Not a Goodbye

Let's Go!

Oh my God last another chapter kekekke.. Hope you'll like this one ;)
And welcome to InfinitExo22 ! :D
Thanks for liking my stories and keep reading and waiting for it! ^^

Love ya! ;)

"Here we are," Xiumin parked the car in front of a medium size house.

Both Jihyun and Sehun stunned to see the comfy wooden house with classic furniture in woods too.

"Warm,"  Jihyun commented as they stepped inside.

"I will cook you dinner and you can wait patiently on the dining table," Xiumin smiled.

"Can I help?" Jihyun asked.


Sehun grinned at Xiumin's answer as Xiumin and Jihyun walked to the counter also decided this as the best moment by captured it silently.

"What do you want to make?" Jihyun asked.

"Simple steak?" Xiumin suggested.

"That will be great," Jihyun answered.

"Right then you with the vegetables and potatoes and I'm on the meat."

"Okay let's work!" Jihyun washed her hands and chopped the vegetables and potatoes.

Xiumin put the meat into the glass bowl with its seasoning when his phone rang. He eyed the number but couldn't find who is was so he picked it up right away as he lifted the glass bowl to the sink.

"Yeah? Who is this?"

"Is this Kim Minseok, son of Mrs. Min Jung?" a voice heard.

"What's wrong?"

"We are from the Beijing National Hospital and your mother is currently moved to the ICU because her condition dropped."


Jihyun shouted as Sehun jolted on the couch. The bowl was broken in pieces as Xiumin's eyes widened. He quickly gained his conciousness as he swept all the pieces.

"What happened?" Jihyun asked carefully.

"I need to go back. My mother's in ICU," Xiumin said as he washed his hands, grabbed his car key liked an almost-teared-up-man.

Sehun caught him and grabbed the car key as Jihyun confused to see him did that.

"I'm driving. You can't drive well in that condition," Sehun said as Xiumin nodded.

"I'm going too," Jihyun said as Sehun nodded.

They rushed to the hospital and Xiumin ran to the ICU right away to see the doctor.

"She's now in the worst stage and we don't know if she can make it or not. Miracle it's all that she needs," The doctor sighed as Xiumin stunned to hear as he said thank you and sat on the nearest chair.

Jihyun sat beside Xiumn and patted his back softly, simply trying to calm him down while Sehun eyed those two.

"I don't know what will happen next but you need to be strong," Jihyun couldn't say that everything was going to be okay so she just said that.

"I will," Xiumin tried to hold his tears.

Suddenly a nurse opened the door and stormed outside. They just stared at the moment when a nurse said that someone wasn't breathing anymore. Sehun felt a bad feeling as well as  Xiumin and Jihyun.

"Please don't," Xiumin murmured as they saw the doctor ran inside.

They waited in horror until the doctor opened the ICU door.


Xiumin went to see the doctor as Jihyun trailed behind him.

"We're sorry. She's gone," The doctor said slowly as Xiumin shocked to hear that.

Xiumin sat down again. His face remained blank as Jihyun stared worriedly at him. Sehun's eyes widened to hear the bad news. He silently texted Luhan about this.

"Kim Minseok-ssi?" A nurse called him as he looked up.

"You need to finish some documents and we will help you," She continued as Xiumin stood up and followed her silently.

Jihyun nearly cried to see sadness in Xiumin's eyes. Sehun lent his handkerchief as they followed Xiumin.


"What?!" Suho shouted after Luhan called him up.

"What happened?" Yixing asked.

"His mother is gone," Suho whispered as Yixing's eyes widened in shock.

"That was bad," Yixing commented as he worried about Xiumin's condition.


Jihyun stunned at the next day. She woke up and we nt outside to see Sehun dressed in black. Xiumin came out from his room in black too. He decided to held the ceremony today. Just a simple one. Jihyun got her black shirt and wore it with a black skirt that she brought.

"I will drive," Sehun said as Xiumin nodded.

They went to the hospital to see the coffin put into the ambulance and they moved to the cemetery. Xiumin didn't say anything as Jihyun grew worrier about his condition.

"I'm sorry," His aunt hugged Xiumin as the man's tear fell down from his eyes.

Jihyun stunned to see all of this. Sehun kept guarding her and gave her tissues everytime. He also felt sad to see Xiumin lose his precious person in his life. The ceremony ended as everybody slowly left the place. His mother's sister comforted Xiumin all the time until they left and Xiumin still stood beside his mother's grave.

Jihyun couldn't hold it anymore. She ran and hugged Xiumin from behind as the older's eyes widened.

"Please be strong. I know that you're strong," Jihyun whispered.

Xiumin's tears started to fall. He absorbed all the sadness and let it out.

"Let it go," Jihyun said as Xiumin broke down in tears.

Sehun drove them all to home once again. Xiumin went straight to his room and locked himself. Jihyun stared at Sehun, didn't know what to do.

"Let him be," Sehun guessed Jihyun's mind.

"But our time almost end here. Next week we will enter the college,," Jihyun desperately said.

"Maybe we can try to have him come back to Korea. But it's all his choice," Sehun finally said.

Jihyun decided to cook a nice soup and knocked Xiumin's bedroom door that night.

"Come in," with that Jihyun entered the room which was neat and clean even cleaner from her room.

"I made you a bowl of warm soup," Jihyun smiled as Xiumin's puffy eyes made her ached in heart.

"Thank you," Xiumin said as he tried the soup.

"This is delicious," Xiumin commented and Jihyun blushed.

"Oppa...would you come back to Korea with us?" Jihyun carefully asked as Xiumin stunned.

"I need to work here to continue my mother's bussiness so I'm sorry," Xiumin said as Jihyun's eyes widened.

"Okay. Tomorrow we will go back,"  Jihyun replied.

"I will drive you two to the airport," Xiumin said as Jihyun nodded and went to see Sehun.

"What happened?" Sehun asked.

"He don't want to come back," Jihyun answered sadly.

"As I said before. It's his choice," Sehun replied as he started to pack his things that evening.

Jihyun stayed silent and started to pack her clothes into her luggage. She felt somehow disturbed by the fact that Xiumin wanted to stay in Beijing. That night she couldn't sleep and went outside.

"Night," A voice made her turned around to find Xiumin with a carton milk on his hand.

"Milk in midnight?" Jihyun laughed.

"It's better than liquors," Xiumin answered as Jihyun nodded in agreement.

They stayed silent as they both sat on the couch that midnight.

"I went to the kindergarden," Jihyun started to speak as Xiumin shocked.

"Are you okay? Did Luhan save you?" Xiumin asked worriedly.

"Got a headache and jelly legs and almost vomitted," Jihyun grinned.

"Yah! You can kill yourself!"

"But I'm still here to see you. Next week I'm officially a college student," Jihyun smiled.

"Good luck with that," Xiumin cheered.

"Good to see you smile," Jihyun grinned.

"I feel warm beside you."

"I'm not burning," Jihyun pouted.

"It's not like that," Xiumin finally laughed.

Sehun stunned and eavesdropped their conversation. He smiled in happiness and sadness. Tomorrow they would going home without Xiumin.

"Hope they'll be fine. If it's faith, they will meet again," Sehun murmured.


"So I guess I need to say goodbye," Xiumin said as they stood in front of the airport gate.

"No need to! We will meet again someday," Jihyun smiled.

"You'll be success hyung," Sehun hugged Xiumin.

"Thanks Sehun," Xiumin replied as Sehun nodded.

"Of course he will," Jihyun added.

"And you, please take care of that phobia," Xiumin laughed and Jihyun pouted.

The older man hugged Jihyun as the girl's eyes widened in shock. That was not a usual hug. The feel was different. Jihyun wrapped her arms on Xiumin waist as he pulled Jihyun closer.

"Ehem. I think we need to go," Sehun hated to interupt but the plane would leave soon.

"Bye bye oppa!" Jihyun waved goodbye.

"Bye Jihyun!" Xiumin replied.

They smiled at each other even they realized that some parts of their heart were missing.

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chapter 10 on the way.. thanks for subscribing! :D


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InfinitExo22 #1
Chapter 13: Exo are not one if kris will leave, but kris deserve's to leave because he have a reason why he want to leave but i think it's just a rumor that kris will leave exo. But if kris will really leave the group exo i will support him to what he's decision. I think i'm going to cry T_T
InfinitExo22 #2
Chapter 11: I think i'm going to cry, maybe they will meet again right?, author-nim update again soon :D