San Francisco (Ch. 8 X)

A secret place.
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Clinton's POV 

Ever since the confrontation or confession, ah whatever is that called, Jessi and I have been closer like before, sometimes it's more than that. And I'm happy about it. We're perfectly fine about our own stuffs. The dates have been used up but we still see each other. I mean, yes it can be considered as date because we're uhm, boy and girl but, it's just a friendly date. Really. And now, Here am I waiting for her at the 2nd floor of this ice cream shop. And by the way, We're in San Francisco ~ Not together though. Just, we're both in San Francisco, get it? Also, I heard that she came with her someone. I'm not really sure because that just what my annoying brother told me when he was 'informed' by Krystal that her unnie is going here in SF because of work which is I highly doubt so. So I really don't know if its real or nah. 

"Clint!" She called out to me "Did you wait too long?" 


"I'm sorry I'm late. I had lunch with my friends" 

"A minute? It's fine" I chuckled. She had this on-time sickness. I don't even know why 


"Aigoo. I told you that it's okay. Let's order now." I said and so we ordered some ice cream for ourselves. We met just because we want to see other and it's a fact. There's really no particular reason why we do so. And if you're wondering, I had to go back here weeks ago while she went here just the other day? I think. She said that she's with her someone but she said it's okay for us to meet. Hmm .. Maybe she's kidding. Because she's really here to fix some business and have an vacation for herself 

"By the way Clint, Is it okay if I bring a friend over? We're going to do some shopping later. And since this is near to the mall, I told her to meet me here" 

"No biggies. But I'm wondering ..." 


"You told me that you're with your someone. Is your someone the friend that you're going with?" 


"I bet so. He'll just carry your shopping bag if he's the one" 

"Excuse you. Even if I don't want to, he's being a gentleman and taking it from me even if I don't want to. Unlike you" 

"Unlike me?" 

"Yeah. Unlike you who doesn't like shopping because you think that girls bring their significant other just to let them carry the shopping bags" 

"Then, What's the reason?" 

"Of course we want to put their considerations too. We want to know if they want that type or clothing or nah and anything. Also, to have some moment for ourselves" 

"What if it's with friends?" 

"Isn't that better? You let them get along with each other" 

"Seems like you do stuffs like that, huh?" 

"Why not?" 

"Then your someone must've been very patient with you" 

"But sometimes ..." she grunted "sometimes he annoys me" 

"How so?" 

"Like the one time I badly want that dress in the mall but I ended up not getting it." 

"Because he doesn't like it?" 

"He likes it. But he said that it's too short for me" she pouted while furrowing her eyebrows. She's so cute. I can only chuckle at her story. So her other half must've been conservative or something. I like it. Someone who takes care of my friend like a precious gem.  "What about you? When are you going to be talking about someone? It's always me who's sharing. So unfair" 

"What to do? Even this handsome creature isn't ready to be tied yet" I smirked as I wait for her argument 

"What's this so-full-of-himself creature ideal type?" 


"I asked what do you like about a girl. Let's see, Like that one?" She asked me as she point out to the girl who just walked by from the street outside 

"Too into make-ups" 

"That one?" 

"Too clingy" 

"That one?" 

"Tell me you're kidding" I said as she point out to a girl that is barely wearing some clothing and she end up giggling. I mean, it's normal in here because it's a liberated country but ... just no. 

"Hmm... That one?" 

"Yah! Too old!" 

"*giggles* That one?" 


"So picky." She said giving up and turning to her phone.  

"That one is fine" I said pointing out to a girl heading towards the restaurant 

"Go ahead" 

"Just look ugh. Nice look, nice body and kinda a unique taste" I described the girl to her 

"Hmm" She looked outside and back to her phone 

"You didn't even gave it a look" 

"I did" 

"Do you want to meet that girl?" 

"Are you some cupid or something? Like that girl would agree to meet me just because you said so" 

"5 Dollars. I'll let you meet the girl" 

"10 Dollars. You can't" I said as I took some bills out of my wallet and dropped it on the table. This is how we settle things. If you don't want to argue with it, bet it on. 

"Okay! Additional budget for me" She said taking the money off the table and inserting it in her purse 

"Not so fast. How can you be so sure?" I asked holding her wrist 

"Sooyeon!" She shouted, raising her hand 

"What Sooyeon? And why are you shouting? It's not like I'm hurting you or something" I said letting go of her wrist.  


"Sooyeon, My friend here wants to meet you." OMG! It's the same girl. How the hell Jung  Sooyeon 

"Huh?" I asked her confusedly. What the hell is going on here? I'm confused af 

"You said that she's your type and I told you that I'll let you meet her. So, she's here" Sica answered as she move to her side so that 'Sooyeon' can sit beside her 

"Hi, I'm Park Sooyeon" The girl said outreaching her hand to me 

"Nice to meet you. I'm Clinton" 

"Did you eat already? I had lunch with Tia and Faye" 

"I did. But why didn't you count me in?" 

"Heol. You said you can't make it because you have a meeting" 

"You felt sorry so you invited me alone to do some shopping?" 

"Ahni ~ They have class after lunch so i ended up with the two of us only" 

"How about him?" Her friend asked pointing to me. 

"Oh, Don't worry about me. I can manage myself" I replied as i turn to them "You should go so you could bond more, After all, you don't meet each other as much." 

Then the two stood up to leave. So did I. I'm going to leave too. Maybe to play a few rounds of golf. 

"Don't worry i'll tell her that ---" Jessica said and I immediately covered  

"Shut up you" I whispered to her as I gave her a glare 

"Tell me what?" 

"Nothing." I answered and turn to glare at Jessi "Right?" She was unfazed so I had to settle "20 bucks" I whispered and she nodded. Aigoo. I just lost 30 bucks for today. So nice. Her friend cocked and eyebrow but shrugged how weird we are. 

"Bye Clint! You owe me 20" Jessica said as she turn to hug me 

"Again, It's nice meeting you" The girl said and I hugged her. 

"Close enough to hug each other?" Jessi asked me and I saw her friend got shocked with what I did. I don't know why. But I guess, I got used to that with Jessi. Babo me. Now she might be thinking that I'm some sort of maniac or something 


"It's okay heh. You're her friend so I think you aren't that type of person" Then she smiled at me. Oh gawd. She's pretty. 




"Someone's having her hot choco without me" Jessica approached Yoona with a pout in the balcony 

"That's because you're out the whole day" Yoona said as she went behind Jessica and wrap her arms in the latter's waist and her resting her chin into Jessica's shoulder 

"Aren't you overreacting? I went out before lunch" 

"Then look at what time is it" Yoona replied 

"Hmm.. What time is it?" Jessica asked looking at Yoona's wristwatch 

"You have your own watch tho .." 

"That's because you have all of my time" Jessica answered while grinning and blushing so bad while taking Yoona's cup of hot choco 

"All of it?" Yoona asked turning Jessica to face her and putting the cup of hot choco aside 


"But you're always with Clinton" added her with her puppy eyes on 

"Is my Yoongie jealous?" Jessica asked while they were just looking in each other's eyes and leaning on the railing. Her hands was encircled on Yoona's neck "Do you want to meet Clinton?" 

"Why for?" 

"If you don't want then it's okay" 

"He's your best friend, right?" 


"Then, I should" Yoona smiled "But do you think he can, uhmm," Yoona trailed off 

"He can what?" 

"Us ..." 

"What's wrong? That you and I are in a relationship? And so?" 

"We're both girls so ..." 

"You told me before, If they can't accept us, maybe they aren't ready for this kind of relationship yet. But we would patiently wait for them to do so. Because they can't do anything about us" Jessica answered giving Yoona a smooch kiss and the latter could only smile in between the kiss she's receiving 

"When did I told you that?" She asked acting dumb 

"You really aren't an actress for nothing huh?" 

"Thanks for the compliment. But I want my question to be answered"  

"Shh. You just want to hear that story again" Jessica scrunched her nose while looking at Yoona 

"I'm waiting" 

"It's the time when we're standing inside the ferris wheel, before i said yes to your 'Will you be mine? Will you be my girlfriend?' because I'm confused as and then I don't know if we'll ever work out" 

"But look how far we've come now" 

"Yeah. We're handling each other well, aren't we?" 

"Yeah. I love you" 

"I love you too." Jessica answered back and Yoona gave her kisses filled with love. 


"What? Nothing again?" 

"No." Yoona giggled "I just want to watch movies with you. But it seems like you'll never forget that babe thingy huh?" 

"Of course." 

"Babe" Yoona called out 




"Nothing. I just want to call you babe" Yoona answered and Jessica scoffed "By the way, The surprise, you'll know it soon" 

"Okay. I'll be waiting." 


Jessica came home without prior notice so when Yoona was putting her surprise in the box, she got surprised when she heard their door opened 

"Sooyeon?" Yoona asked placing the cake in the counter so it would be covered when she'll stand in front of the counter 

"Yeah? As if there's someone who would come in here beside me" 

"I mean, Why are you home early?" 

"I can't?" 

"You can hehe. By the way, The surprise, Jajan! I was about to drop by in your office as I'm going out but since you're here, yeah" Yoona answered and showed Jessica the box of cake. The latter looked at it quizically "It's a cake. My own baked cake. You said you want me to give it a try and so it would be you who would taste my first ever cake" Jessica pulled her mask to her chin and then coughed literally as an answer. "You got my cough?" Yoona asked the obvious. 'I tried to learn this as fast as I can. What a waste' She thought 

"Of course. Because you kept on asking for a kiss that you passed your cough to me" 

"Is that the same reason you're home? You're sick?" Yoona asked worriedly 

"No. I took a medicine that would cause drowsiness so I decided to go home and get some sleep" 

"How about your car?" 

"In the office. I took the cab." 

"Very good. And another very good because I can drop you off in your office tomorrow. But, I would have a lunch with Yuri and Tiffany later ... I guess I should cancel it" 

"It's okay.  Go with your plans. After all I'll just sleep in here" 

"Would you be okay without me to accompany you? How about your lunch?" 

"I'll be fine here. I'll eat what's here to fit my liking" 

"But you ... I .." 

"I told you it's okay. Maybe the two wants to see you or probably misses you" 

"Okay. I'll be home real quick." 

"Take care on your way" 

"Sleep well." Yoona replied grabbing her sling bag from the couch that she prepared before fixing her surprise cake to Jessica.  

"Why are you bringing the cake with you? You gave it to me" 

"You have a cough" 

"Someone would eat it." Jessica answered taking the cake from Yoona's hold. "Lock the door when you leave." she added while placing the cake inside the refrigerator without even taking a glance on what kind of cake it is. She just know that it is a cake. 

"Don't I get a goodbye kiss?" 

"You'll only get your cough back. Go now. You'll be late" Jessica bidded as she blow a kiss to Yoona who 'catched' it and stamped it in her lips. She did the same before leaving. 

"Who's gonna eat the cake? Soojung-ie? Appa Jung? Or Umma Jung? Omg! Soojung would be much better from the choices." Was Yoona's train of thoughts as she leave the house. "And it better not be Clinton!" 

Yoona went to 10 corso como cafe to have lunch with Yuri and Tiffany. The two was eagerly annoying her the past week to go out. And since she didn't know that Jessica got her cough and would stay home, she decided to settle for lunch. They even go to the mall to watch a movie. Though she was eager to go home, she knows that the two wouldn't buy her excuse as they don't have schedules and would just be home. And knowing Yoona slash Yoonsic, both just like to roll around the house during vacant time. 

Yoona headed to their bedroom as soon as she reaches home. She smiled when she saw Jessica laying down and covered in their blanket while watching her old drama, "You're my destiny" 

"I thought you're going to sleep?" 

"I just woke up. Well, a little while ago" 

"So you still haven't ate?" Yoona hovered on top of Jessica and the latter nodded "I bought your favorite pasta. Would you like to eat it now?" Jessica gave her a thumbs up 
"I'll go get it. Continue watching other me" She giggled and kissed Jessica in the lips and the latter didn't reject nor retort "You're sweet" 

"I know" 

"Sweeter" Jessica smiled then Yoona got off her and headed to the kitchen to grab the pasta she brought home for Jessica 



"How's it?" Yoona asked as she entered the room with the tray of food in her hand 

"I still haven't had a taste yet" 

"Not this." 


"Can you stop acting like you don't know?" 

"But what to do when I really don't know what you're talking about?" 


"You baked a new one?" 

"You're liking this huh?" 

"I don't know what it is" 

"How's it?" 

"It's the sweetest cake I ever had" 



"So, What's the movie are we going to watch?" 

"Have you watched "If only"?" 

"Ahhhh! That movie" 

"You already did?" 

"Yeah. The lead is Jennifer Love Hewitt, right?" 

"Is she it?" Yoona asked while standing up to get the DVD "Yep babe. She is. And her partner is Paul Nicholls" 

"Yep babe. That's my favorite movie" 

"Want to watch it together?" 

"Did you read my old journal at home?" Jessica asked cocking her brows. It was one of her goals before. To watch her favorite movie with her significant other. 

"What journal? I don't see any journal at home." 

"The little notebook with 'Don't open unless you want to die right away' in its cover" 

"Ah that! I didn't. I don't want to die yet" Yoona answered 

"Then, why that movie?" 

"Because I want to love you like there's no tomorrow" Yoona answered "Just like the caption in the front 'He loved her like there's no tomorrow'" added her while laying down beside Jessica 

"Play it" 

"Wait. I'm still getting my comfortable spot" 

"You mean a spot where you could take advantage of the chips?" 

"But seriously, why are we like how we are at our home? We're in San Francisco" 

"You're the one who wanted to do so"  

"Because I'm not yet sleepy. I'm still adjusting you know" 

"But I wanted to tour San Francisco with you" 

"Oh oh oh! I want to go to your beach house in here" 

"Let's go tomorrow before lunch" 

"Okay ~ Let's sleep after this and head there early morning" Yoona said as she pressed the play button 

"Mom? Dad? Soojung??" Jessica asked with a shock as she saw her family in the kitchen right when they went down from her room. She was touring Yoona around their house and just showed her room. "What are you guys doing in here?" 

"As far as I can remember, this is ours. So we have all the right to be here" Krystal answered "Oh Hi there Yoona unnie" she greeted when she saw Yoona behind Jessica that got the attention of appa and umma jung 

"Yoona?" Umma jung was the one who asked while placing the last dish she cooked in the table 

"What are you doing here?" Was Appa jung's question 


"Yes?" Appa jung asked 

"Uhhm, uncle, we're here for a vacation" 

"What I mean is, what are you doing with my daughter?" 

"Daddy!!" Jessica called with a frown. She's not liking the interrogation that outhing to burst 

"We ..." 

"Don't answer that question. Let's go" Jessica said pulling Yoona to go out but the latter stood still and unbothered "Yoongie, let's go" 

"Babe, it's rude to walk out from your parents." Yoona whispered and holding Jessica's hand tighter 

"Fine! Then be with them and go with their interrogation" Jessica said stomping away to leave the house 

"Jess .." 

"Let her be. Sit there" Was appa jung's command pointing to a vacant seat "Eat with us." 

"But Jess ..." 

"She'll be in the next next door. Don't worry. She'll be fine. I wonder where she got that temper" Appa jung frowned and Yoona bit her lip 

"If you want, You can give Clinton a call to make sure t

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allayjadhule #1
Chapter 37: I read yoonsic ch again and again 😄
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Comeback to us YoonSic 😭😭
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