Questions answered

Fatal Affections

Everyone turned to look at Jaejoong. He looked at them, bewildered. “Me? But I saw her taking to the Lee Seok Jin! Ask her!” Jaejoong defended himself, looking at Linda.

Linda looked confused. “Lee Seok Jin? Who the heck is that? I was talking to my best friend who happened to be female and her name is LEE NORAH. We are waiting for my colleague, PARK YOOCHUN, in the café,” Linda explained, emphasizing on the names.

Yunho sighed. “But, I did see him talking to her!” Jaejoong repeated after himself, trying to sound convincing.

“Are you trying to tell me that my sister is lying? Are you accusing her to be the mistress of the mafia leader? If you are, you are implying that my sweet, innocent sister of mine is in cahoots with the criminals?  Answer me, Kim Jaejoong,” Yunho questioned him angrily.

Jaejoong shivered under Yunho’s angry glare. If looks could kill, Jaejoong would be dead within seconds. Suddenly, Linda spoke up. “Do you mean the guy who mistakenly sat in my booth while Norah went to the ladies?” she asked Jaejoong.

Jaejoong’s face lit up. “Yes! That’s him!” he exclaimed.

“Ahh…  that man. He sat in my booth, thinking that I am his girlfriend. When he sat down, his phone rang and he realized that he was at the wrong café. He apologized to me and left. I do not know him,” Linda said.

“You should tell that earlier,” Yunho said.

Linda shrugged. “How would I know? That rude guy just came up to me and told me that I was under arrest. He did not even bother to tell me why or ask if I know that guy. On top of that, he wanted to handcuff me! Even my brother had never handcuffed me. Furthermore, he did not bother telling me his name when I asked. As a law enforcer, he is such a rude guy.  Mr. Kim, if you are free, come to my preschool center. I will teach you manners together with the children that I am looking after,” Linda glared at him.

Changmin who was sitting quietly, snorted, amused by the whole situation. Jaejoong flashed his eyes in anger. “Why you! Just because Yunho is your brother, you can badmouth me? Who is the rude one now?” he retorted.

“Whether my brother is here or not, it does not matter! You should be ashamed of yourself for not having any courtesy or manners,” Linda replied back, heated.

“I do have manners. Only you are too blind to see it,” Jaejoong answered.

Changmin was laughing and Yunho was growing impatient by second. He took a deep breath and shouted, “Stop it! Changmin, stop laughing! Linda, Jaejoong, stop talking! Jaejoong, you  do not have any right to insult my sister whether in front or behind my back. You should respect her just like you respect others. Why didn’t you ask her before arresting her? Are you new to this job, Jaejoong? Buck up or I will see that you are out from this department. Understand?,” Yunho barked at him, furiously.

Yunho stopped and glared at Jaejoong for a while. He turned to Linda. “And you! What are you doing in Ilsan? How dare you leave your handphone behind with Junsu and ran off with Micky to Ilsan? Apart from that, you even hang up on me while I was talking to you! Why are you in that café? You should go straight home after the funeral rites!” Yunho scolded her.

Linda kept quiet. “Sorry,” she apologized, quietly.

Yunho wanted to scold her again but he saw tears falling from her eyes. He sighed, his heart softened at the sight. He could never bear to see his sister cry. “Ok, ok. Don’t cry. Go wait for me in my office. We will go home together,” he wiped her tears and kissed her forehead.

Linda nodded and followed Changmin out. Jaejoong stood straight, waiting for instructions. Yunho glared at him. “Go back to the office and write a report. I want it by end of today,” he said.

Jaejoong nodded and quickly went off.

On the way to their office, Changmin made small talk with Linda. “Hi, my name is Shim Changmin,” he introduced himself.

“I’m Jung Linda. Nice to meet you,” she smiled.

Changmin nodded. “Your brother really cares for you,” he commented.

Linda sighed. “Yeah, he cares too much. If he can put me on a leash, he will,” Linda complained.

Changmin chuckled. “Oh! Can I borrow your phone? My friends will be wondering what happened to me since I left the café without a word,” Linda said.

“Here, use my phone,” he said, handing her his handphone.

Linda smiled gratefully. She took the phone and was surprised to see a picture of Changmin and Norah as the wallpaper of the phone. “Norah? You knew her?” Linda asked.

Changmin gave a happy smile and nodded. “Ah, she is my girlfriend. We have been going out for quite some time,” he answered.

Linda nodded and surprised by this revelation. “Norah is my best friend,” she told him.

Changmin grinned. “Oh! So the girl that she has been describing is you!” Changmin exclaimed.

Linda smiled and dialed Norah’s number. “Changmin?” Norah greeted.

“Hey, it’s me,” Linda giggled.

“Linda? What are you doing with Changmin’s phone? Where are you?” Norah asked, surprised.

Linda explained to her what happened. “Is Micky there?” Linda asked.

“Yes, he is here. He was worried when you were gone without a trace. He thought something had happened to you,” Norah said before passing the phone to Micky.

“Linda! I am so glad that you are alive! I really thought that I have to attend your funeral for real!” Micky .

“PARK YOOCHUN! It’s your funeral that will be happening if I ever get to see you!” Linda screamed over the phone.

“Aish! But I am glad that you are fine,” he said in relief.

Linda told him what happened. “So have you settled the matter?” Linda asked.

Micky frowned. “Nope. We were trying to reach you the whole day so we did not really discuss about it. Anyway, we will discuss this matter together with you once we are back tomorrow,” Micky answered.

“Oh, ok. Sorry for all the trouble. I will see you soon, then. Bye,” Linda said and hung up.

Linda returned the phone to Changmin who came back with some refreshments. “Oh, you are done?” he smiled.

Linda nodded and both of them started to chat while waiting for Yunho to return.

Meanwhile, Jaejoong was angry with Linda and was stomping all the way to his cubicle to do his report. Yunho, Changmin and Jaejoong shared an office but Jaejoong’s cubicle was at the far corner of the office. He saw Changmin and Linda chatting at the office’s pantry. He grumbled to himself. His phone rang as he was typing his report. “Hello?” he greeted.

“Jaejoong! Where are you? I thought you are coming over?” a voice asked, unhappily.

“Ahh! I am so sorry, Micky. I had some troubles,” he said and told him what happened.

Park Yoochun or otherwise known as Micky was Jaejoong’s best friend who Jaejoong was supposed to meet in Ilsan. “Hold on, the girl you mistakenly arrested is Jung Linda?” Micky asked.

“Yes, what’s with her?” Jaejoong asked, irritated when he hear the name.

“She is my colleague! She was the one accompanying me to my grandfather’s funeral and we were supposed to meet in this café. No wonder she was gone,” Micky exclaimed.

“That rude, childish girl is your colleague? Micky, can’t you choose better colleagues?” Jaejoong complained.

Micky laughed. “Hey, play nice. She is a nice, sweet girl. She is fun if you get to know her better,” Micky said.

Jaejoong shuddered. “No way. There is no way I am going to be friends with her. Over my dead body,” he said.

Micky just laughed.

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Chapter 23: OH MY GOSHHHH~ FINALLY~ AN UPDATE! YAAAYY \^-^/ OMG I was really anticipating for your updates~ i hope you can get rid of that writer's block asap.. I'll wait for your updates~^^ HWAITINGGG~^^
Such a cliffhanger there, huh... Please update~!
Uh oh....I sense trouble @_@
LOL Linda is getting pay back for what she heard on the phone!!!! AWWW PINK Apron I bet the guys requested to get matching ones lOL...sorry I can just imagine all the jokes they made!!!!!!!!
Very smart move!!! I would have never thought of that to put a device under a chair!
“She is perfect for this job. She is so great with them. I wonder how she will act around our own children?” he wondered, lost in thoughts. I love that!!!!! Go Minam is so protective!! I know he shouldn't of done it but it was funny!!! I mean a big bad police detective being punched by a kid!!!LOL!! <br />
I am so sorry I haven't been reading much!!! I was watching Poseidon and You're Beautiful!!! I am glad to see that Norah and Micky are friendly! Yay Micky is going to help Norah get Changmin back!!!!
clinique_happy #9
Hi Readers,<br />
Sorry for making you guys wait.<br />
I am currently having exams and will update by end of next week.<br />
As an apology, i will update two chapters next week.<br />
Thank you for your support and comments!<br />
Do continue reading my fic!