
Let's Go!

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"Here's your latte!" Xiumin came and placed a well made latte with Doraemon 3D foam.

"This is cute!" Jihyun cheered as she took out her phone and captured it.

"Glad you like it," Xiumin smiled and decided to go back to the kitchen.



"Are you okay?" Jihyun asked out of the blue.

"What's with the question? Of course I'm fine. Oh, when will you go to the psychiatrist?" Xiumin replied.

"Tomorrow. Still have two more days. Soon I will have my vacation," Jihyun answered.

"Good for you. Ah I need to go back. See you later," Xiumin said as he went back to the kitchen.

He is  acting strange...


Jihyun walked out from the school as Taeyeon kept squealing about Infinite with Hyoyeon and Soo Young.

"Are you okay?" Hyoyeon asked to Jihyun.

"You seem so quiet," Taeyeon stared suspiciously.

"I'm fine," Jihyun answered.

"No you are not," Soo Young got her gummy bears and ate it.

"Why do I care so much for a person that not even close to me?" Jihyun asked as three of them grinned.

"Someone is in love~," Taeyeon sang.

"Is that even love?" Hyoyeon asked.

"It's not that sure. She needs to explore more," Soo Young added.


"Let us tell you what to do," Taeyeon grinned as they walked to Jihyun's house.

"No just no," Jihyun said as she walked first.


"Wae?!" Jihyun protested when Suho said that he couldn't accompany her tonight to the hospital.

"I'm sooo sorry but I called another person to accompany you," Suho replied.

"And who is that?" Jihyun said as she heard the door bell rang.

"Maybe it's him," Suho said after he heard the bell to and Jihyun ended the call.

"Yixi...," Jihyun stopped when she saw someone else in front of the door.

"Did Suho tell you?" Xiumin said as Jihyun motioned him to enter the house.

"Yeah but how about your job?" Jihyun asked.

"It's fine. I will go there after you finish."

"Thank you."

"Shall we go?" Xiumin smiled as Jihyun got her bag.

"I don't know that you own a car," Jihyun said automatically when she saw a sedan that belongs to Xiumin.

"I rarely use it," Xiumin opened the front door and Jihyun sat inside.

"I'm sorry to bother you," Jihyun managed to say.

"It's okay," Xiumin smiled.

"Are you that okay?" Jihyun carefully asked.

"I don't know. Just feeling tired lately," Xiumin answered.

"Wanna taste a delicious food?"

"Eh? Where?"

"I will show you after we finish!"

"Okay then."

They arrived at the hospital and Jihyun was glad to see the her name on the list. They waited in silence until a nurse called her.

They both stepped into the room.

"Hello there, so you are Kim Jihyun."


"Please fill this form first before we can continue. You should be honest," She blinked as Jihyun's jaw hung open.

Xiumin looked around and hoped that Jihyun would be okay and comfortable if he wasn't around.

"I will look around first. Don't be too nervous okay?" Xiumin smiled and ruffled Jihyun's hair also walked out from the room.

"What a nice boyfriend," The woman commented.

"Wha... No he is not my boyfriend."

"He will be one."

"Can we continue?" Jihyun asked.

"Okay okay," The woman laughed.

"How was it?" Xiumin asked after they got into the car.

"You're right. I have pedophobia at the worst stadium. I almost vomitted because of fear to see some babies and children there," Jihyun confessed.

"Then we should get some delicious food," Xiumin concluded.

"Oh I remember! Okay after this turn right and then turn left and we will arrive there soon," Jihyun directed.

Xiumin impressed at the building of the restaurant and followed Jihyun inside.

"Welcome!" a nice boy greeted as Jihyun stunned.

"Tao?!!" Jihyun remembered and the boy also remembered.

"Oh my God Jihyun!!" Tao hugged Jihyun happily.

"Where were you? Long time no see after middle school," Jihyun started to chat.

"What happened here?" a man with impressed height came.

"I'm sorry boss. This is my old friend," Tao introduced Jihyun.

"Let's sit," Xiumin said because he realized that Tao needed to work.

"Okay we can chat later," Tao smiled as he putted the menu.

"This is amazing," Xiumin read the menu.

They ordered some delicious food as Tao delightly recommended all the nicest meal. The tower height male came to them and sat along.

"Sorry about my words," He started to say.

"No problem," Xiumin smiled.

"I'm Kris."

"I'm Jihyun and this is Xiumin... Xiumin oppa," Jihyun said as Xiumin's eyes widened.

Did she just call me 'oppa'?

"Ah your boyfriend. I see," Kris concluded.

"No!" Jihyun and Xiumin said in unison.

"Dinner is coming," Tao said as he putted all the foods.

"Enjoy!" Kris smiled as they stared to eat the foods with sparkling eyes.

"This is good!!" Xiumin cheered after they finished eating.

"Yeah the quality is number one," Jihyun said as Kris smiled at her because of the compliment.

"So this is your restaurant?" Xiumin asked.

"Yeah," Kris answered.

"Ah I should go back to the cafè," Xiumin looked at his watch.

"Sorry to waste your work time," Jihyun quickly said.

"It's okay," Xiumin said as he stood up and said thank you to Kris and Tao.

"Bye bye Tao! Thank you Kris oppa!" Jihyun waved goodbye as Kris smiled and Xiumin stunned to hear Jihyun called Kris 'oppa'.

"He's younger than me but he already have one restaurant," Xiumin commented.

"What major did you take?" Jihyun asked.


"Eh? I took that one too and already accepted," Jihyun cheered.


"I'm not lying," Jihyun pouted.

"Here we are," Xiumin smiled as they arrived in front of Jihyun's house.

"Thank you so much," Jihyun said as Xiumin accompanied her to the entrance door.

"Your welcome."

"Can-can I have your number?" Jihyun managed to say as Xiumin's heartbeat stopped for seconds.

"Yes you can," Xiumin said as she gave her phone and Xiumin added his number.

"Thank you, oppa," Jihyun said slowly as Xiumin smiled.

"I'm going now. Be careful too, okay?"



"Nothing happened right?" Suho showed uo in front of Jihyun's room.


"But you blushed."

"He didn't do anything."

"Okay okay I'm just teasing you. He is a good man, isn't he?"

"Gentleman," Jihyun corrected.

"I still can't believe that he's older than me," Suho frowned.

"It means that you look old," Jihyun smirked.

"Yaah! Mean," Suho pouted.

"Kidding!" Jihyun laughed as Suho did too.


"How's she?" Chanyeol asked when Xiumin came to the cafè.

"She's fine but she got pedophobia," Xiumin said.

"Actually hyung. I'm still curious about that woman," Baekhyun said.

"She's my ex-fianceè," Xiumin said as they stunned to hear that.

"We're sorry," Chanyeol said.

"No no it's fine. It's over already," Xiumin laughed.

"Is it because you have Jihyun to watch?" Baekhyun grinned as Chanyeol knew where this would go.

"Yeah- eh No!! Suho just called that he couldn't accompany Jihyun and asked me to do it," Xiumin defended himself as his phone rang.

"Just try to love someone again, okay?" Baekhyun smiled as Xiumun stunned to hear such a question.

"Ah hello?" Xiumin answered the call.

Baekhyun caught a glimpse of shock in Xiumin's eyes as he answered the phone. Chanyeol stared worriedly at his hyung.

"What happened?" Baekhyun asked.

"My mother. She is sick. I need to go back to China as soon as possible," Xiumin said as both of his friends shocked.

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chapter 10 on the way.. thanks for subscribing! :D


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InfinitExo22 #1
Chapter 13: Exo are not one if kris will leave, but kris deserve's to leave because he have a reason why he want to leave but i think it's just a rumor that kris will leave exo. But if kris will really leave the group exo i will support him to what he's decision. I think i'm going to cry T_T
InfinitExo22 #2
Chapter 11: I think i'm going to cry, maybe they will meet again right?, author-nim update again soon :D