The Day! -part 1-

Let's Go!

At last another chapter and hey! this will be good hehehe..
Happy reading and hope you like it! ^^

The Wedding Day

"Wake up!!" Jihyun knocked at Suho's room as the older rubbed his eyes.

"Take this and went to the saloon right now!" Jihyun said as she handed the white tuxedo and pushed Suho to the bathroom.

"Thanks!!" Suho shouted as he got into the car after took a quick bath.

"Yixing oppa?" Jihyun called him.


"Where are you?"

"In the saloon."

"Good! Xiumin oppa will pick you up with Luhan, Sehun, and Jongdae okaay?"


"Have fun!"

"Thank you Jihyun," Yixing smiled.

"Same here oppa," Jihyun grinned as she ended the call and started calling Sehun to remind him and the others to pick Yixing up.

And yeah, she was the organizer that day. The decoration was done night before as Jihyun clapped in awe to see the red roses and white table and chairs and stage. There were guitar, piano and a microphone. She called the dorkies.

"Guys. You can practice now," Jihyun called Chanyeol and Baekhyun.

"Great! We'll be there in flash!" Chanyeol happily replied.

"Thank you so much!!" Jihyun squealed.

"Same here!" Baekhyun replied as they ended the call.

The bell rang and Jihyun ran to open it.

"Aunties and uncles!!" Jihyun hugged ev erybody one by one as they entered the decorated house in awe.

"This is great!" Kim Minjung, one of their aunt praised.

"We love this!" His husband added.

"Have a seat and I will be back soon," Jihyun winked as she greeted the priest and told him to wait with the family as she went to the back door.

As expected, Suho came and parked his car and went out from it.

"You look gorgeous!!" Jihyun ran to hug his brother.

"You should get ready too," Suho said as he went to his room to prepare himself.


Jihyun ran upstairs and wore her peach gown which she loved the most, got her wedges when someone knocked the door.

"Who?" Jihyun opened and screamed to see her three bestfriends stormed into her bedroom.

"What the heck with that dress?" Soo Young frowned.

"You must wore this!" Hyoyeon handed her a blue adorable summer dress for the garden party.

"And we will make you look beautiful!" Taeyeon said as they put the make up kit on Jihyun's bed.

"Oh my God," Jihyun stared in horror as her friends started to pimp her up.


Baekhyun and Chanyeol came and was told by Jihyun by phone to just try the instrument.

"Wow this is daebak," Chanyeol stepped inside and went straight to the guitar.

"Let's sing a song," Baekhyun took the microphone as the elders stared at them curiously.

"What song?" Chanyeol asked.

"The nostalgic one," Baekhyun winked as Chanyeol started to play.

The elders knew the song and they sang along. Jihyun smiled to hear the practice as she tried to avoid the lipstick.

"Done! Now we're ready," Taeyeon said as they went out from the room.

Jihyun started to arrange ev ery people in their places as Baekhyun and Chanyeol shocked to see the Jihyun in her beautiful mode.


"Hurry up Sehun!" Luhan said as Sehun ran to enter the car.

"Let's go!" Jongdae announced as Xiumin drove the car to the saloon.

They arrived in no time as Jongdae stormed inside to see Yixing. They all stunned to see Yixing with his white tuxedo and plain make up which perfected his face features.

"You look amazing!" Xiumin and Luhan commented.

"Let's go back! Jihyun texted me that everything is ready!" Sehun shouted.

"Let's go," Xiumin offered his hand as Yixing took it while smiling in happiness.


"Everything is ready!" Jihyun announced as Taeyeon who starred as the MC started to open the ceremony.

Jihyun ran to check on Yixing outside the house.

"You look gorgeous!" Jihyun hugged Yixing right away as Jongdae, Xiumin, Luhan, and Sehun stared shockedly at her.

"What?" Jihyun asked.

"You look great," Sehun answered as Jihyun blushed.

"You look beautiful," Xiumin added as Jihyun looked onto the floor to hide her red cheeks.

Baekhyn started to play the wedding march with the keyboard and Chanyeol followed with the guitar. Yixing entered the house with Xiumin and Suho already waited in front of the priest.

"Good morning everyone! We are gathering in this house to celebrate the precious moment in everyone's life. Let's shall begin with the blessings," The priest opened the ceremony with a pray and a verse from a bible.

At last the moment was come and Xiumin handed the rings to Suho right away.

"Do you, Kim Suho, receive Zhang Yixing as your wedded husband, to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor, and keep him for better or worse, for rich or poor, in sickness and health, and forsaking all other, be faithful only to him, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Suho answered it without any doubt as Yixing started to cry.

"Do you, Zhang Yixing, receive Kim Suho as your wedded husband, to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor, and keep him for better or worse, for rich or poor, in sickness and health, and forsaking all other, be faithful only to him, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I.. do," Yixing tried to say as he hold his tears.

"May this ring be blessed so that he who gives it and he who wears it may abide in peace and continue in love until life's end."

Yixing then placed the ring into Suho's finger as Suho did the same. They smiled happily at each other, knowing that they would be together until their life end.

"May this couple be prepared to continue to give, be able to forgive and experience more and more joy with each passing day, with each passing year. Kim Suho and Zhang Yixing, are now beginning their married life together and I pronounce that they are husband and wife (or husband). You may now seal your promises with a kiss."

Yixing closed his eyes as Suho kissed him gently. Baekhyun started to sing along with Chanyeol's guitar. Soo Young pulled the confetti as Hyoyeon gathered everyone to dance along the song. Jihyun laughed and danced with everybody. Suho and Yixing danced along too before they got tired and sat with Luhan and Sehun.

Jihyun spotted Tao and Kris outside the house and dragged them inside.

"You two are the most handsome man I ever met today," Jihyun praised as she stared at Tao with his classic tuxedo and Kris with a grey blazer and grey pants.

"Let's meet the couple!" Jihyun dragged them to Suho and Yixing.

"Nah Suho oppa, Yixing oppa, introducing my best friend since elementary school, Huang Zi Tao, and his... boyfriend, Kris," Jihyun said as Kris's eyes widened in shock and Tao blushed hard.

"Hello. Nice to see you two. Congratulation on the wedding," Kris quickly gained his conciousness as he spoke first.

"Nice to see you! and congratulation!" Tao said as he tried to stop blushing as Suho and Yixing snorted.

"Nice to see you too. Thank you for helping my sister. Enjoy the party today!" Suho hugged them both as Yixing did too.

Tao dragged Jihyun away as the girl stared at him confusely.

"I and Kris aren't a couple!" He denied.

"You look like one then why not make it official?" Jihyun winked as she ran away before Tao caught her again.

"Yaaah that girl," Tao said as someone stood behind him.

"Wanna drink or eat something?" Kris smiled calmly.

"That will be great."

"And you know, as Jihyun said, you're now my boyfriend," Kris winked as Tao felt his feet were getting weaker as Kris led him to enjoy some foods and drinks.

Jihyun stared at all the food and examined it. Suddenly she bumped into someone.

"Ah Jihyun," Xiumin called.

"Oh Oppa, what are you doing here?"

"I'm checking on the food," Xiumin answered shyly.

"Me too actually," Jihyun smiled to see Xiumin's blush.

"YAH! How can you eat that much? I don't want to lose!" Jongdae's voice heard as they both turned around just to see Soo Young ate 5 slices of red velvet and frowned Jongdae who tried to eat the cake more.

"He found the one," Xiumin laughed to see the hilarious scene.

"I need to go!" Jihyun stormed to the front door after a message arrived into her phone.

"Kyung Soo oppa! Welcome! Jongin! Welcome! Let's go inside to meet the couple!" Jihyun dragged them before they both said anything.

Kyung Soo's eyes widened to see the white decoration along with red roses in every vase. Jongin smiled in awe because he saw many delicious food there.

"Oppadeul! This is my senior Do Kyung Soo and his..... boyfriend Kim Jongin," Jihyun introduced them as both of the man's jaw hung open.

"But I'm not his....," Kyung Soo tried to say.

"Nice to meet you two! I'm Kyung Soo hyung's boyfriend and congratulation on the wedding!" Jongin bowed politely as Yixing amazed by his politeness.

"Congratulation," Kyung Soo finally said as he still glared at Jihyun who chuckled happily and ran away.

"You trolled a pair today," Xiumin commented as they decided to try the cake together.

"Glad to do that," Jihyun said as she laughed happily.

-to be continued-

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chapter 10 on the way.. thanks for subscribing! :D


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InfinitExo22 #1
Chapter 13: Exo are not one if kris will leave, but kris deserve's to leave because he have a reason why he want to leave but i think it's just a rumor that kris will leave exo. But if kris will really leave the group exo i will support him to what he's decision. I think i'm going to cry T_T
InfinitExo22 #2
Chapter 11: I think i'm going to cry, maybe they will meet again right?, author-nim update again soon :D