
A secret place.
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Gender bender.

I know some of you may not like it but yeah. Comment up what you think and how's it :)



"Mommy ~"

"Mommy ~"

The little girl poked Jessica's nose. Jessica stirred in her sleep and scrunches her nose. The little girl was delighted to the reaction she received. "Mom hehehe my ~"

"You're up early. Come here." Jessica said as she patted the bed without opening her eyes. The little girl sat at the space Jessica gave her but was pulled in into a hug and is now laying down too. "Let's sleep more."

"Angdae~~ Angdaeyo~~" The little girl whinned and Jessica smiled in victory

"Okay. But let me sleep more."

"How long?"

"Hmm...5 minutes more." Jessica said not even opening her eyes and hugged the little girl closer

1 ..

2 ..

3 ..

Jessica yawned and peek with one eye to see what the little one is doing. "That's mine ~"

"This is not yours. This is Daddy's" Little girl rebutted as she stuck her tongue out at the still half-awake jessica

"Hehe~ Why? Don't know my password?"

"Hmh. Pou must be sick already."


"Yeah. The poop?"

"What poop?" Jessica giggled

"I'll show you" The little girl said as she asks for Jessicas phone to be borrowed "Here, Look. She's not sick but she's hungry and sleepy."

"How did you know that she's sleepy and hungry? It doesn't even talk to you." Jessica asked though she knows the answer

"Here ... This plus .. Is for food, hungry and sick. This is for bath. Ball/playing. And this .. is for sleeping."

"How did you know that its not sick and just hungry?"

"Because, .... Im smart"

"HEHE~ You are."



Jessica stretched first as she sat and then stretched some more

"Lets go." Jessica said and the little girl putted down the phones to where they used to. "Where are we going ~" Jessica asked as she carried the 4 y/o girl in her arms

"Brush brush brush"


The mother and daughter was brushing their teeth together 

"Mommy, im done" The little girl said as she washes her brush and puts it to its right place

"Me too."

"Smell." Jessica crouched down to let the little one smell it and when the little one smelled it, she frowned

"Why?" Jessica looked confused why the little girl frowned 

"Yours is not strawberry. You used a different brush it" Jessica giggled at the explanation she received. 

"Because, I used the one for mommy and daddy while the strawberry one is for a baby like you"


"Because youre still a baby. When you grow uhm ... like phineas or ferb, you can use the toothpaste like mine"




Jessica carried her to the living room and sat at the couch. "Baby, You know that mommy and daddy is always seen at a magazine, right?"

The little one nodded

"Vogue wants us to be in their magazine. Do you want to?"



"HMM!!" The little girl nodded excitedly

"Really? Can you do it alone?"

"Huh? I thought us"

"Yeah. Daddy too. But they want you to be in Vogue Kids too, Alone. Can you do it?"


"Can you?"

"Yeah!! I'll do it like how you do."

"How do i do it then?" The little girl then showed Jessica some poses "Wow! So cute ~" Jessica adored her daughter and took some pics too

"Mommy don't!"


"Im only in my pj"

"Its okay. Its not the actual photoshoot yet"

"You'll go with me when picture picture right?"

"Of course~"

"When will we picture picture?"

"Today. Can you do it?"

"Okay~" The little one said as she poked Jessica's nose.

"Why do you keep on poking my nose huh" Jessica said a matter of fact then tickled the little one causing to shriek out loud and Jessica stopped and awe "Wow. You got that from me, definitely." but continues to tickle the little girl and keeps on showering with kisses

"Stop ... hungry ..."

"You're hungry?"


"What do you like to eat?"


"Okay! Watch there while i prepare breakfast, okay?"

"Okay!" Jessica proceeded to walking to the kitchen 


"Goodmorning~" Yoong greeted as he sat at his place. Jessica was gesturing if he already brushed his teeth and replied with a nod.

"Eat up ~"


"Daddy you sleepyhead" The little girl suddenly said as she eat up her grapes

"What? Where did you learn that word from?" Yoong asked in disbelief

"From you"

"Do you know the meaning of it?"

"Of course."

"What does it mean?"

"Sleepyhead is someone who sleeps longer than they should" 

"When did you hear that from me?"

"last time when youre talking to uhm... shao shao"

"What?" Jessica asked sternly and yoong gulped knowing about Jessica's change of tone. Jealous tone. 

"You even told that shao shao sweetly like this "shao shao youre such a sleepyhead ~"" The little one imitated it

"He did?" Yoong was left speechless as he can see Jessicas reddening ears and feutures changing


"I see."

"Mommy, who is that shao shao?"

"Hmm? I don't know."

"Okay. Let's play~"

"Hmm. Okay." Jessica agreed as she removed the bib from the little girl and carrying it up "Wash the dishes"

Thank you my precious daughter for putting me into a hard situation. Now that the queen is jealous, im so going to be ignored. Yoong sighed as he turned to the dishes. Of all the things that you could get from her, why do you have to get the sharp memory? Eish!


"What are we going to play? Barbie or House?" Jessica asked as they entered the playroom

"Can we swim?" she asked cutely


"Pweasee ~ " Aegyo. How can you resist your daughter doing that to you cutely?

"If we swim, we would be late for the photoshoot"


"Uh-huh. So, Lets just play in the tub, hows that?"

"I like! I like!"

"Lets go take a bath ~" 


The two took a bath for quite some time, together.

"I'll wear my pretty dress"

"You will wear your pretty dress ~" Jessica said as she look for it "This one?"


"Okay okay." Jessica dressed her up, put some powder and cologne "Now i'll dress myself up so you go watch phineas and ferb, okay?"



The little one went out only to be faced by her dad

"Wheres your mommy?"

"She said shes going to dress up too"

"And why are you out?"

"Because im already dressed and going to watch phineas and ferb"

"Ah okay." Yoong smiled at her before entering the room.

Yoong backhugged Jessica who's still undecided what to wear


"I'm sorry."

"For what?" Jessica asked still standing

"About her."

"Oh. You don't have to be sorry for being friends with her. I have boy friends too."

"Not that."


"That it made you jealous."

"Who's jealous" Jessica sniggered

"You." Yoong turned her around and leaned down again, their noses touching

"I'm not." Jessica crossed her arms

"So cute." Yoong complimented as he gave a peck in the lips "Are we okay now?"


"Don't be jealous. You're my only sleepyhead."

"Said the one who told that to xiao xiao"


"Okay. Go now. You don't want to be late, do you?"

"Heh." Yoong smiled as Jessica wasn't that mad after all. Just jealous. "By the way, did you already asked that stubborn daughter of ours?"

"Yes. Like she didn't got that from you."

"Ah. She's so me and i hate it"

"I'll tell her later that you said such."

"Don't!! She'll ignore me again specially when you're out"

"Now you feel how hard it is for your dad to raise you up?"

"Definitely!" Jessica smiled at the distressed husband of hers. "By the way, how did you get her to do it?"

"I just told her that we'll do it together and she agreed. She even did some poses awhile ago."



"But what if she changes her mind and cry later"

"I'm prepared." Jessica stuck her tongue out "She made a pinky to me that she won't cry"

"But i still have a feeling that she will cry later."

"Then let's bribe her with food. It's easyyy"

"Okay okay."


- At the photoshoot =

"Let's do it with her first." Yoong suggested


"She seems to be hyped up now. She'll cry late

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allayjadhule #1
Chapter 37: I read yoonsic ch again and again 😄
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Comeback to us YoonSic 😭😭
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I miss them
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