The Wedding

Fatal Affections

Everyone was seated and was anxiously waiting for the ceremony to start. The garden was beautifully decorated with white lilies and roses, ribbons and laces and glitters. The garden was buzzing with excitement. Yunho and Changmin were seated on the third row, near the aisle. Yunho was looking around excitedly while Changmin was fighting with himself to either run from there and save himself heartache or to stay and watch Norah whom he had not seen for the past few weeks.

hayahge heuryeojin geurimgwa jiweojindeuthan nae hyanggiga
nunbushin gureumsoge garyeojyeoyo

A faded white painting and my slightly vanished scent are hidden inside                                                         

a eye-blinding cloud

amumal eobtneun nae gaseumi cheoncheonhi mameul olgyeobogo
geusairo sochyeogan shiganman sone nohyeo jyeoisseoyo…

My wordless heart slowly moves
And the time that passes inbetween is in my hands

While he was contemplating his decision, the whole garden suddenly went quiet. Music started to play. Everyone turned behind and saw the groom, Micky, and the best man, Jaejoong, standing by the entrance. The emcee of the wedding signaled for them to enter and take their place. Micky strode in confidently like a model on a catwalk on the red carpet. He took his place on the altar and Jaejoong followed behind him, standing next to him. 

Everyone was awed by how charming and handsome the groom and the best man were. Some of the women there were practically drooling and batting their eyelashes towards the two of them, especially towards Jaejoong.  Jaejoong tried his best not to look at those hormonal-driven women and focused his attention towards the entrance of the garden. Jaejoong almost went crazy and was about to run away from the cat calls and winks that he got from those women, when he saw something or rather, someone who caught his breath away for the second time of the day. 

Micky was also staring at the same person, his heart beating wildly suddenly. On the other hand, another handsome man was also staring at the same person but he was waving excitedly to her. Linda blinked nervously but her nervousness disappeared when she saw her brother waving to her excitedly like a three-year-old. She chuckled to herself and waved back at him. She looked next to him and saw Changmin. She widened her eyes in surprised but managed to maintain her smile. “Changmin, why are you here?” she wondered to herself.

She caught Changmin’s eyes and smiled. Changmin returned her smile but she could see the sadness and pain behind his smile and eyes. 

I’m holding back the tears
mugeopji anhge naui maeumeul maego georeoyo
gakkapjinahgo meolji anheun gose
dareun naega seo-ittjyo nan ulji anhayo

I’m holding back the tears
I hang my heart so it’ll be weightless
In a place not too close but not too far
Another me is standing, I don’t cry

Linda finally glanced to Micky who was staring at her and their eyes met. The memory of his gentle kiss popped up in her mind. She quickly averted her eyes and walked through the aisle when the emcee signaled her in. She took her place and tried her best not to look at Micky as her heart was in a state of confusion. 

ddodashi dusoneul moeujyo
eodinga deullin geogose
jueogi anin jigeumeul nan saragayo

I bring my two hands together once again
In a place I live the present life instead of the memories

babogatjiman neul hamkke isseoyo
biugo shipeun geu apeumi
onmomeuro heureuneun nae nunmureul mareuge hajyo.

It’s foolish but we were always together
The pain that I wanted to empty flowed throughout my whole body and dries up my tears

The ring bearer and the flower girl strode in after her and took their places. After that, the music stopped. The bridal processional music started. As the “Wedding March” started to play, the bride walked down the aisle, accompanied by her father. As Norah walked down the aisle, she saw Changmin looking at her with sad but gentle eyes. She gasped quietly and almost dropped her bouquet but she managed to recover immediately. Norah’s and Changmin’s gaze met each other as Norah walked nearer to him and the altar. Time seemed to pass slowly. 

I’m living with my tears
mugeopji anhge naui maeumeul maego georeoyo
gakkapjianhgo meolji anhgeun gose
dareun naega seoittjyo ulji anhayo nan…

I’m living with my tears
I hang my heart so it’ll be weightless
In a place not too close but not too far
Another me is standing, I don’t cry

Norah was now walking right next to Changmin. She looked at him in forlorn. Changmin lifted his hand towards her. Linda was watching from the altar avidly. Is he going to elope with Norah, Linda wondered anxiously as she watched Changmin reaching his hand towards her.

“You dropped your brooch,” Changmin said, opening his palm to hand her Norah’s pearl brooch.

Norah reach out and took it from his hand. Changmin held her hand tightly. “Congratulations, Norah,” he said quietly.

Norah’s eyes filled with tears but she blinked back her tears. She pulled her hand from his slowly. “Thank you,” she answered softly and resumed her walk towards the aisle.

I’m holding back the tears
gabyeopji anhge naui mideumeul maego ddwieoyo
nopjido anhgo natjianheun gose
ddo dareun naega seoittjyo
jageun misoro nan useulsuitjyo…

I’m holding back the tears
I hang my faith on me and run
In a place that is not high nor low
Another me is standing,
With a small smile, I can smile

Linda took a deep breath. She did not realize that she was holding her breathe all these while. Norah caught Linda’s gaze and gave her a small sad smile.

Norah soon arrived at the altar. Micky approached them. Norah’s father placed Norah’s hand on Micky’s hands. “Please take care of my daughter from now on,” he told Micky.

Micky bowed. “Rest assured. I will take good care of her from now on,” he answered.

Her father patted Micky’s arm and went to his designated seat. Micky took Norah’s hand and led her to the front of the altar. Micky and Norah stood facing each other. However, they were not looking at each other. Instead, Norah was looking intently at Changmin who was standing a few meters behind Micky while Micky was looking intently at Linda who was standing behind Norah.

The officiant cleared his throat. “Before I proceed, is there anyone in the audience who opposes to this union? Please speak up now or forever hold your peace,” he said and waited for a few moments.

Changmin was itching to speak up but he decided against it as he did not want to make a scene. He took a deep breath and continued to watch in silence, suffering silently. 

The officiant started his speech and finally it was time for the bride and the groom to exchange their vows.  “Park Yoochun, will you have this woman, Lee Norah to be your wife to live together according to God’s decree in the holy estate of marriage? Will you love her, comfort her, honour and keep her, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, faithfully keep to her alone, so long as you both shall live?” the officiant asked Micky.

Micky glanced at Norah briefly but immediately his gaze returned to Linda as he answered, “I will.”

The officiant turned to Norah. “Lee Norah, will you have this man, Park Yoochun, to be your husband to live together according to God’s decree in the holy estate of marriage? Will you love him, comfort him, honour and keep him, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, faithfully keep to him alone, so long as you both shall live?” the officiant asked.

Norah looked at Micky but her gaze was directed to Changmin as she answered, “I will.”

The officiant smiled. “The rings, please,” the officiant asked the best man.

Jaejoong took out the rings and passed them to Micky. Micky took Norah’s ring and passed his ring to Norah.  As they repeated the ring vows, the officiant instructed Micky to place the ring onto Norah’s finger and Norah to place the ring onto Micky’s finger.

“With this, I pronounced you, Park Yoochun and Lee Norah, man and wife. You may kiss the bride,” the officiant said.

Micky lifted the veil and placed a chaste kiss on Norah’s cheeks. The audience cheered and applauded in happiness except Changmin who closed his eyes, trying to control his feelings when he heard the officiant’s pronouncing them married. Norah felt a tear fell from her eyes as Micky kissed her cheek.

Linda passed the bride’s bouquet to Norah and the music started. Norah took Micky’s arm and the newlyweds walked down the aisle together. Linda turned to Jaejoong. She took his arm and waited till the bridal couple had reached the end of the aisle. While they were waiting, Jaejoong looked at her. “Hey, are you okay?” he asked.

Linda smiled at him. “I’m fine,” she said.

Jaejoong reached over her face and wiped her tears that had fallen unconsciously. “Thank you,” she said, gratefully.

Yunho was watching them carefully. All around him praised how perfect the best man and the maid of honor looked together. He seethed quietly. “That Jaejoong. How dare he,” he mumbled to himself even though he could not help but to agree with the rest that the two of them looked picture perfect together.


Song: DBSK- Holding Back The Tears

credit: silentxtears@soompi and sunshine_moon@TVXQ_SFC


*Please listen to the song while reading the fic. 

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Chapter 23: OH MY GOSHHHH~ FINALLY~ AN UPDATE! YAAAYY \^-^/ OMG I was really anticipating for your updates~ i hope you can get rid of that writer's block asap.. I'll wait for your updates~^^ HWAITINGGG~^^
Such a cliffhanger there, huh... Please update~!
Uh oh....I sense trouble @_@
LOL Linda is getting pay back for what she heard on the phone!!!! AWWW PINK Apron I bet the guys requested to get matching ones lOL...sorry I can just imagine all the jokes they made!!!!!!!!
Very smart move!!! I would have never thought of that to put a device under a chair!
“She is perfect for this job. She is so great with them. I wonder how she will act around our own children?” he wondered, lost in thoughts. I love that!!!!! Go Minam is so protective!! I know he shouldn't of done it but it was funny!!! I mean a big bad police detective being punched by a kid!!!LOL!! <br />
I am so sorry I haven't been reading much!!! I was watching Poseidon and You're Beautiful!!! I am glad to see that Norah and Micky are friendly! Yay Micky is going to help Norah get Changmin back!!!!
clinique_happy #9
Hi Readers,<br />
Sorry for making you guys wait.<br />
I am currently having exams and will update by end of next week.<br />
As an apology, i will update two chapters next week.<br />
Thank you for your support and comments!<br />
Do continue reading my fic!