Tell Me Your Inner Thoughts

He was crying... He really was... But why? He never showed any feelings except for anger and hatred. So what made him cry? Hopefully it wasn't my fault... What did I say to him? I actually don't know... Was it that mean? ...I'm really wondering why he cried... I feel a little sorry for him... What if something bad had happened...? Maybe it had something to do with his birthday...?
Whatever, I have to tell Hana at first...Wait! No! I can't tell her! He'll kill me if I do so!

You stomped your foot onto the ground and grabbed your hair desperated.

"Aish~ What shall I do?"

You really wanted to tell your best friend but you were afraid of what will happen if Jimin finds out.

Deep in thoughts, you slowly walked back home. While walking, you took out your mobile and dialed Hanas number.

I have to tell her... He won't find out if Hana don't tell him, will he?

Right after you had called her, she answered. "Yes?"

"I have to tell you something...but you have to promise to not tell anyone!" You said with a serious tone.

"What is it??"

"Promise me first!"

"Yeah Yeah, I won't tell anyone, I promise" You could nearly 'hear' Hana rolling her eyes.

"Okay...so guess who I met on my way...Well, you already know who..but guess what he did..."

"Did he beat you up or yell at you?" Hanas voice sounded angry but still curious.


"Then what? I don't know~ Just tell me~" You chuckled at Hanas whining.

"He sat on the ground and...cried..."

"He...what?! He cried?!" Hana shouted. So loud that you had to hold your mobile a little away from your ear.

"Yes! But please! Don't tell anyone, he'll kill me if he finds out!" You begged her.

"I won't, I swear! But I have to hang up again...have to help my mother in the kitchen"

"Okay~ bye~" You shortly said before ending the phone call.


You looked around noticing a girl from your school typing something on her mobile.

Oh no...I hope she didn't heard it...

After a last glimpse at her, you continued walking home.

You didn't have a good feeling in your stomach because you thought that this girl heard everything and you were afraid that she'll tell someone.

He'll kill me..Why did I do this? Why the hell didn't I wait until I'm at home?! I'm so stupid!

You facepalmed yourself in your mind as your fear got stronger with every step you made. You raised your speed nervously until you finally reached your home. You rushed in and went to your room immediately. Luckily you didn't have school on the next day since it was friday already.

You sighed and laid down on your bed to take a short nap.


Where was I? It was bright. Around you were some grasses, some flowers and dirt. You were standing on a field.
It was simple but still beautiful. Why was I here?

You weren't alone. Someone was laying on the ground a little away from you. Who was it?
You walked closer to the person laying there. you tried to recognize the person, but you failed.
Only you knew was that it was a boy.
You knelt down to look at him more clearly. You knew him. You saw him before. He was really familiar to you.
You looked at his clothes. They were ripped and bloody. That was when you first noticed the blood around him. Was he dead?
He had scars all over his body and his face was covered with injuries and blood.
You noticed a tear rolling down his cheek. He couldn't be dead, could he?
You looked up and saw a man standing far away from the both of you.
He wore dark clothes and his back was turned to you. You only could see his dark face because he was staring at you.
It was dark where he stood. It had a terrifying aura. He looked frightening.
You abandoned the man and looked back at the boy laying infront of you. He didn't move an inch.

You slowly raised your arm and touched his cheek carefully. He flinched.
He wasn't dead. He was in pain. It hurt to see him like this.
You looked up again but the man was gone...


You woke up by the sound of something crashing on the ground.

What the hell was that?

You thought of your strange dream while you got up to check what happened.

As you left your room, you saw your mum kneeling onto the ground crying.

"Oh my- Mum! What happened?" You ran up to her and pulled her into your embrace.

The ground was covered with hundred pieces of a teacup.

"It was my favorite teacup" She cried into your arms "You know, the one who your dad gave to me"


It hurt to think about him. He died two years ago in a terrible car accident. Since then, your life went upside down.
You had been such a loving family but nothing was like before anymore. You - no - both of you loved him so much. You wished he never went out that day. Everything would be perfect if he still would be there.
You missed him.









WASSUP~~~~~! LOL SORRY FOR KILLING THE ATMOSPHERE! XD I'M BAAAACK~ ...with a quite short chapter... I'M SORRY! I wanted to update earlier but my internet didn't work since Sunday *cries* BUT HERE I AM AGAIN! Enjoy~ I hope you like it~ :3 Please comment, subscribe and upvote if yo
u want to :3 I'D BE HAPPY! I LOVE YOU~

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{TMYIT] updated yaay ^-^


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huixhuix #1
asiangirl2015 #2
Chapter 53: I hope you will find time to update as fast as possible^^ i was rereading all chapters again, you did a really great work with this story!
_maknaetrash #3
Chapter 53: Finally ㅠㅠ A happy moment for them
Chapter 53: I am hooked u got me squeallling here
skawpurr #5
Chapter 53: THIS IS SOOO GOOD❤️❤️❤️
Hyeri98 #6
Chapter 52: Update soon author-nim this fanfic is one of the best Jimin fic and imo the story line is really interesting. I also hope that you will write more interesting fics :-)
Chapter 52: OH MY GOODNESS. Mother of all things pink, it happened~! IT happened~!!!! :o *squeals* Aw. It was- they finally confessed~ Awwwww... Now I just want happy 'we love eachother' cuddles and for Namjoon to calm the flip flop down. Joonie pleeeeasseeeee stop being a jeeeerk~! Ugh I want a 'happy ending' for all parties involved... *sniff* But that doesn't happen often so I must prepare my heart for potential ending sadness. D: Anywhosal, no more comment spaaaam~! Hehehehehehe~ I'm all fuzzy now~ :D I send love and hugs, author-nim~!
Chapter 50: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~ Cute little snippet of domestic life~! *swoons* Aw. I just- aw. Aw. This totally makes up for all the manipulation my feels have gone through. I'm looking at you, author-nim! Ah, it was so sweet. I feel like I developed a cavity.... :o Anywhosal, sending hugs and love~!
Chapter 49: Okaaaaaay~ Heeeeyo~! I've been gone for like- forever- but still I'm back and I'm alive and I'm ready to wreck my feels again! I was just gonna catch up and then comment again on the most recent chapter but I just HAD to comment. Like I couldn't not... ^-^ Anywhosal- I unfortunately relate to the panic attack bit; a bit too much for my liking... >_< But hey, that's life. I was soooo happy when ChimChim came to the rescue~! Got some healthy cuddles in as well. Ugh. This story makes me all confused and 100000% conflicted. I'm fine. Totally fiiiiiiiine... :-l Prepare for the comment spam as I get caught up~ sorry not sorry!
SeungheeKim56 #10
Chapter 52: this is soooooooooo gooooooddddddddddd. im crying. someone put onions near me urghhh I REALLYYYY LOVE THISSSSS AUTHOR-NIM!!! I LOVE YOU!!! <3