Chapter 2

Stuck in a Contract









story by ( SWEETFLICKS )




Baehyun's Pov


No.I told you that I will not go.”I said angrily.


Appa was forcing me to attend the wedding.Damn this life.


They are really serious about this ing marriage. And we just talked about it yesterday.


How come they already prepared everything?That’s so fast.


 “If you say so.But this time there will be no atm cards and cars.I will get them all.”he said as he fix his necktie and point at me.


He’s doing it again!That’s a blockmail.


 “But appa?”


 Its your choice not mine.”Appa grab his bag and was ready to leave.


What to do ?No atm and cars?I don’t want to be poor.


 “I’ll go.”I said as he stop and look back at me.


 “Get ready now.I’ll be waiting for you outside.”


Aish!I hate this.Now I will be stuck to that girl.


Sht. I still have to do this for the sake of my babies.They are my life,I cant live without them.




We head to the church and those who are close to us are invited to this stupid wedding.


Upcourse my friends are not here.I don’t want them to know.Im sure they will tease me forever.


I take a sit first since appa is taling to his friend.I guess.


My phone vibrated.It’s a call from chanyeol.


What to say?Aish!I should put my phone on silent.




 Yah!Why are you absent?Everyone is looking for you.”


 “The playboy is hiding now!”the other voice said and for sure its kris.


 “I just want to.I want to relax.”I lied.


Relax?Whoa,we want too!We will go there in your house!!”he said happily


“Wait for us nae?”-luhan


 Yah!Baekhyun order your maids to cook a lot of foods!”-kai


“Let’s party!We will cut our classes for you.”-chen


Hyung,lets watch the latest movies huh!?”-sehun.


Aish!Are they insane?What should I say now?Im trap.Im trap!Someone call the doctor!!!!


.“Let me speak okay.Im not in the house.And don’t disturb me.Im busy.”


“You said your rela--”I hung up.I don’t know what to say to them anymore.Im gonna be crazy. Kill me now.


 When will this start?I still need to test my new car.


Chincha!Is she trying to be a beautiful bride now?


Tss.She’s a potato. That will not happen.


 I stand up because appa ordered me too.I walk to my position and sighed.


 Still waiting for her to come.She’s always slow.That potato is really.


 I put my hands on my pocket and look around when the crowd started to look at the back.


 I followed them with my eyes.


“No way.”I mouthed as she walk in the aisle with her father.


Is that her?Really?


She’s pre--.She’s a potato! POTATO!That’s it.P-O-T-A-T-O!


take care of my princess.”her father whispered to me as I nod and smile.


Bomi cling into my arms as we walk to the priest.,and he started talking.


 Blah.Blah.Blah. As if I care.


Mr.Byun Baekhyun are you accepting Ms.Yoon Bomi to be your wife?”the priest ask. I look at her and sighed.


This is the end of me.She rolled her eyes at me. “I do.”I said.


Ms.Yoon Bomi are you accepting Mr.Byun Baekhyun to be your husband?” I eyed her but she nod and said “I do.”


“And now you may kiss the bride.”I gulped and slowly look at her.  




Bomi's Pov:


 “And now you may kiss the bride.”the priest smiled at us.


I feel my heart beating faster than ever.


 It’s my first kiss.I don’t want to be kissed by the guy who I don’t love.


What should I do?Should I just hug him.


 “Kiss now.” someone shouts and they started clapping their hands .No, this can’t be.


 I need to do something. But still I close my eyes.


Waiting for him to do something. “Don’t kiss me.”I whispered as I feel his warm breath into my neck.


“Am I crazy to do that?”he whispered back.I can feel that he smirked.


Tss.As if I want to kiss him too.He grab cheeks and he put his face into his palm.


After that its done.Phew!he save the day.


“Congratulations!”they all shouted,I just smile.I want to go home now.


Aigoo.This is the worst day ever.”he mumble but he’s too near for me to hear.


“Your right.Getting married to a jerk is my nightmare.”I replied as I roll my eyes to him.


“Jerk huh?Tell me who’s the potato here!?”he ask with a teasing face.


Did I just heard it right?He just call me a potato?As in a potato?
















Yah!What did you just say?”I make a fist and glare at him.He smirk and shake his head.


Ah.You want me to repeat that!Im married to Yoon Potato Bomi.”baekhyun said as he mumbled the word potato again.




I will kill him now.


that’s your middle name right?”he ask


“Shut up!”I widen my eyes  “You know what--”




Your cute.”I said sarcastically.


He smiled widely “I know.”


“You look like a monkey.”I rolled my eyes and cross my arms.


Aish!I cant think of anything.It just came out.Well,monkey is worse than potato.


Monkey?Are you blind?Your comparing me to a monkey?Huh?”


Kurae!Cause you look like one.”We glare at each other then our parents came.


I head to omma and hug her while he walk toward his dad.


“Are you tired now?”Omma ask,I nod and pout.


Im still mad at them.But they explained everything to me so I already unsderstand.


“We will go home now.”she smiled and pat my head.


Finally,that’s what im waiting for.


We bid our goddbye to baekhyun’s dad and he keeps on mouthing potato to me.Damn he.


“Monkey!”I mouthed back and we walk away.




Baekhyun’s Pov:


Yes!Yes!Yes!Appa gave me the cars key.But I need to head to our rest house.


Its near anyway.I change my clothes first and ride on my motor.


I just cant wait to see my new car. I wonder what color it is.


I like the black one or white.Well,any color suits me well.


I reach our rest house and I saw two cars parked outside.Which one is mine?


Hmm.Red and Black?Dont tell me appa bought two cars for me?”I smiled and head inside first.


Im thirsty and I need to pack a lot of foods for my


Should I call my friends?Its sad if im just alone.


As I enter the house,I walk towards the kitchen.Theres no one here so I can pack all of the foods.I grab my bag and put all of the foods that I want.


I hurriedly go out and insert the key to the red car.But it did not suit well.


Eish.Wae!”I tried it to the black car.But still I cant open it.


I grab my phone and call dad.




Your already there for sure?”


“The key.You gave me the wrong one.”


“Is that so?Try finding the right one inside the house.”


Mwo?Are you kidding me?Where the hell will I find that?”


“I don’t know.But for sure its there.The black one is yours.just then he hung up.


Damn it.He’s trolling me.Argh!This is not the life I want.


First he blockmail me with that car for the wedding and now the car’s key?


What’s next?


I sadly enter the house and take a sit on the couch.When I heard a noise upstairs.


Is someone in there?


Nuguya?”I ask and slowly take my steps on the stairs.”Yah!Who are you?Are you thief?Im gonna call a police now!”I shouted but still theres no respond.


I gulped and open the door,when I saw Bomi running towards me.As we both fell down on the floor.


Omoya!”she said as we both look at each other.She’s now on my top.


Oh,mian!”she stand up ,and I did too.


“I thought someone kidnapped me.I was sleeping on the car and I woke up here.”she explained.


Our parents really!They are always have an idea on how to set us up.


I scratch my head irritatedly.Its all mess up now.


Wait.Theres only one room here.My eyes widened when I look inside.Then I sighed in relief when I saw two bedrooms in there.


I enter the room and lay down.Im so tired.


She’s still wandering around.I need a rest now.Geesh.




Author's note Hello!Phew,it’s the chapter 2 :D How was it?Its kinda a long chapter right?Mind commenting and subscribing please xD







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bbomi_02 #1
author-nim your update is DAEBAK..... JINJJA DAEBAK
bomishii #2
Chapter 23: An update finally!! im late i know. You late too :') just kidding. But that freaking byunnn!! Tch. I think I would be the happiest girl ever if Kyungmi happen -.-' Bomi and Kyungsoo is not like you and Taeyeon,bacon. tchtchtch. Update soon and fighting!!^_^
youshina #3
Chapter 23: uwaa.. finally an update from youu~ i'm waiting so long authornim T.T
bomishii #4
Chapter 20: Ayyy. Bbom ah. Just date Kyungsoo. I think I love kyungsoo more here-.-" Update soon. Its been awhile since you hiatus T.T
bomishii #5
Chapter 18: the feels HAHAH. that was cute. date? ehe. update soon^_^
Chapter 17: mah feels hahaha.Baekmi couple really makes me smile as always.Thanks for the updte authornim!I'll be waiting for the next one :D
Chapter 16: Reality hurts! hahahah!Omo,My bomi kyaaaa so cute ^^. I cant handle the cuteness anymore. kekeke
bomishii #8
Chapter 17: that was cute. HAHAHHAAHAA. but its funny.kkeke. updatee soonn^_^
bomishii #9
Chapter 16: heol. what was that ms.yoon? ekekek. update soon.