
Let's Go!

Will double update today! hehehe
So stay tune for the next chapter too ;)
Happy reading and welcome to soshi_exo_ ;)

Two days before the wedding

Xiumin stared at his luggage. He was ready to go back to Korea to attend his bestfriend's wedding. He called Minho to deal with the corporation. Yeah, he hadn't sell it yet because he didn't sure. He kept holding on and did the job well. Suddenly the announcement made him stood up and walked to the plane.

"I will arrive soon."


"Hurry up you brat!" Jihyun stormed into Sehun's room as she ran across the class in full speed to avoid the children.

"Wait!" Sehun shouted as he wore his shirt and grabbed his bag.

"Come on," Jihyun said as they walked together.

"Morning nuna!!" a child came out and greeted her as Jihyun froze and tried to control her fear.

"Hello," Jihyun greeted calmly.

The boy was afraid because he knew that Jihyun would look afraid when he approached her.

"Don't worry. Nuna is not that afraid," Jihyun smiled as she patted the boy's head softly.

"That's great nuna!"

"Nuna needs to go and we'll back soon, so, be nice okay?" Jihyun asked as Luhan opened the classroom door and stunned at the scene as well as Sehun.

"Okay!" The boy ran to Luhan's embrace.

"Say my greetings to Xiumin hyung," Luhan told Sehun as the younger smiled.

Jihyun entered the car and they drove to the airport. Yixing will also come too but Suho couldn't make it because the couple must not meet before the wedding.

"Here we are," Sehun said as he sat on the chair to wait for Xiumin.

Sehun looked at Jihyun who sat quietly without doing anything.

"What's with the sudden silence?" Sehun snorted.

"I'm just nervous," Jihyun answered and Sehun laughed.

The arriving gate were now flooding with people who just out from the plane and that made Sehun stood up to search for Xiumin. Jihyun found someone short with a brown hair dragging his luggage along the way.

He looks so mature...

"Xiumin hyung!" Sehun called and the older waved at them.

"Sehun!!" Xiumin hugged Sehun right away and Jihyun chuckled at the scene.

Still childish at all...

"You are now a grown up man!" Xiumin commented as he eyed Sehun from head to toe.

"I am," Sehun replied proudly.

Xiumin turned to see a girl with long brown hair and her blue navy coat along with black legging and grey ankle boots.

She looks so mature...

"Hello!" Xiumin ruffled Jihyun's hair as the younger grinned.

"Welcome!" Jihyun greeted.

"And you're a grown up girl," Xiumin commented as Jihyun blushed.

"Let's go and see Luhan hyung," Sehun suggested as Xiumin agreed.

They all entered the car and Jihyun sat on the back seat. Xiumin asked about the kindergarden and glad to hear many developments in there.

"I miss interacting with kids. It just boring to deal with tons of paper," Xiumin sighed.

"This will be a good vacation for you," Sehun said.

"I'm thinking of selling the business," Xiumin's statement made Jihyun and Sehun shocked.

"But Luhan hyung told me that it's your mom's," Sehun commented.

"I want to manage a restaurant with my friend, Jongdae," Xiumin added.

"At last you can do what you love," Jihyun's words shocked both the man.

"Are you okay to go to the kindergarden?" Xiumin asked worriedly as Sehun tried not to laugh.

"That will be a secret until we arrive there," Jihyun smirked as Xiumin nodded.

They arrived just at the hour when the kids waiting for their parents to pick them up and Xiumin stared worriedly as they walked closer. He kept guarding Jihyun in case she fainted.

"Hello oppa!" A girl greeted Sehun.

"Hey there Namhee! What are you doing?" Sehun asked as he was dragged to play with them.

Xiumin was getting worrier when a kid walked towards Jihyun.

"Nunaa! Glad to see you back!" He smiled as his friends surrounded Jihyun.

Xiumin shocked by the scene. Yes, Jihyun was trembling but she didn't ran away. She smiled and talked to the children. Her hands still shaking because of the fear. But she kept managing it and pushed herself to interact. He smiled at the scenery.

Finally fighting...

Jihyun waved goodbye after she saw the boys wanted to play soccer with Sehun. She wiped her sweaty forehead, tried to control her breath, and sat on the nearest bench. Xiumin stared worriedly at her. He knew that phobia wasn't easy to control. He came over and gave a bottle of water to her when someone approached him.

"Xiumin!!" Luhan ran to hug Xiumin.

"You look different with those dark hair colour!" Xiumin commented as Luhan laughed.

"How are you?" Luhan asked friendly.

"Perfectly fine. And happier after heard the news. I'm happy for them!"

"I helped them searching for some equipments yesterday."

"Oh I want to see them."

"You will."

"Luhan hyung!" Sehun called as Luhan waved goodbye to help Sehun.

"You did great," Xiumin turned to face Jihyun as the girl blushed by the sudden compliment.

"I think I'm not doing my best. Still have trouble in breathing."

"No.. I mean it's really great. I just remember the first time you got here and fainted. You know how worried I was," Xiumin laughed as Jihyun smiled.

"I remember about you who told me to face the fear so here I am everyday."

"Everyday?! You serious?!"

"Yeah I'm truly serious," Jihyun answered proudly.

"Great progress," Xiumin patted her head softly.

Jihyun never used to his touch. Every fingers sent her shivering in happiness. Her heart was warmer than ever.

Xiumin smiled to see the progress that she made. He was glad knowing that Jihyun listened to his advice.

"I should go back to my home," Jihyun said as she stood up and called Sehun to drive her back.

"I will do it," Xiumin took the key from Sehun who were still arranging the toys.

They walked to Luhan's car (which is used by Sehun earlier) in silence.

"Will you go back to China after my brother's wedding?" Jihyun asked suddenly.

"Eh? I will stay for two days more to search a location for my new restaurant with Jongdae," Xiumin answered.


They drowned in silence until arrived in Jihyun's home. Jihyun asked Xiumin to pay a visit first and the older agreed.

"Oppa! Look who's with me!" Jihyun called Suho who showed up from the kitchen.

"Hyung!" Suho ran to welcome Xiumin as the older laughed.

"How's in China?" Suho asked.

"Safe and sound."

"Let's have dinner together here," Suho suggested as he started to arrange the table with Jihyun's help.

"I guess I can't. I need to wait for Jongdae to arrive tonight," Xiumin said.

"Oh I would like to meet him too," Suho calmly replied.

Xiumin accompanied by Suho and Jihyun to go outside and he waved goodbye before driving the car back to the kindergarden.

"Nice timing," He murmured when he saw a taxi in front of the kindergarden.

"Hyung!" Jongdae called as he brought his luggage out from the taxi.

"Let's go inside," Xiumin quickly entered the kindergarden and parked the car.

"Good Night!" Luhan greeted as Jongdae bowed.

"This is Kim Jongdae, my friend from China," Xiumin introduced them both.

"You seem korean," Sehun commented.

"I moved to China several years ago but I'm Korean originally," Jongdae explained.

"You can stay in our guest room," Luhan added.

"Sorry for disturbing you," Jongdae said politely.

"It's okay. Nice to see you here," Luhan smiled.

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chapter 10 on the way.. thanks for subscribing! :D


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InfinitExo22 #1
Chapter 13: Exo are not one if kris will leave, but kris deserve's to leave because he have a reason why he want to leave but i think it's just a rumor that kris will leave exo. But if kris will really leave the group exo i will support him to what he's decision. I think i'm going to cry T_T
InfinitExo22 #2
Chapter 11: I think i'm going to cry, maybe they will meet again right?, author-nim update again soon :D