The Beginning

Fatal Affections

An hour later with Micky’s directions, they arrived at Mickey’s grandparents’ mansion in Ilsan.  Linda stared at the huge mansion with surprise. “You are a rich kid, Micky! Why did you even have to work as a preschool teacher?” Linda exclaimed.

Micky chuckled. “It’s my childhood dream. Not as if the family business is mine. The riches belong to my family, not me. Anyway, if I were to work in the family business, I would not have met a troublesome girl like you,” he .

“Micky! After what I have done for you. Ungrateful man. We are here,” Linda pouted after parking the car.

They got out of the car. “I shall see you again soon. Go on inside,” Linda said, smiling at him and turned to walk off.

Micky pulled her arm. “No, accompany me. How are you getting back anyway? It’s almost midnight and there are no taxis operating around here by this time,” Micky said.

“Ahh.. My brother will kill me if I’m not home. He will tie me up with rope and locked me in my room for the next whole month!” Linda rejected the idea.

Micky rolled his eyes. “You are the one to be blame. Just face your punishment later. In the meantime, call him and tell him you are spending the night here. Let’s go,” Micky said.

“Umm.. I didn’t bring my handphone,” she said quietly.

Micky turned and sighed. “Use mine then,” he handed it over.

Linda dialed Yunho’s number. “Oppa? I will be spending the night at my friend’s house because it’s too late to go home,” she informed him.

Micky who was standing a meter away to give her privacy could hear Yunho’s angry voice over the phone. Linda kept quiet and explained to him what happened. “Oppa, I am an adult! I know how to behave! I will be back tomorrow. Bye,” Linda said in frustration and switched off the phone.

Micky eyed her. “Looks like I will be attending your funeral next,” Micky , earning a hard punch on his arm from Linda.

Micky and Linda entered the house and was led to a room where all his family members were present. They went to pay their respects. After that, they were led to the adjacent room to have refreshments. Micky’s mom came over. “Mom, this is my colleague, Linda. Linda, this is my mom,” Micky introduced them.

Micky’s mom smiled. “Pleased to meet you,” Linda bowed.

After chatting, they both went to retire for the night. They were informed that they funeral rites will be starting early the next morning and the will recitation will happen in the afternoon.


The next day, Linda came down for breakfast. “Ah, your girlfriend is here,” Micky’s mom commented.

“She is not my girlfriend, mom,” Micky corrected her which made Linda blushed.

“Micky, I will return after breakfast. Is that okay?” she asked while breakfast was served.

“Ahh… Of course. I will call for taxi,” he said but his mom interrupted.

“Oh no… You should stay here till the whole event is over,” his mom said.

Linda and Micky looked at each other. Linda reluctantly agreed. Micky nudged her.  “Don’t worry, Linda. I will learn from this funeral ceremony well,” he said solemnly.

Linda looked at him confused. “Huh?” she asked.

“For your funeral. Your brother is going to kill you for this, right?” he .

Linda glared at him and walked off.


Meanwhile, Jaejoong, Changmin and Yunho were called to the director’s office as soon as they reported to work. “Yunho sir, why are you in a bad mood?” Jaejoong asked as they were walking towards the office.

“Ahh… My sister ran off to help her colleague and left her handphone behind so that I cannot reach her,” Yunho complained.

Jaejoong and Changmin snickered, trying not to laugh. Yunho glared at them and went into the office with the other two trailing behind.

“Have a seat,” the director ushered them.

As soon as they sat down, the director passed them each a file. They opened the file and it was a about the massacre of a police man and his family by a mafia group. The whole family was massacred because the police man had acquired an important lead of a major drug deal and the mafia had got wind of it and killed them to shut them up. Inside the file contained the pictures of the 3 top notch members of the mafia and the detailed information about each one of them.

The three of them looked at the director, waiting for further instructions. “The three of you will take up this mission. You are to find evidence to pin these mafia for a murder charge to stick on them. They have been getting away from the law easily. From our sources, the leader of the mafia, Lee Seok Jin, will be meeting his mistress in Ilsan today. I want one of you to track him down and get hold of this woman so that we can interrogate her,” the director said.

“I will go. A friend of mine is in Ilsan. He can help me to get around,” Jaejoong volunteered.

The director nodded. “That’s good. Your good looks will come in handy too,” the director grinned.

Yunho and Changmin snickered while Jaejoong glared at them. “The two of you go and trail the other two. Be careful and ensure that you are not caught. Do not discuss this case with anyone,” the director warned them.


Jaejoong called his friend in Ilsan and they agreed to meet at the café where the meeting between the mafia leader and the mistress was known to happen at night.

Micky, Linda and the rest of the family members were gathered at the room after the funeral rites were over and the grandfather was laid to rest. They were all waiting for the lawyer to read out the will. Linda looked at Micky and whispered, “Why am I even here? I am not even family!”

Micky pinched her arm. “Shhh… they think that you are my girlfriend so help me out. Just stay and listen,” he whispered back.

Linda sighed. “If only I am your real girlfriend, Micky,” Linda thought sadly.

Linda looked around and was surprised to see a familiar face. “Norah? What is she doing here?” she wondered as she saw her best friend and her whole family present.

Before Linda could ask Micky about her, the lawyer cleared his throat, announcing that the reading was about to start. “Good afternoon everyone, I am here on behalf of the late Park Baek Yoon to inform you of his will,” the lawyer started.

The lawyer talked about the split of the assets and other boring stuff. Suddenly, they heard Micky’s name being mentioned. “As part of my will and promise to my dear late friend, Lee Min Jung, I will like to ask the hand of his granddaughter, Lee Norah for my beloved grandson, Park Yoochun. They will be married after my one month death anniversary. If Yoochun or Norah were to refuse, they will be banished from the family line,” the lawyer announced.

Micky, Linda and Norah were shocked to hear the will. “What?” Micky stood up.

“Micky, sit down,” Linda pulled his hand.

Norah saw them and was surprised to see Linda there. After the meeting was adjourned, Norah met up with Linda. “What are you doing here?” Norah asked.

“Accompanying my colleague, Micky,” she smiled.

“I see,” Norah nodded.

“Tell you guys what. Let’s go to the café and talk about this marriage thing,” Micky suggested, appearing from behind.

“That’s a good idea. Norah and I will go off first and meet up with you later,” Linda said, taking Norah’s hand and quickly leave the mansion before anyone saw them.

Linda and Norah were seated at a secluded place at the end of the café. While waiting for Micky, they ordered food and catch up with each other. “I am so glad to meet you! I have been trying to ask you out but I am so busy with work especially now when the school is opened,” Linda grinned at her.

“Hahaha.. Yeah, I can understand. Preschool kids can be handful at times,” Norah agreed.

“You are seeing a guy at your office, right?” Linda asked.

Norah frowned. “Yeah, we just agreed to have a stable relationship. It’s hard dating a policeman especially when they are always on missions,” Norah complained.

Linda laughed. “Lucky you. Ummm… Or not. Now you are forced to marry Micky. Are you ready to marry him? He is a good man. I know him very well,” Linda said.

Norah looked at her closely. “You like Micky, don’t you?” she asked.

Linda blushed and looked away. “No, I don’t. We are just colleagues. Good friends,” Linda declared.

Norah smiled and nodded. “Ok, if that is what you say. Ahh, I need to go the toilet,” Norah said and left for the toilet.


While waiting for Norah, a man suddenly came to Linda’s table and sat down. Linda looked at him, weirdly. “Excuse me, I think you are sitting at the wrong table,” she said.

The man looked up and looked at her. His handphone rang. He answered the call. After a few exchanges, he hung up. “Ahh, I’m sorry. I thought you are my girlfriend. I got the wrong café. Sorry about it,” he apologized and left.

Linda smiled and watched him leave. She was stirring her drink and looking outside when suddenly a handsome guy approached her, looking serious. Linda looked up to him, wondering what happened. “Yes? May I help you?” she asked.

“You are under arrest. Let’s not make a scene and come with me quietly,” he said.

Linda’s jaws dropped. “I’m under arrest? For what? Wait, did my brother send you? Ok, fine, I will follow you back,” she frowned.

Linda followed the handsome guy to his car. “Hold on, I need to cuff you so that you will not run,” he said.

Linda frowned. “Cuffs? I don’t want! I am not a criminal and I refused to be cuffed. What is your name?” she demanded.

“Fine, I will not cuff you. Get in quick,” he said.


The two of them kept quiet throughout the whole journey to Seoul. They arrived an hour later. The police man opened the door and Linda got out. He led her into the police headquarters and into the questioning room where Yunho and Changmin were waiting to interrogate the criminal.

As soon as Linda entered the room, Yunho stood up. “Linda? What are you doing here?” he asked.

Linda looked at Yunho. “You are the one who ask your man to fetch me and you ask me why I am here?” Linda asked, unhappily.

“Ask my man to fetch you? Who?” he asked.

Linda pointed to the guy who brought her here. “Him,” she said, pointing to Jaejoong.

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Chapter 23: OH MY GOSHHHH~ FINALLY~ AN UPDATE! YAAAYY \^-^/ OMG I was really anticipating for your updates~ i hope you can get rid of that writer's block asap.. I'll wait for your updates~^^ HWAITINGGG~^^
Such a cliffhanger there, huh... Please update~!
Uh oh....I sense trouble @_@
LOL Linda is getting pay back for what she heard on the phone!!!! AWWW PINK Apron I bet the guys requested to get matching ones lOL...sorry I can just imagine all the jokes they made!!!!!!!!
Very smart move!!! I would have never thought of that to put a device under a chair!
“She is perfect for this job. She is so great with them. I wonder how she will act around our own children?” he wondered, lost in thoughts. I love that!!!!! Go Minam is so protective!! I know he shouldn't of done it but it was funny!!! I mean a big bad police detective being punched by a kid!!!LOL!! <br />
I am so sorry I haven't been reading much!!! I was watching Poseidon and You're Beautiful!!! I am glad to see that Norah and Micky are friendly! Yay Micky is going to help Norah get Changmin back!!!!
clinique_happy #9
Hi Readers,<br />
Sorry for making you guys wait.<br />
I am currently having exams and will update by end of next week.<br />
As an apology, i will update two chapters next week.<br />
Thank you for your support and comments!<br />
Do continue reading my fic!