
A secret place.
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I don't know what i just wrote but, enjoy! :)

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27th of June. It's Nichkhun's Birthday. I know that she'll be here today as Donghae invited her to be. That ing bastard. But oh well. I'm invited too so to cut this introduction short, There's a possibility to meet my hard-headed and scared-to-be-owned slash i-don't-ing-know-what-we-are-or-if-theres-a-possibility-to-have-a-we "FRIEND" Jessica Jung.

Yep. That's her. Kim Taeyeon's almost.


I arrived on time. Of course, I don't want to miss the buffet  they have before the party-animals party.

She's not here yet. Good thing that she isn't. 'Cause I'll make a ruckus in here if she's here early and was late at my birthday before.

30 minutes have passed and it was already time to eat. Damn! Will she ditch this birthday? If that's that case, I shouldn't have gone too! I was gonna call her to ask but lucky for me that I don't have to do so, she already arrived. WITH THAT BASTARD.


I was fuming with anger. I badly want to punch that bastard's face!

"Yoong, Phototime." Before I could even stand and walk to the two, Tiffany dragged me to the whatever photoshooting it is.

After the phototime with Tiff and Nichkhun, I was looking out for her. When I saw that she was all alone near the fire exit, I dragged her in.

She hissed. "What?"

"Why are you with him?"

"Why? I can't?"


"Why is that so?"

"BECAUSE .... BECAUSE! JUST BECAUSE" She sniggered at me.

"You said the last time that you won't care to me anymore. So what now?"

"Why do you have to come with him?! Are you doing that to make me Jealous?"

"Jealous?" She laughed with sarcasm


"Does it make you feel like that?"


"Jealous my . Why would I make an effort to do such thing when you said the last time that we saw each other, which is last week, that you wouldn't care anymore." Said her before she leaves me there. ! I did say those words but I didn't mean it this way! UGH! WHY DOES SHE TAKE EVERYTHING TO HEART SO EASILY??!




It was middle of the party already. Glad that she wasn't accepting any of the jerks offer that hits on her to dance in the middle. She's just there chugging down the bottle of beers while she'll look for that bastard once in a while.

My stare at her was cut off when Taecyeon asked me to dance. I wasn't going to but I think it would be my time to make her jealous. Not to help that Sooyoung and Tiffany pushed me to him. I've no choice. And what? Taecyeon isn't that bad afterall. Given with the looks and the 6 pack abs. Unlucky for him, I don't swoon at him. Cause the one who can make me swoon is drinking beer right over the next table.

We danced in the middle. No. Scratch the danced. I was grinding at him. After I did, I looked at her direction and she wasn't there anymore. Hell! Did it worked out or did I just made myself a laughingstock?



Jessica's eyes would look at Donghae and to Yoona, to and fro.

She chug the last bottle of beer that she had in the table only to see after that Taecyeon was holding  Yoona's hand. She was so mad that the bottle she had in her broke into pieces.

When she saw that Yoona was grinding to Taecyeon, She headed out to the comfort room only to have its mirror punched.

She opened the tap as she washes her blood filled hand. She hissed at the pain. Just then, Taeyeon came inside.

"Sooyeon .." She called out. Jessica turned to look but said nothing. "Sooyeon .."

"Don't call me that. I might hate my name because of you."

"Aiyah! What happened to your hand?" Taeyeon asked as she held it. "Does it hurt?"

"Do you really want to know if it hurts?"





"I didn't mean to hurt you .." Taeyeon said softly

"WELL YOU DID! SO DON'T TRY TO CARE ANYMORE JUST LIKE HOW YOU DIDN'T BEFORE" Jessica spatted as she went out. When she did, Tears fell.



"Have you seen Jessica?" Donghae asked a random girl at the venue

*shakes head*

"Have you seen Jessica?"

*shakes head*

"Have you seen Jessica?"

"I saw her heading to the comfort room awhile ago"

"Thanks" Donghae sighed as he went near the girls comfort room

"Perhaps, Is Jessica inside?"



"Oh hae .."

"Did you happen to see Jessica?"

"Uhm yeah. But she ran after we talked."

"Okay taeyeon-ah"


"Babe, I think Jessica left me behind."

"She left you behind or you left her behind?"

"She did. Well just a moment ago she was drinking and now I can't seem to find her. She even left her bag at our table."


"Really really. "

"Okay. Go to her house and don't leave until she comes back. She'll go home no matter what."

"Will do that."

"Thank you hae."

"Love you babe"

"Love you too"


I left after the dance with Taecyeon. I don't want to get drunk tonight. Well, my real intention is to see her. B

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allayjadhule #1
Chapter 37: I read yoonsic ch again and again 😄
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Comeback to us YoonSic 😭😭
Sad… i miss them :(
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kungfuboy #8
Chapter 155: So sad.
You make me miss them more
kungfuboy #9
Chapter 154: Thank you for this update.
I miss them
Chapter 154: Aaaaah i miss them 🥲