
First Love

As f(x)’s debut nearing, SM gives f(x) a week break with occasional dance practices, since they completed the preparations faster than expected. Krystal was more than ecstatic- knowing she will be able to spend more time with Jongin. However, Jongin is now the one with the super packed schedules. The boy debut team still has yet to decide the confirmed members- so Jongin still has to work hard to get a permanent place in the team.

K: Baby, will you be going back to your place tonight?

J: I don’t know yet babe. But most probably I will. I’d need to go back anyway, either tonight or tomorrow morning.

K: Okay, I’ll see you around the company then. Take care!

J: You take care too okay. I love you.

Jongin felt guilty- since now he is the one that’s making them apart. But he also knows that Krystal wants him to work harder and achieve his dreams. Krystal has the whole two days off, since she has nothing to do, she goes over to Jongin’s place (she has a key) and cleaned his place. She missed his place, the smell of him, the cozy bed with Jongin next to her… After cleaning up, it was already 8pm, and Jongin still hasn’t arrived. Krystal cooked some food and set the table neatly. As the time was reaching 12am, Krystal’s eyelids got heavier and ended up sleeping on the dining table. Jongin reached home at about 3am and when he got in, he almost fell out of shock, and he thought it was a ghost until he rubbed his eyes. “Ahhh Krystal… Phew… Aigoo, all asleep… Aww she even cooked for me….” Jongin mutters while Krystal’s hair. He puts his dancing bag down, stored the food and carried her to his bed carefully without waking her up. After placing her on the bed, Jongin sits next to her, caresses her hair and said “Oh baby. I’m sorry I let you wait like this. You shouldn’t have done this, baby. Thank you for being here.” He kisses her forehead and joined her on the bed. He sleeps with her while back hugging her all through the night.

Krystal wakes up the next day feeling nice and warm and turned around to see the person who was hugging her, obviously- Jongin whom was still in dream land. She his face gently and witnesses his dark circles- showing he hasn’t been sleeping well lately, and Jongin slowly wakes up from her touch. “Morning, baby” Krystal greets while smiling the smile that makes Jongin melt. “Morning, love. Come closer” Jongin replies while tightening his hug. Krystal loves the warm embrace she always has with Jongin- it makes her feel so safe and secure. “Are you hungry? Do you want me to cook for you?” Krystal asks while still hugging. “Anything would be fine, baby.” Jongin replies. Krystal then gives Jongin a peck and says, “Later when you’ve regained your energy, come join me okay” Jongin grabs her for another kiss and says, “Okay baby”. Krystal goes to the kitchen and start making some pancakes with some sausages. Jongin surprises Krystal while she was still cooking with a back hug startling her .He placed his head on her shoulder, “What’s your schedule like today, babe?” “I have nothing today, what about you?” Krystal replies, making Jongin a tad jealous. “Mine starts late today and finishes late too” Jongin sulking his face. “It’s okay just come back home when you’re done and I’ll sleep with you okay” Krystal comforting her boyfriend. Krystal plates the food and Jongin brings the plates to the dining table. Jongin then said, “Come babe. Come eat.” Krystal who was washing the pans replied, “You eat first, I need to wash this for a while” Jongin who didn’t like Krystal not eating with him, went to Krystal and carried her. “YA! PUT ME DOWN!” Krystal shouts. Jongin then chuckles and carries her to the dining table. “Eat. I’ll do the dishes after okay babe”. Krystal sits down obediently and enjoys her breakfast with Jongin, just like old times. Jongin then gets ready to leave, and Krystal wanted to go too since she just remembered to settle something. They left together, holding hands lovingly.

After settling some issues, Krystal left to meet up with Amber and Sulli. The girls went out to some fancy café and just talked about stuff they’d been preparing, then they shopped- since soon they’ll be in the public eye. They finished everything at 10pm, and Sulli, Amber rushed home together, “See you later, Krys!” Krystal texts Jongin:

K: Babe, what time do you think you’ll be back?

J: I don’t know babe. It’s possible I won’t even be coming back. But I’ll tell you okay if I am coming back. Sorry babe

K: Okay

Krystal sulked now knowing how busy her boyfriend is now. At the end, Krystal decides to go over to the company and spends her time there while watching Jongin practice or just be with Jongin. She arrives at SM and goes to Jongin’s practice room. In the room, there was Suho, Chanyeol, Sehun, Jongin, and 10 more other good looking guys. There were no instructors though. Chanyeol comes over to Krystal, “YO KRYS! IT’S BEEN SO LONG!!” and gave her a hug, then Jongin interrupts in a stern voice, “That’s enough” making all the boys go “Wooooo~~~”. Jongin then asks, “Why are you hear babe? Is there something urgent?” “No, I just wanted to watch you practice” Jongin giggles at her effort to see him, holds her hand and introduces her to everyone else in the room. “Babe, we have to perfect our dance that we just learnt. You sure you wanna wait here?” “Yeah, I’m fine. You guys just practice as if I’m not even here okay”. The boys nodded and they started to practice hard. Krystal didn’t realize that she fell asleep at the sofa until she heard a loud thump, a sound produced from the door. She wakes up and sees Jongin practices alone. “Oh babe. You’re awake. The boys left already. Do you want to leave together now?” Krystal then replies, “This sofa is actually pretty comfy. You go ahead and practice. I’ll accompany you by…watching you…while lying down” Jongin chuckles and nods, then started dancing again. Krystal just watched him dance and felt so proud of him. My baby is so good in everything. The dance moves are just more than perfect. After a while, Jongin looks at Krystal and sees that she is still awake. “Babe, wanna relive our ballet days?” Jongin asks. Krystal’s face lit up and nods unsurely, “Sure…but um… I don’t remember the routine that well already…” “I’ll lead you through babe, don’t worry” Jongin says as holds her soft hands. They started dancing gracefully, holding hands, twirling and pirouette-ing. The dance’s last move was a passionate hug, and Krystal and Jongin stared into each other’s eyes, admiring each other. Jongin broke the stare with one smooth, tender kiss, and Krystal gladly responds. They started kissing non- stop and end up lying on the floor making out passionately. After the hot make out session, they both fell asleep in each other’s arms.

Shortly after the two heard footsteps coming towards them.

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Last chapter is in the making~ will be updating soon! Thanks for reading, guys!


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soojungie94 #1
Chapter 30: Love this story❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 14: this is just too fast
Your the best, I'm going crazy because of your wonderful story, it makes me feel happy whenever I read your stories, FIGHTING!!!!!
krystaljxox #4
Chapter 30: Love love love your story! I've always wanted a fanfic according to real life events! Hope to hear from you soooon! xxxxxxxx
Chapter 30: Kyaaa this is so cute!!
pqpzelo #6
Chapter 30: I simply love this fanfic!
rike-kaistal99 #7
Chapter 29: ohmygod! im fasting here! ..... and finally kaistal back together yeay!
Chapter 29: Omg, im fasting and reading this y story!!In just 2 minutes, they had their happiness;")))
Tenznordonla #9
Chapter 28: updte update update update plzzzz as soon as possible,wait is this story finishd or wat??? but update!!! they seems soooo real,nd this story makesme feel that they are real! UPDATE SOON!!!
Chapter 28: ayeee kaistal back together again!!!