Chapter 11

Love or Respect

Mi-Sun POV

Hoya was trying to tell me something. I just couldn't understand why he was so nervous which is totally unlike him. It must of been really important but he had troubles trying to say it. It was if he had hide something without letting me know and that he didn't want to get in trouble. I  heard Sungjong call us, so I didn't really get to hear what he had to say. What is he trying to tell me?

As we met the others, they all stared at me.

"Wae? Is there something on my face?" I asked.

"Ani. Your face is fine." Sungyeol said.

"Then what is it?"

"You look so cute Sunshine!" Sungjong squealed as the others just nodded.

I blushed. "Really? Komawo!!"

"We better get going. Got lot's of practice to do today." Sunggyu said. When entered the van one by one. When it was my turn, Sunggyu stopped me. "Not this time, Sunshine. You sit in front."

I looked at him with a confused face, but didn't even bother to say anything. I sat up front and buckled myself. I was about to close the door till Hoya was at my side. "Can I help you?" Great more shocks...

"Here where these." He placed a pair of sunglasses on me.


"You still have scars on your face. The sunglasses will distract people from looking at them."

"Hey these look cool... wait a minute do you not like my scars...?"

"I never said that. And those do look good on you."

"If you say so."

"Just keep them on okay? And don't ruin them because their mine." He closed the door and got to the back.

I was speechless for a minute, then noticed that Hoya was less nervous then last time. In fact, he didn't look nervous at all. He's been acting really strange ever since I woke up. Did something happen while I was out? That question was on my mind all the way to where they practice. I thought of all possibilities, but they were just all impossible. I was in deep thought and didn't even realize we stopped. Sungyeol had yell in my ear, so now I'm like deaf in one ear. When I got out, I realized that I haven't even heard one of their songs Stupid coma. I had told them this and they didn't believe me  at first.

"Are you sure you haven't heard at least one?" L asked.

"If I did, I would of remembered...I'm pretty sure I haven't listen to one." I said.

"Well I hope you enjoy our music then." Sunggyu said.

I smiled and started to walk but was pulled back by Hoya. He looked at me and said, "You know you got your facts wrong. You have heard one of them."

I gave a confused look. "I have? When?"

"Don't you remember? I sang you a lullaby. That was one of our songs." Hoya laughed a little. "By the way you look really cute when your confused." He then started walk away. I just stood there, blushing like crazy. After another shock went away, I followed him. We entered the room and I automatically ran inside.

"Wah!!! Its been forever since I last entered in a room like this." I didn't realize that I had said that out loud till everyone turned to me. Great... me and my big mouth...

"You dance Mi-Sun?" L asked. They all leaned in closer to hear my answer.

"Well I used too... It's not my thing anymore. When I was going to school in the states, I joined a hip-hop club. I guess I liked it but my sister made me stop."


"Personal reason..." I said and sat down. "I don't really like to bring it up."

"Well guys shall we start now." Sunggyu asked.

"Ye." The rest replied.

I was so amazed by their skill. They were always in sync. It was so entertaining, I couldn't sit still. Sometimes they would mess around or ask me if I liked the number. Of course I would say yes. Who wouldn't? No wonder they were so good. They just kept going and going. After practicing for hours, they took a break and came over to me.

"Sunshine, you enjoying yourself?" Sunggyu asked with a smile.

 "Ye. A lot actually. You guys are awesome." I smiled back.

"I miss seeing your famous smile." Sungjong said.

"It's not famous..." I blushed.

"But to me it is."

"Hey Mi-Sun, since you been watching us practice, how about you show us what you got." Sungyeol suggested.

"Yeah! Please Sunshine. I want to see how you do." Sungjong pleaded.

"Wae? A-Ani... like I said before, I don't do it anymore. Plus it's been so long..." I said.

"Come on, just this once." Woohyun encouraged.

"Yeah. I'm pretty curious myself." Dongwoo added.

They were all giving me the puppy dog look and I just couldn't say no. "Fine, fine.. but I'm picking my own song."

"Yay! Sunshine's going to perform!" Sungjong cheered.

"Don't get to excited. It wont be that good." I said as I was going through my playlist of songs.

"Oh how bad could it be?" L said.

I choose a song I use to perform at school assemblies with my club in the in the states. It was pretty much the only dance number I remember because I was the one who choreographed it. Funny right? Anyway, as the song began, I stayed in rhythm. When it was half way through the chorus, I was so into it, I had forgotten what it was like to perform routines like this and the fact that Infinite were the ones watching me. I just couldn't believe I was doing this and that I remembered the whole thing. As I ended, I turned around and saw the speechless.

"Was it really that bad?" I asked.

"Are you kidding?!?!?!?! That was amazing!! Sungjong blurted.


"Sungjongie is right. You got some moves." Sunggyu said.

"That's the first time we've seen that side of you. Were you always like that type before?" Everyone glared at Woohyun. "Was that a bad type of question..."

I rolled  my eyes. "Ye, Stupid One. I use to be like that when I was a first year. Everything changed when I quitted the club."

"Can you sing as well?" L asked.

"Well... a little. But I can't. Its been too long." and my big fat mouth...

"Give us a sample."

"Ani! I already danced for you guys..."

"Please..." They all pouted again.

"Aish. You guys are crazy... Fine but no more from me. After this I'm done." I saw all of them nod and thought of a song I knew the words to. Something that I forgot to tell them (Or just choose not to...) that I was also in choir. So yes I was a singer and a dancer, but all of that was given up because my sister had a dream dealing those two things. So I had to quit the club and choir. I had also sang at my school assemblies so I thought of the song I did for one of them. I had finished singing the chorus and when I looked at all of them, they were clapping.

Well Mi-Sun, you still got some talent in you still. I thought as I smiled.

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All I did was add the poster who was created by GalaXY Postershop. So nothing really changed. :)


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great job!
Oh My Gosh, my two favourite groups chilling together?! Amazing...I like this story a lot, it's really interesting how all of her sisters are dating idols...XD
HHMLove #3
OMG. I am jealous of Mi-Sun. What is happening???
HHMLove #4
OMG. This is so interesting. Wonder what will happen if i am her...
HHMLove #5
I want to be MI-Sun. :)) How i wish that it will really happen to me.
littlelamb86 #6
er....what does the last part actually mean?
Nambunny #8
beuobva;iewufbp83q;iba. vhbbhhye<br />
Nambunny #9
Umm..\/\/\/ thats supposed to be a keyboard smash. But my iPod has auto correct so. Yea.
Nambunny #10
not that I don't appreciate fast updates. .___.<br />
when shrieks naïf)(48hvdt79!dsv?$&j$)c7<br />
I wanna know what happens nextttt