
Let's Go!

Hello everybody, at last its a new chapter after all..
Hope you enjoy reading this ^^
Thank you soooo much for those who read this story ;)

"Wake up," Suho said as he knocked on Jihyun bedroom door.

"5 more minutes," Jihyun murmured.

"You said that you want to go there today!"

"Okay!" Jihyun remembered and went happily to prepare herself.

After 30 minutes of preparing, Jihyun wore her shoes and waved goodbye to Suho. She walked casually and inhaled the morning fresh air.

Kring kring!

A bell heard from behind as she turned back to see the ringer. She spotted the gorgeous kitchen assistant on his bike.

"Going to campus?" He asked friendly.

"Yeah where else?" Jihyun smiled.

"Go sit behind. Let's go together," Kyung Soo offered as Jihyun thought about it.

"I'm not a playboy or jerk or what," Kyung Soo assured her as Jihyun laughed out loud.

"You seems to only like a person. The boy that I saw hug...."

"Enough. Let's go," Kyung Soo said as Jihyun swore that she saw his blushed cheeks.

"This is sooo refreshing," Jihyun cheered as she felt the breeze.

"You're quite heavy," Kyung Soo said as Jihyun pouted.

They arrived at the campus at the right time. Soo Young's jaw hung open to see the gorgeous kitchen assistant.

"Thanks for the ride," Jihyun waved as she dragged Soo Young away.

"Stop drooling!" Jihyun smacked Soo Young on her shoulder.

"He just sweet like a vanilla pudding and I want to eat it," Soo Young's eyes wander to the sky as Jihyun rolled her eyes.

"Okay fine. Let's go to the utensils class," she ended the topic and they went to the first class.

"Who's she?" A voice made Kyung Soo turned around to see Jongin pouted.

"Just a freshmen like you," Kyung Soo answered as he locked his bicycle and chuckled to see Jongin frowned.

"Don't you have any class to attend?" Kyung Soo asked again.

"Oh my God I forgot the culture class. I hate to go but I must go," Jongin gave a quick kiss and ran away as Kyung Soo touched his cheeks.

"That brat," Kyung Soo murmured as he walked to his class.

Jihyun stared at the book. It was full of every magical utensils which made the famous cake and food. She looked up and found a coffee on the lecturer's table.

"Coffee coffee," She murmured because she remembered someone.

Why always him?

"Jihyun," Soo Young called right after the lecturer ended the class.


"Spaced out in the first utensils class," Soo Young grinned.

"I didn't even realize that."

"Is there something that bothers you?"

"Nothing," Jihyun answered and packed her things to spend the last hours in dessert class.


Xiumin frowned as he stared at all the documents presented on his table. He's now a CEO of his mother's business and took care of everything. He didn't like to arrange the corporation like this and prefered to study cooking. But at last, he is the only child and he needs to continue.

"Hello?" Xiumin asked after he found his phone rang.

"Xiumin!" a familiar voice made him smile.

"Luhan! How are you?" Xiumin asked nicely.

"I'm the one who should ask. How are you?"

"Stuck with works. You know that I don't like this kind of job."

"You should think to sell it."

"What? It's my mom's."

"Life is short," Luhan laughed as Xiumin got his intention.

"I will think about this maybe. How about the kids?"

"They're missing you. You are like their appa," Luhan chuckled.

"Nice to hear that. Hope I can go back soon."

"You must."

"I will."

They chatted about the kindergarden and finally ended the call. He felt warm to talk with his friend. But being a person who remember another person, he called someone.

"Xiumin hyung!!" Yixing shouted happily as Xiumin laughed.

"I miss you," Xiumin confessed.

"Miss you too. How's life?" Yixing asked as he packed his papers and things.

"I'm now as busy as you," Xiumin laughed.

"Woah another CEO," Yixing commented.

"How's Suho and Jihyun?" Xiumin asked.

"Suho... I don't talk with him for two days. I don't know but he seems angry now," Yixing answered.

"You need to keep in touch with him."

"I want to go to his office now," Yixing picked his car key and went to the parking lot.

"Good luck," Xiumin encouraged him.

"Thanks and good luck to you too," Yixing replied as they ended the call.


Jihyun inhaled some fresh air before she closed her eyes and walked slowly to the kindergarden gate. She opened it and ran to the entrance door.

"Woah!" Someone's voice made her jumped in shock.

"Sehun! Don't you have any classes to attend this afternoon?" Jihyun greeted him.

"You can kill yourself here. I don't have any classes today."

"Not until they come out."

"Believe me you will suffer."

The bell rang and the students opened the classroom door, ready to go back home with all their parents. Jihyun grabbed Sehun's arm and the boy shouted in pain because it was too strong. Sehun turned around to see Jihyun bit her lips, trying to not scream and widened her eyes to see the children passed them to the entrance door.

"You tried to hard. Go inside," Sehun pulled Jihyun to the nearest class and closed the door as Jihyun slumped on the carpet, trying to control her breath and heart.

"It was crazy," She said between her shaky breath.

"You did well though still shaking like a crazy man," Sehun smiled.

"What happened?" Luhan asked as he came into the room.

"She just made a new record not to scream," Sehun explained as Luhan's mouth formed an 'O' shape, signalling that he understood.

"That's great but how about your brother?" Luhan asked.

"He let me to go here," Jihyun answered.

"Do you want to help Sehun arranged the toys back to its place?" Luhan asked as Jihyun nodded.

Sehun stunned to see Jihyun's hand shaking of fear while she took the toys silently and smiled at last. It was nice to see Jihyun tried to defeat the fear.

"You need to rest," Sehun finally said as Jihyun nodded and stayed away from the toys with sweats on her forehead.

"You do this for him, am I right?" Sehun asked as Jihyun stunned for seconds.

"Who?" Jihyun hardly thought in this condition.

"Xiumin hyung," Sehun arranged some toys and felt weird because he got no answer.

He turned around and found Jihyun fainted. He called Luhan and they both moved her to the bed in health room.

"She tried to hard," Sehun said.

"I need to call Suho," Luhan replied as he took his phone.


Yixing arrived at Suho's office and went straight to Suho's room. He knocked the door and waited patiently.

"Come in," Suho's voice made Yixing opened the door and stepped inside.

"Long time no see," Yixing greeted sarcastically.

"Yixing. How can you?"

"I need explanations on why you don't contact me for two days straight."

"I'm tired. I need to rest every night and I went straight to home after all of this everyday," Suho sighed as Yixing spotted the pale skin and black marks under his eyes.

"I'm sorry," Yixing said.

"No it's my fault. I'm sorry," Suho replied as he hugged Yixing.

"Your mood seems down."

"No after you come here."

Suho's phone rang and he walked to his table to pick it up.

"Yeah Luhan? What?! Fainted?"

Yixing knew that it must be Jihyun so he quickly got his key and asked Suho to come with him.

"How did you know? I didn't say anything," Suho asked confusely as they drove to the kindergarden.

"I understand," Yixing leaned closer and planted a kiss on Suho's lips that made Suho blushed and stayed silent along the way.

They arrived and entered the building then went to the room.

"Oppa," Jihyun greeted as Suho stepped inside and hugged her.

"Good job. I heard from Luhan hyung," Suho said as Jihyun grinned in happiness.

"Are you okay?" Yixing hugged Jihyun too.

"I feel amazing to try this. I want to come here often to ease the fear," Jihyun encouraged herself as Suho ruffled her hair.

"Now we need to go home okay?" Suho asked.


Yixing smiled and helped Jihyun walked to the car as the others followed.

"She tried her best for now," Luhan concluded.

"Thanks for helping her, both of you," Suho bowed.

"She's my frenemy so I'm happy for him," Sehun smiled.

"Bye bye!" Jihyun turned down the window car and waved goodbye.

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chapter 10 on the way.. thanks for subscribing! :D


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InfinitExo22 #1
Chapter 13: Exo are not one if kris will leave, but kris deserve's to leave because he have a reason why he want to leave but i think it's just a rumor that kris will leave exo. But if kris will really leave the group exo i will support him to what he's decision. I think i'm going to cry T_T
InfinitExo22 #2
Chapter 11: I think i'm going to cry, maybe they will meet again right?, author-nim update again soon :D