Oh, crap.

First Love

Shortly after the two heard footsteps coming towards them and by the time they got to their feet, the SM performance director was standing before them. “This is… what is this?” the director asks after witnessing their cuddle. Krystal and Jongin looks to the floor. “Krystal. You do realize you’re debuting soon right? And you expect us to debut you with you being like this?!” “Kai. We know your potential. We recognized it from the moment you auditioned. But, if you continue being like this, I’m sorry we can’t debut you no matter how hard you try” he continued scolding the two. “I won’t say much, if you two don’t break up and end whatever you have---------- no debut for you both. Yes, including you Krystal”. The two brought their faces facing the director after hearing such a shocking remark. Jongin tries to save their relationship, “This may seem totally unbelievable, but… we love each other”. After Jongin’s remark, the director laughed so loud giving them chills to the bones. “Love? Love, you say? And you both know what love is?” and continued laughing. “I won’t give you anymore second chances. I saw you both back then near the dressing room… Why look so shocked? You thought I didn’t see you?” and laughed at their naiveness. “Break up or whole career future, gone. You both take the day off and end it. I’ll inform the rest about your permitted day off.” He says while walking away.

What should we do? We can’t break up like this… We’ve gone through so much together; I can’t let it all go as if it never happened…

The two kept quiet- not saying a word to each other, both trying to figure out a way to save the relationship.

Krystal breaks the silence, “Jongin. We need to think this through okay. I’ll go home for now. Talk to you later” Jongin understands and insisted in accompanying her home. They didn’t talk all the way back home and they bid goodbye with a long tight hug. Then they parted.

Krystal POV

I love him. I want to debut. Can’t I have both? We’ll both debut anyway, so why can’t we love each other at the same time? Why can’t I love him while debuting? Why are they making us make these decisions?! I tossed and turn on my bed. I don’t think I’ll be able to change the director’s mind- I mean… they don’t feel what we feel for each other. My debut… I spent so much time, sweat, parted with my beloved mother to debut… and now it’s on the line while I’m just about to debut … Ottoke…. Jongin- ah… Ottoke…

 Jongin POV

Okay, you know what? I’ll just lay down my points. I love her. I think about her all the time. There’s a need to see her, she’s always there in the corner of my mind. On the other hand, I want to debut. It’s all I’ve been aiming for… even before… I met Krystal. But that doesn’t mean I don’t prioritize her. Krystal is my companion, debuting will be my job. I don’t understand how the two affect one another… What should we do, Krystal?

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Last chapter is in the making~ will be updating soon! Thanks for reading, guys!


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soojungie94 #1
Chapter 30: Love this story❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 14: this is just too fast
Your the best, I'm going crazy because of your wonderful story, it makes me feel happy whenever I read your stories, FIGHTING!!!!!
krystaljxox #4
Chapter 30: Love love love your story! I've always wanted a fanfic according to real life events! Hope to hear from you soooon! xxxxxxxx
Chapter 30: Kyaaa this is so cute!!
pqpzelo #6
Chapter 30: I simply love this fanfic!
rike-kaistal99 #7
Chapter 29: ohmygod! im fasting here! ..... and finally kaistal back together yeay!
Chapter 29: Omg, im fasting and reading this y story!!In just 2 minutes, they had their happiness;")))
Tenznordonla #9
Chapter 28: updte update update update plzzzz as soon as possible,wait is this story finishd or wat??? but update!!! they seems soooo real,nd this story makesme feel that they are real! UPDATE SOON!!!
Chapter 28: ayeee kaistal back together again!!!