Mission III

Fatal Affections

Jaejoong walked into the teachers’ room, deep in thought. “What are you thinking of?” a voice suddenly broke his thoughts.

He blinked furiously in surprised and turned towards the source of the voice. He found Linda staring at him in amusement. “Linda-sshi, good morning,” he greeted and slipped into his seat.

Linda looked puzzled. Where are his snarky remarks, Linda wondered. 

“Is there anything wrong?” she asked, concerned.

Jaejoong shook his head. “I need to see the principal later to ask for leave. I will be gone for a few days starting from tomorrow,” he said.

“Oh, I see. Your mission, right?” she asked.

Jaejoong nodded. “That means Yunho oppa will return home soon,” Linda grinned, happily.

Jaejoong smiled. “You are excited to see him, huh?” he remarked.

Linda nodded. Jaejoong went out to see the principal while Linda stood up to prepare for her lessons. Time passed by fast and soon, the day ended. Linda and Jaejoong stood in front of the school gate. “Ummm…” Linda started but Jaejoong cut in, “Let me send you home.”

Without waiting for her answer, he pulled Linda’s arm and walked towards his car. The journey to Linda’s apartment was filled with tense silence. They arrived to their destination a while later but both just sat there, not knowing what to do. 

Finally, Linda took a deep breath and faced Jaejoong. “Thank you for the ride home. Take care of yourself during your mission. I know that you guys are trained for this for be careful. Be alert at all times and do not cause any trouble for my brother, ok?” she said.

Jaejoong chuckled and nodded. “I will see you in a few days then. Make sure you don’t get hurt!” she warned and opened the car door to alight.

“Linda-sshi,” Jaejoong called and pulled her arm. 

He pulled her and gave her a kiss on her lips. Linda’s eyes widened in surprised and immediately pulled back. “Good night,” he said and waved at her before driving away.

Linda touched her lips in surprised. “That jerk. He better come to work after he complete the mission,” she mumbled furiously but her face has turned bright red.

“Jerk?” someone asked.

Linda looked up after closing the front door. “Yunho oppa!!! You are home!” she squealed in delight.

She ran to his arms and hugged him tightly. “I miss you so much!” she said.

Yunho kissed her head. “I missed you too,” he said.

“When did you return?” she asked.

“Just an hour ago. My trip to Ilsan was cut short because something came up,” he said.

Linda nodded. “You guys are having some mission soon, right? I heard it from Jaejoong-sshi,” she said. 

Yumho nodded. “I will not be back till a couple of days later. Take care of yourself, ok?” he said.

Linda smiled and nodded. “Of course, oppa. You must take care of yourself too, ok? I want to see you again just like now,” she said softly.

Yunho hugged her. “I promise that I will come back to you safe and sound, ok?” he said, squeezing her.

Linda chuckled. “Oppa, it hurts. You are squeezing me too tightly,” she cried out.

A few days later.

Yunho was standing in front of the room, fully equipped, scanning his men. “Are you guys ready?” he shouted.

“Yes, sir!” they answered loudly.

“Are there any last questions before we move off?” Yunho asked again.

“No, sir!” they answered.

“Good! Remember this, work as a team! Be alert and careful at the same time, understand!” he said.

“Yes, sir!” they answered.

“Let’s move out!” he said and opened the door to leave.

The journey to the harbor was full of silence. Everyone was preoccupied with their own thoughts. Before long, they had arrived and silently and swiftly, everyone went to their arranged positions and wait for the mafia members to appear.

The day was perfect was this type of missions. The day was not to hot and not too cold. It was just right. At the appointed time, members of the two mafia gang started to appear and meet. Yunho and his team were observing quietly, waiting for the perfect opportunity to ambush them.

Everyone was poised for the ambush and was waiting for the signal from Yunho. They watched as a huge container was being lifted from a cargo ship to the harbor. One of the mafia approached the container and opened the door.

He stepped inside and went out again with a packet of white powder in his hands. Another guy approached him and tasted the white powder. He nodded and exchanged some words. They both shook hands and the first guy handed the packet of white powder to the second guy. 

Yunho knew that they had sealed the deal and the Black Rose gang had handed over the drugs to the Poseidon mafia. He saw the leaders of the two mafia at a distance, nodding their heads and smiling to one another. All the mafia and gang members seemed to drop their guard at that moment.

Yunho seized the chance and pressed the siren, indicating that all teams to move out and surround the area.

The mafia and the gang members were shocked at the sudden siren. When they saw the police, they started to open fire. Changmin saw that the leaders are getting away. “Yunho-sshi! Jaejoong-sshi! They are getting away!” Changmin yelled.

Both Yunho and Jaejoong started to sprint towards the cars and tried to shoot the wheels in order to paralyze the car. One of the cars started to shoot at them. Jaejoong pulled Yunho down to get him away from the gunfire. “Yunho! Are you okay?” Jaejoong asked as he watched the one of the car sped off.

Changmin looked at them in concerned. “You guys managed to hit the other car’s wheels. They are not getting away,” he said.

Yunho and Jaejoong nodded and the three of them ran toward the car. The occupants of the car, there were 4 of them, found that it was no use to use the car and got out of it in a rush. However, Yunho, Jaejoong and Changmin managed to get to them and a fight ensued.

The occupants of the car were from Poseidon, the mafia group that they had been hunting down. The car that had gotten away was from Black Rose gang. Yunho grabbed one of them and started to throw a punch on him. Yunho realized that the one he caught was none other than the leader of Poseidon, Lee Seok Jin. However, Lee Seok Jin had no intention of getting caught and fought back.

Another guy entered the fight. Yunho was now fighting against two opponents. He looked briefly around him and saw that both Changmin and Jaejoong were preoccupied with their own opponents. Yunho glared at the two mafias. “Looks like it’s two against one,” Yunho smirked.

“You are going to die,” Lee Seok Jin snarled and both parties continued to brawl.

Unfortunately, Lee Seok Jin’s man managed to distract Yunho from the mafia leader, giving the leader a chance to escape. Before Yunho could realize what happened, he saw the leader running away. Yunho sprinted after him and pounced onto the leader, both of them falling to the ground.

The leader was trying hard to push Yunho off him and finally managed to escape when his man came and pushed Yunho off. When the leader was pushing Yunho away, he pulled something off Yunho’s pocket and ran off.

Yunho managed to pin the guy down but watched in frustration as the leader escaped before his eyes. Back-up arrived and soon, most of the members from Poseidon and Black Rose were detained and caught but they were unable to capture the leaders from the two mafias.

Lee Seok Jin ran off and called for someone to pick him up. In the car, he realized that he was holding onto something. He remembered that he had accidentally grabbed something from the policeman that he was fighting with. He opened his hand and saw that it was a small pouch. He opened the pouch and saw that there was a small piece of paper in it. He took out the paper and smiled to himself. It was not any ordinary paper. It was a picture. Behind the picture, he read, “Yunho oppa, may you always be safe from any harm- Love you, your sister, Linda.” 

“Yunho-sshi, you have a very beautiful sister. She is going to pay for my lost drugs and money because of your stupid operation,” he chuckled evilly, Linda’s face.

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Chapter 23: OH MY GOSHHHH~ FINALLY~ AN UPDATE! YAAAYY \^-^/ OMG I was really anticipating for your updates~ i hope you can get rid of that writer's block asap.. I'll wait for your updates~^^ HWAITINGGG~^^
Such a cliffhanger there, huh... Please update~!
Uh oh....I sense trouble @_@
LOL Linda is getting pay back for what she heard on the phone!!!! AWWW PINK Apron I bet the guys requested to get matching ones lOL...sorry I can just imagine all the jokes they made!!!!!!!!
Very smart move!!! I would have never thought of that to put a device under a chair!
“She is perfect for this job. She is so great with them. I wonder how she will act around our own children?” he wondered, lost in thoughts. I love that!!!!! Go Minam is so protective!! I know he shouldn't of done it but it was funny!!! I mean a big bad police detective being punched by a kid!!!LOL!! <br />
I am so sorry I haven't been reading much!!! I was watching Poseidon and You're Beautiful!!! I am glad to see that Norah and Micky are friendly! Yay Micky is going to help Norah get Changmin back!!!!
clinique_happy #9
Hi Readers,<br />
Sorry for making you guys wait.<br />
I am currently having exams and will update by end of next week.<br />
As an apology, i will update two chapters next week.<br />
Thank you for your support and comments!<br />
Do continue reading my fic!