Jaejoong's Mission Day I

Fatal Affections

A few days later, everyone resumed to their normal lives. Yunho and Changmin went off to find information about the mafia group while Jaejoong was dreading the day he had to work undercover in a preschool center.

Linda and Junsu were setting up the center along with several other teachers to prepare for the day. “Linda, Micky will not be back for some time, right?” Junsu asked.

Linda looked thoughtful. “Hmm… I think he will be away for a week for their honeymoon,” Linda answered.

Junsu grinned. Yes, this is my chance to get close to her, Junsu thought happily.

“Oh? That’s great! It will be quiet without him though. Are you taking over his class in the mean time?” Junsu asked.

Linda nodded. “Yup, I heard that there is a new temporary teacher coming today. So the teacher will be assisting me,” she said.

“A new teacher? I wonder if the teacher is male or female,” Junsu wondered out loud.

Another teacher popped in. “Linda, the principal is calling you,” the teacher smiled to her.

“Oh! Ok, I will be coming right now,” she said, standing up.

Linda went to the principal office. “Yes, Mdm. Did you call me?” she asked.

The principal, Mdm Choi,  was in her fifties, smiled gently at her. “Ah, Miss Jung. Come here and take a sit. There is something that I need to inform you before the new teacher arrives,” she said.

Linda sat down. “What I am telling you now is very confidential so I hope that you will just keep it to yourself,” Mdm Choi started.

Linda looked interested and nodded. “This new teacher is actually an undercover police who is investigating a case,” she said.

Linda widened her eyes. She suddenly remembered that her brother did mention about this case to her and informed her of what to expect. Initially, she thought that her brother was joking and was just teasing her about Jaejoong being sent for a mission in the preschool center but now, when she listened to what her principal was saying, she realized that her brother was not joking around. She groaned inwardly.

 What do you expect, Linda. Your brother has always been serious and strait lace. I do not think he even realize that I dislike Jaejoong as much as he dislikes me, Linda nagged at herself, subconsciously.

A knock was heard a few minutes later. “Ah, I think that new teacher is here. Come in!” the principal shouted.

The door opened and a handsome guy in a suit entered. Linda eyed at him and burst into laughter. The guy looked annoyed. The principal glared at Linda. “Miss Jung, please contain your laughter,” she said.

Linda covered and looked away. “Good morning, Mdm. Good morning, Miss Jung. My name is Kim Jaejoong. I will be the temporary teacher here,” he greeted and introduced himself.

“Please have a seat, Mr. Kim. From the report that your boss sent, the two of you know each other, am I correct?” Mdm Choi asked.

Linda and Jaejoong nodded. “That’s good. Miss Jung, I hope that you will assist him as much as possible. Make him feel comfortable here. Mr. Kim, if there is any troubles or difficulty, feel free to drop by my office,” Mdm Choi smiled, instantly attracted to him.

Jaejoong smiled and nodded. “Mdm, the children are arriving soon. Can we excuse ourselves? I would like to explain some procedures to our new teacher,” Linda grinned.

Jaejoong had a bad feeling when he saw her innocent smile. That woman is up to something, Jaejoong thought to himself.

The principal nodded and both Linda and Jaejoong went out of the office. As soon as the office was out of earshot, Linda burst out laughing. “Hahahaha… Mr. Kim Jaejoong! Wearing a suit to preschool centre? Are you nuts? This is  a school for toddlers, not a university!” Linda chided him.

Jaejoong glared at her but felt embarrassed. “How will I know? Nobody informed me of any dress code,” he said, blushing in embarrassment.

“Come here. I think you can borrow Micky’s gym clothes. Quick change and we shall stand by to greet the parents who will be sending their children over,” Linda said, pushing him into the gents.

“Ok, ok. There’s no need to push. You are so violent, woman!” he complained.

When Jaejoong was done changing, he went out of the gents and approached Linda who was waiting for him outside. “Linda-shi,” he called.

Linda turned and blushed. He looked very boyish yet had that manly aura when he was in a track suit. Her heart skipped a beat. “Ah, let’s go. I will show you your locker and your table,” Linda said, turning away so that Jaejoong would not see her blush.

Jaejoong followed her. As soon as Linda opened the staff room door, all the female teachers were screaming in excitement. “Teachers! Everyone!” Linda shouted to get them to stop.

Jaejoong literally hid behind Linda, shocked by the scream. Linda turned to him. “Do you get this everywhere you go?” Linda asked, annoyed by the screaming of the teachers.

Jaejoong shrugged. “I can’t help it. I am popular,” he smirked.

Linda rolled her eyes. She turned to the teachers who became instant Jaejoong fans and screamed. “Teachers! Shut up! Keep quiet, will you? Behave yourself!” Linda banged the table loudly.

All of them stopped and looked at Linda. Even Jaejoong was scared of Linda at that moment as she was emitting a dangerous aura. “This is better. Let me introduce the new temporary teacher. He is Kim Jaejoong. He will be assisting me while Micky is away. After Micky returned, he will still be on the training with me. This is the direct instructions from the principal. Do you guys understand?” Linda announced.

There was a few unhappiness and complaints but when Linda glared at them, all of them kept quiet and answered her, agreeing to her instructions. Jaejoong looked at Linda in awe. “You are good, violent teacher,” Jaejoong whispered, earning a death glare from Linda.

“This will be your table. This is your apron. Put this on and let’s go out and meet the children,” she said, giving Jaejoong a bright pink apron.

“Pink? Why do I get a pink apron? Is there any other color? I want yours. Yours is red,” Jaejoong complained.

Linda turned and looked at him. “Just wear it, Kim Jaejoong-shi,” Linda said, sternly.

Jaejoong gulped and nodded. He quickly wore the apron and followed her to the front. She’s scary. I pity the children who are under her, Jaejoong shuddered.

The children started to arrive and scream happily when they saw their own respective teachers. When the parents especially the mothers saw Jaejoong, they were instantly attracted to him. “Are you the new teacher?” one of them asked.

Jaejoong put on his best smile and nodded. “Yes, My name is Kim Jaejoong. I will be training with Miss Jung in the mean time,” he said.

Linda who was standing next to him, offered a warm a smile to them. “Don’t worry, I will oversee whatever that he will be teaching the children,” she said.

The mothers looked at Linda critically and ignored her. They were all fawning over Jaejoong, asking him lots of questions. Jaejoong glanced over at Linda who was silently fuming at him and chuckled to himself, enjoying the attention. 

Class was soon about to start. All the teachers had herded their children to the classroom including Linda but Jaejoong was stuck with the fawning mothers. “Linda! Hey, wait,” he called.

Linda turned and smiled sweetly. “I shall meet you in class. Take your time talking to the mothers. You will learn a lot,” Linda said, evilly to him, leaving him to suffer.

“Aish, that evil woman.  Just you wait!” he mumbled to himself, trying his best to get away from the mothers.

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Chapter 23: OH MY GOSHHHH~ FINALLY~ AN UPDATE! YAAAYY \^-^/ OMG I was really anticipating for your updates~ i hope you can get rid of that writer's block asap.. I'll wait for your updates~^^ HWAITINGGG~^^
Such a cliffhanger there, huh... Please update~!
Uh oh....I sense trouble @_@
LOL Linda is getting pay back for what she heard on the phone!!!! AWWW PINK Apron I bet the guys requested to get matching ones lOL...sorry I can just imagine all the jokes they made!!!!!!!!
Very smart move!!! I would have never thought of that to put a device under a chair!
“She is perfect for this job. She is so great with them. I wonder how she will act around our own children?” he wondered, lost in thoughts. I love that!!!!! Go Minam is so protective!! I know he shouldn't of done it but it was funny!!! I mean a big bad police detective being punched by a kid!!!LOL!! <br />
I am so sorry I haven't been reading much!!! I was watching Poseidon and You're Beautiful!!! I am glad to see that Norah and Micky are friendly! Yay Micky is going to help Norah get Changmin back!!!!
clinique_happy #9
Hi Readers,<br />
Sorry for making you guys wait.<br />
I am currently having exams and will update by end of next week.<br />
As an apology, i will update two chapters next week.<br />
Thank you for your support and comments!<br />
Do continue reading my fic!