
Fatal Affections


A few weeks passed in a blink of an eye. Linda was in Yunho’s room, helping him pack for his mission in Ilsan. “Linda, be careful when you are home alone, ok? Make sure you lock all the doors and windows before going to sleep. Return home before 10pm even if I am not around for the next month. My mission may be extended so you have to be home alone for quite a while,” Yunho nagged at her.

Linda rolled her eyes when Yunho was not watching her. “Yes, oppa. I understand,” she said, gave up trying to stop her overprotective brother from worrying about her too much.

“I don’t want you to go gallivanting to pubs and nightclubs when I am not around, ok? Those places are not safe with all those erts roaming around,” he continued.

Linda folded his clothes and placed them neatly in the luggage. “Oppa, what if I find myself a boyfriend when you are not around? He can take care of me,” Linda asked, testing the waters as she was curious about his reaction.

Yunho turned around to face her. “What? Boyfriend?” he exclaimed, his eyes widened in surprise.

Linda nodded. “You have a boyfriend? Who is he? Tell me now. I am going to give him a piece of my mind right now,” he said, furious.

Linda was amused and frustrated at the same time upon his reaction. “I don’t have a boyfriend! I am just asking. Why are you reacting like it’s end of the world?” Linda exclaimed.

Yunho calmed down immediately. “You don’t have a boyfriend? That’s good,” he said.

Linda glared at him. “Oppa, I will never settle down at this rate. You will also not be able to marry anyone if you are like this!” Linda exclaimed, exasperated with him.

Yunho looked at her. He sat down and patted a space next to him. Linda sat down next to him. “Linda, I know that I am very overprotective of you. When we were young, we were thrown from one relative to another like some kind of unwanted things ever since our parents passed away in an accident. I can never forget how you were beaten up by our relatives when their children were the ones at fault. I felt so helpless for not being able to protect you back then because we were at their mercy as we were both very young. I don’t want you to suffer anymore. I just want you to be safe and happy,” he said, quietly.

Linda cried and hugged her brother. “I’m sorry,” she apologized.

“Silly girl. I can never be angry at you. When I am not around, make sure you remember to eat, ok?” he said, patting her head.

Linda nodded. “Good, let’s finish packing my stuff and go to bed. I have to leave early tomorrow,” he said, standing up.

Early the next morning, Linda helped Yunho with his luggage. “You are going to be the bridesmaid in Norah’s wedding in Ilsan tomorrow, right? I shall see you there then. I am sure you will make a very beautiful bridesmaid, more beautiful than the bride,” he grinned.

“Oppa!” she blushed upon hearing her brother’s compliment.

“Take care of yourself, ok? Oh ya, if Jaejoong makes you cry or hurts you in any way when he is doing his mission in your school, tell me right away. I will make sure he gets punished severely,” he informed her.

Linda grinned and nodded. “Of course, oppa!” she said.

Yunho kissed his sister on her forehead before driving off to Ilsan to meet up with Changmin.

As soon as Yunho’s car disappeared at a distance, Linda jumped happily. “I’m free! Hehehe… Now, I have to pack my things to go Ilsan for the wedding!” she said happily, skipping to the apartment.

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Chapter 23: OH MY GOSHHHH~ FINALLY~ AN UPDATE! YAAAYY \^-^/ OMG I was really anticipating for your updates~ i hope you can get rid of that writer's block asap.. I'll wait for your updates~^^ HWAITINGGG~^^
Such a cliffhanger there, huh... Please update~!
Uh oh....I sense trouble @_@
LOL Linda is getting pay back for what she heard on the phone!!!! AWWW PINK Apron I bet the guys requested to get matching ones lOL...sorry I can just imagine all the jokes they made!!!!!!!!
Very smart move!!! I would have never thought of that to put a device under a chair!
“She is perfect for this job. She is so great with them. I wonder how she will act around our own children?” he wondered, lost in thoughts. I love that!!!!! Go Minam is so protective!! I know he shouldn't of done it but it was funny!!! I mean a big bad police detective being punched by a kid!!!LOL!! <br />
I am so sorry I haven't been reading much!!! I was watching Poseidon and You're Beautiful!!! I am glad to see that Norah and Micky are friendly! Yay Micky is going to help Norah get Changmin back!!!!
clinique_happy #9
Hi Readers,<br />
Sorry for making you guys wait.<br />
I am currently having exams and will update by end of next week.<br />
As an apology, i will update two chapters next week.<br />
Thank you for your support and comments!<br />
Do continue reading my fic!