Meetings & Mission II

Fatal Affections

“Yah! Linda-sshi! Why are you doing this to me?” Jaejoong stood up and glared at Linda who was sitting at her desk, giving him an innocent smile.


That morning, three hours ago, there was a staff meeting about the upcoming Parents’ Day which would be held in about two weeks’ time. Linda was assigned to be in-charge of greeting and ushering the parents. This job was the most tiring job as the parents were normally very fussy and petty and were so overprotective about their children that Linda had to bear the brunt of listening to their complaints and sarcastic remarks. “Can I have an assistant to help me with the job?” Linda asked.

The principal nodded. “Of course. Who do you want your assistant to be?” she asked.

Jaejoong looked away when he heard Linda’s question. Linda smiled evilly, “I request for Teacher Kim Jaejoong. He is great with the parents. The parents especially the mothers absolutely love him! I believe that we will be able to promote our preschool centre better if Teacher Kim helps out with the job.”

Jaejoong turned his head and glared at Linda. The principal clapped her hands. “Yes, I agree. Teacher Kim, I hope that you will be able to handle this job well. I will be very grateful for your help,” she smiled.

Jaejoong forced out a smile and nodded. “Yes, I will be very glad to help,” he said.

-End of flashback-

“Why? You said that you will be glad to help out. Anyway, this is a perfect chance for you to be closer and hang out with your fans,” Linda chuckled, referring to the clingy mothers.

Jaejoong sighed. “You owe me huge,” he glared.

Linda stuck out a tongue and shrugged, turning her attention to the books that were on her desk.

Jaejoong was grumbling to himself when his phone rang. He answered it without looking at the caller. “What do you want?” he snapped.

“Whoa! What’s with you? It’s me, Yunho,” the caller said, taken aback by the answer.

Jaejoong immediately sat up straight. “Ah! Yunho-sshi! Sorry about that,” he answered, his tone turning gentler and apologetic.

Linda looked up from her work and looked at Jaejoong when she overheard Jaejoong called out her brother’s name. Jaejoong caught her eyes and nodded. “Hold on, I going somewhere to talk to you in private,” he said to Yunho as he stood up to leave the teacher’s room.

Linda’s eyes followed him out and wondered what was happening. She shrugged and went back to her job.  Jaejoong went out to the empty male locker room and closed the door behind him after ensuring that no one was around.

“Yunho-sshi, what’s up? How are you getting along with your holiday?” he asked.

“Good. We got some new development. The director wants you here within two hours. There will be an urgent meeting. The principal had been informed about your situation so get your here, now!” Yunho said, urgently.

“Yes, sir!” Jaejoong said and quickly rushed out after hanging up the call.

Jaejoong dashed into the teacher’s room and grabbed his belongings. Linda looked up in surprised. “Where are you going?” she asked.

“Something urgent came up. I need to go,” he said, looking at her.

Linda who was used to seeing her brother rushing in and out of the house suddenly due to last minute work, nodded in understanding. “Be careful,” she said and gave him an amused smile.

Jaejoong’s heart beat faster when he saw her smile. He returned the smile and quickly left.

When Jaejoong stepped into meeting room, everyone was staring at him. He wondered what happened when he slid into the chair next to Yunho. Yunho and Changmin were snickering quietly. “Why is everyone looking at me like that?” Jaejoong asked.

“Hyung, you looked great in that bright pink apron. It goes well with your sapphire blue tracksuit,” Changmin snickered.

Jaejoong looked at himself and blushed in embarrassment. He took off the bright pink apron and put it out of sight. “No wonder Linda gave me that amused smile,” he muttered to himself in annoyance.

The atmosphere turned quiet when the director came in and took his position at the helm of the office. The director looked around and saw his three elite police officers were present. He cleared his throat. “Good afternoon, everyone. We are here to discuss about the case of the mafia group, Poseidon. We received information that they will be gathered at the Busan Harbor to receive a huge shipment of drugs in three days’ time. The leader, Lee Seok Jin, will be there together with the leader of Black Rose to supervise the transaction. This is the perfect time and chance for us to catch them red-handed,” the director said.

The office erupted in murmurs. The director signaled for everyone to keep quiet. “Let’s discuss a strategy to capture these criminals successfully,” the director said.

Yunho’s team was assigned to storm the place as soon as the shipment had arrived and handed over to Poseidon.  Another Special Forces team would be assigned to cover them while they stormed the area.

The meeting lasted for several hours. After the meeting, Yunho informed his team that they would be having their own meeting to strategize their storming plan after half an hour break.

“Hyung, how is it like to be a preschool teacher? It looks that your mission has gone well for you. You totally fit in,” Changmin as they sat down in the pantry, sipping their coffee.

Jaejoong glared at him but smiled after awhile. “It’s tough but after awhile the children grow on you,” Jaejoong said.

“How is it working with my sister?” Yunho asked.

“Ahh, she can be a slave driver but she is great with kids,” Jaejoong answered carefully.

Yunho beamed happily. “You should learn a thing or two from her,” Yunho said.

Jaejoong nodded, hesitantly. “Yunho hyung, it’s time for our meeting,” Changmin said, looking at his watch.

Yunho stood in front of the meeting room, in front of the projector’s screen. There were twelve men in total including Yunho. All of them were sharp shooters and thoroughly fit. Changmin sat behind the computer, helping Yunho with the slides.

“This is the layout of Busan Harbour. We will be taking our positions here and here,” Yunho said, pointing to the places on the screen.

“As usual, we will divide ourselves in teams of three. Remember, cover each other well and always be alert. We will meet here again in three days’ time for the final briefing at 12 noon, understand? Please take care of yourself till then,” Yunho said, firmly.

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Chapter 23: OH MY GOSHHHH~ FINALLY~ AN UPDATE! YAAAYY \^-^/ OMG I was really anticipating for your updates~ i hope you can get rid of that writer's block asap.. I'll wait for your updates~^^ HWAITINGGG~^^
Such a cliffhanger there, huh... Please update~!
Uh oh....I sense trouble @_@
LOL Linda is getting pay back for what she heard on the phone!!!! AWWW PINK Apron I bet the guys requested to get matching ones lOL...sorry I can just imagine all the jokes they made!!!!!!!!
Very smart move!!! I would have never thought of that to put a device under a chair!
“She is perfect for this job. She is so great with them. I wonder how she will act around our own children?” he wondered, lost in thoughts. I love that!!!!! Go Minam is so protective!! I know he shouldn't of done it but it was funny!!! I mean a big bad police detective being punched by a kid!!!LOL!! <br />
I am so sorry I haven't been reading much!!! I was watching Poseidon and You're Beautiful!!! I am glad to see that Norah and Micky are friendly! Yay Micky is going to help Norah get Changmin back!!!!
clinique_happy #9
Hi Readers,<br />
Sorry for making you guys wait.<br />
I am currently having exams and will update by end of next week.<br />
As an apology, i will update two chapters next week.<br />
Thank you for your support and comments!<br />
Do continue reading my fic!