now. I can't believe I just stumbled upon this fic just last night! I, too, also pulled an all nighter reading this story and thought it was amazing. You truly are a great writer. Thank you for writing amazing fics about our favorite boys :) I'm still suffering from post concert depression from BAP's Party Baby in NYC, so I've been on a BAP fic binge ever since! This is definitely one of my fav BAP fics thus far. Keep up the great work <3
Chapter 50: I stayed up until 4am reading this yesterday and now I just re-read the whole thing. Its an amazing story, thank you for writing it!
Kinda weird since I've been following this story from the start, but I just wanted to comment on how Zelo's death literally affected me in this story. I decided to read a little bit of the last chapters again, and it just hit me how different have the same, yet different "Zelo" is such a big change. Not sure if I should be emotionally attached to any character or anything, but I was literally on the verge of tears thinking: "Wow. Zelo's really gone. These two are two different beings and I don't know how his death didn't impact me like this when I was reading."
I hope it's not too weird that I'm writing this, but you're such an amazing writer, and I've never felt this way about a story before. I'll just thank ya because I actually know how a story could literally be so connected to someone.
Chapter 50: Ughh Daehyun and ji sun SOO adorbss lol like they are brother and sister
Chapter 50: So happy everything worked out for them! I feel alittle sad when Zelo committed suicide... But the new one is so cute as well! And Yongguk is just cute and adorable no matter what he does! I really enjoyed reading this!
Chapter 50: After 3 days, I'm finally finished~
Many feels, the most coming from Zelo's involuntary change, death, then "restoring"... UGH WHY DO YOU HAVE TO LIKE CHOCOLATE ICE-CREAM T.T
Story was great though~ thought I could handle a bit of graphic violence but ended up skimming through it because Zelo doing the deed without being in control it was too much huehue >~<
Jisun is definitely a strong character jeez, so much happened in one day I thought the hysteria and panic attacks weren't even enough... Although I don't know what one would write in place of such symptoms hehe....
Good read~ going to check out your other stories now :3