Childcare Centre

Fatal Affections

Jaejoong was awkward with the kids initially but with Linda’s help, he managed to interact with the kids better and smoothly. Linda knew about his mission. She introduced Jaejoong to Go Minam, the son of the mafia gang that Jaejoong and his team were searching for. The boy was a very shy boy but very mischievous once he had opened up to the person and he was very attached to Linda.

Jaejoong approached Linda, wanting to ask about some extra stationery as they were having an art class. Jaejoong touched Linda’s shoulder and leaned forward as Linda was sitting down, chatting and watching over the group of kids. “Linda, where is the…..ooof!” Jaejoong was hit in the stomach halfway while he was talking to Linda.

“Stay away from Linda teacher!” Go Minam shouted at him angrily.

Jaejoong sat on the floor, staring at the little boy in shock. “What?” he asked, upset.

Linda chuckled in amusement and knelt next to the boy. “Minam, look at me,” Linda called him.

Minam looked at her, frowning. “Apologize to Jaejoong teacher now. It is very rude of you to punch a teacher like that. Never use violence against people, understand?” Linda scolded him sternly.

Minam frowned. “But teacher! I just wanted to protect you!” he insisted.

Linda smiled and ruffled his hair. “Yes, I understand. But you should listen first what he wants to say. He just wanted to ask me something. I do not want you to punch people anymore, ok? If you do it again, I will punish you, understand?” she said gently but firmly.

Minam nodded. “Now, apologize to Jaejoong teacher,” she said, pushing him towards Jaejoong who was watching them silently.

Jaejoong was observing the way Linda educated the kids and found himself smiling. “She is perfect for this job. She is so great with them. I wonder how she will act around our own children?” he wondered, lost in thoughts. 

“Hold on! Where did that thought come from? Our children? Linda and mine? No, no, no,” Jaejoong shook his head.

“Jaejoong teacher! Why are you shaking your head? Minam has something to say to you,” Linda called him.

Jaejoong looked at them. “Oh! What is it, Minam?” he asked, smiling gently at him.

Minam with a sour face and his hands at the back, took a step forward. “I’m sorry, Jaejoong teacher,” he said.

Jaejoong looked at Minam and then at Linda in surprised. Linda grinned. “Ahh, it’s ok, Minam. Just do not do that again,” he said, ruffling Minam’s hair.

Minam nodded and ran away from there. Linda looked at Jaejoong. “You can’t bully me. I got protectors,” she grinned and left him there, looking after her.

The day at school soon went passed quickly and soon, it was time for the kids to return home. As one parent came after another to fetch their kids, Jaejoong slowly cleaned up the classroom. He saw Minam alone, drawing on pieces of blank papers. He approached him. “Hey, little man, what are you drawing?” Jaejoong asked, sitting next to him.

Minam looked at him and ignored him, continue to draw. Jaejoong’s smile faltered. “This kid is a brat,” he thought to himself.

Jaejoong breathed in and started again. “You drew very well. Is that a dragon?” he asked.

Minam continued drawing. “Ohh… is that a princess? The dragon kidnapped the princess?” Jaejoong asked further, trying his best to interact with the boy.

Finally, after five minutes of silence, Minam answered, “I am drawing a story of a hero who is saving the princess from the dragon.”

“Oh! That is very interesting! Who told you the story? Your mom or your dad?” Jaejoong asked.

“My mom will tell me stories before I go to bed. My dad will never tell me stories. He is always busy,” he said.

“I see. What is your dad working as?” Jaejoong asked.

“He is a businessman. He sells a lot of stuff,” the boy answered.

“Wah! That is great! Do you know what he sell?” Jaejoong probed.

The boy shrugged. Jaejoong felt disappointed with the dead end but a four year old would not know that much. “My dad is always meeting people,” Minam said suddenly.

“Meeting people? Do they always meet at your house?” he asked.

Minam shook his head. “No, they will come to our house and then my dad will go out with them,” he answered.

“Oh? How many people always come to your house?” he asked.

“Hmm…  I think there are four people,” he answered.

Jaejoong wanted to ask more but Linda came over. “Minam, your dad is here to fetch you,” she called.

Minam stood up immediately. “Yes, teacher!” he said and ran towards Linda.

“Minam! You forgot your bag and jacket!” Jaejoong said.

He slipped a tiny hearing device in Minam’s small schoolbag. He knelt down and helped to put the bag on Minam. Minam hugged Linda and waved at them before running towards the car. After the car pulled out of the school, Linda turned to Jaejoong. “Is everything ok?” she asked.

Jaejoong grinned. “Everything is fine. I need to go home now. My real work has just begun,” he said.

Linda nodded and left him alone, knowing that she should not ask any further questions. Both Jaejoong and Linda were the last people to leave the school. They locked up everything and made their way out.

“I shall make my move, Jaejoong-sshi. I see you tomorrow morning,” she bowed and turned to head to the bus-stop.

“Hey, would like to go out for dinner?” Jaejoong called after her.

Linda turned. “I thought you have work to do?” she asked.

Jaejoong grinned and took her hand. “Don’t be so stiff like your brother,” he said and pulled her to his car.

Jaejoong brought her to his house. “You shall help me with my work,” he said, pulling her into his apartment.

“What? I am a preschool teacher! Not a police detective! My brother will be furious if he knows about this,” she said.

“Don’t tell him. As a reward, I will cook dinner for you. All you need to do is to listen and take down notes. I put in a device with will capture their conversation in Minam’s bag,” he said.

Linda sighed. “Why am I doing your work?” Linda grumbled but she obediently took a seat and listened to the conversations while Jaejoong went off to cook dinner for them.

Jaejoong brought dinner over to her and both of them listened quietly while eating. “This is delicious! You are a good cook!” Linda praised him.

Jaejoong grinned proudly. “Of course. I am talented,” he bragged, earning a kick on his shin.

“That hurts!” Jaejoong exclaimed, glaring at her.

“Serves you right,” she said.

As they were bantering with each other, suddenly they heard a crucial piece of information. “Daehui here. I just confirmed that the Black Rose gang is going to meet us about the deal. Yup, they will be bring four people,” Jaejoong and Linda looked at each other in excitement.

“Don’t meet here. Same place, same timing. Sunflower,” they overheard Daehui speak over the phone and suddenly, there was silence.

“I guess the conversation is over. I need to pass this to Yunho,” Jaejoong said quickly.

Jaejoong called Yunho and passed the message through coded words. Linda kept quiet throughout the whole conversation. When she heard that Jaejoong just described her as an evil person, she kicked his other shin hard. “Yah, why did you do that for?” Jaejoong yelled in pain.

“Send me home, right now!” she banged the table and glared at him murderously.

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Chapter 23: OH MY GOSHHHH~ FINALLY~ AN UPDATE! YAAAYY \^-^/ OMG I was really anticipating for your updates~ i hope you can get rid of that writer's block asap.. I'll wait for your updates~^^ HWAITINGGG~^^
Such a cliffhanger there, huh... Please update~!
Uh oh....I sense trouble @_@
LOL Linda is getting pay back for what she heard on the phone!!!! AWWW PINK Apron I bet the guys requested to get matching ones lOL...sorry I can just imagine all the jokes they made!!!!!!!!
Very smart move!!! I would have never thought of that to put a device under a chair!
“She is perfect for this job. She is so great with them. I wonder how she will act around our own children?” he wondered, lost in thoughts. I love that!!!!! Go Minam is so protective!! I know he shouldn't of done it but it was funny!!! I mean a big bad police detective being punched by a kid!!!LOL!! <br />
I am so sorry I haven't been reading much!!! I was watching Poseidon and You're Beautiful!!! I am glad to see that Norah and Micky are friendly! Yay Micky is going to help Norah get Changmin back!!!!
clinique_happy #9
Hi Readers,<br />
Sorry for making you guys wait.<br />
I am currently having exams and will update by end of next week.<br />
As an apology, i will update two chapters next week.<br />
Thank you for your support and comments!<br />
Do continue reading my fic!