
Let's Go!

Special one for the only one, Byun Baekhyun!
Happy Birthday EXO's dorky main vocal! :D
You never fail to make me laugh hahaha ^^

"OH MY GOD!" Suho's screamed filled the house as Jihyun almost fell from the bed.

"The result was out!!"

"Yaaah!!! Shut up!" Jihyun screamed.

"Don't you want to see?" Suho opened Jihyun's bedroom door and waved the envelope.

"I want toooo!!" Jihyun suddenly stood up from the bed.

Jihyun ran and grabbed the envelope in the living room after chasing Suho with all her might.

"Eh?" Jihyun stunned to see Yixing and Xiumin sat on the couch, staring at her wide eye.

"Gyaaaa!" Jihyun ran to her room because she was wearing her dearly pororo pyjamas.

Xiumin laughed out loud to see her dumbfounded face as he almost choked on the tea.

"It's cute!" Yixing commented.

"So funny," Xiumin wiped his tears.

Jihyun locked the door and took her bath also wore her uniform after that. She packed her pencil case and books to learn again before the second day of last test.

"I'll better go now to the kindergarden," Xiumin stood up as Yixing did that too.

"You can come with us," Suho smiled as Jihyun stepped downstairs.

"You look good in uniform," Yixing said as Jihyun blushed.


"Let's go," Suho reminded as they went to the car.

Jihyun stunned to see Xiumin on the back seat. She then sat beside Xiumin in silence. Suddenly Xiumin's phone rang and he picked it up.

"Slow down," Xiumin said calmly to the caller.

"Okay I will help you of course," Xiumin then said yes and ended the call.

"Who's that?" Jihyun automatically asked.

"It was Chanyeol who asked me to help him prepare a cake for Baekhyun's birthday," Xiumin said.

"Oh that little man's birthday is today?" Yixing asked.

"Can I help you make it?" Jihyun asked as Suho and Yixing snorted.


"I haven't say thanks to him in proper way sooo," Jihyun blushed.

"Okay, come to the cafè this evening," Xiumin smiled as Jihyun nodded.

They arrived at Jihyun's school and she said goodbye.

"Ehem someone's going to have a date," Suho grinned as Xiumin stunned.

"Wha- it's not a date," Xiumin said as Yixing laughed.

"Okay okay," Yixing replied.


"Yeollie?" Baekhyun searched for Chanyeol in the cafe.

"Yea?" Chanyeol asked as he arranged the glass before the cafè opened.

Baekhyun pouted because Chanyeol seemed forget about his birthday. He just went to the table and cleaned it up.

"Hello!" Xiumin came early as Baekhyun confused to see him came.

"So early hyung," Baekhyun commented as Xiumin smiled.

"Wanna do some experiment to the new foam design!" Xiumin waved as he walked to the kitchen.

Baekhyun pouted again because even Xiumin didn't remember his birthday.

"Baekkie!!" Chanyeol called as Baekhyun stunned.

"Let's go shopping because the ingredients are running out," Chanyeol laughed as he dragged Baekhyun away.

Baekhyun smiled to see Chanyeol still care about him as they entered the mini market.


"At last!" Jihyun said as she entered the cafè.

"Here," Xiumin called from the kitchen.

"Owah," Jihyun was speechless when she looked at all the counters and utensils.

"I'm going to make a delicious Black Forest for Baekhyun."

"Great! So, what can I do to help?" Jihyun asked.

"You can measure all the ingredients while I'm dealing with chocolates," Xiumin smiled.


They started to make the cake. Xiumin impressed when Jihyun measured well and their cake was done beautifully.

"Let's make the decorations!" Jihyun applaused as Xiumin put the cake.

Xiumin started to make the wipe cream and Jihyun cut the cherries.

"I'm going to put this," Xiumin wiped the cream onto the cake.

"Woah woah!" Jihyun started to sprinkle the chocolates.

Jihyun then put the cheries on the cream.

"Done!" Xiumin announced as Jihyun happily clapped.

"Chanyeol calls!" Xiumin quickly picked it up.

"Everything is fine!" Jihyun said.

"Is that Jihyun? Hello! Thank you!" Chanyeol greeted.

"Make sure he will come here," Xiumin replied.

"Okay. Thanks for everything," Chanyeol said as he ended the call with a smile.


"Thanks for everything," Baekhyun stunned to hear those words.

He was afraid. Who was that? He just came to Chanyeol who quickly shoved his phone into his pocket.

Is he has someone else?

"Are you done?" Chanyeol smiled.

"Hmm," Baekhyun just hummed as Chanyeol tried not to laugh.

"Let's go back," Chanyeol said softly as he held Baekhyun's hand.

Baekhyun wanted to cry because he didn't feel happy at all in his birthday. And it was evening and his day would be over soon.

"Eh?" Baekhyun shocked when Chanyeol closed his eyes with his palms.

"Follow me," Chanyeol whispered as they entered the cafe.

It was dark and Baekhyun started to afraid.

"Chanyeol?" He called.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Chanyeol, Xiumin, and Jihyun shouted as Baekhyun stunned.

"Oh my," Baekhyun started to cry because he was to happy.

"I don't forget," Xiumin smiled as he congratulated Baekhyun.

"Thank you," Baekhyun said.

"This is my special thanks," Jihyun said as she gave the knife to cut the cake.

Baekhyun sliced the cake and gave the first to Chanyeol.

"Thank you," Baekhyun hugged Chanyeol as Jihyun captured all the moments.

"Wait guys," Xiumin made them realized.

"Oh my God let's open back the cafè!" Chanyeol said as they laughed and prepared to open the cafè again.

"May I help?" Jihyun asked as Xiumin went to the kitchen.


And then, they spent the night together and the customer felt happy to the warm atmosphere.

"Oh it's tiring," Chanyeol slumped on a chair after they cleaned the cafè before closing it.

"Thank you soooo much for today," Baekhyun landed a kiss on Chanyeol's lips.

"Your welcome, Baek," Chanyeol answered.

They both stunned to see Jihyun stood in front of the locker room.

"I'm sorry," Baekhyun said as Jihyun laughed.

"Eh?" Chanyeol asked because it's unusual to see a girl laughed at those situation.

"My brother is the same so I don't feel anything. You guys are sweet," Jihyun commented.

"Glad to hear that," Baekhyun smiled.

"You need to go home," Xiumin suggested to Jihyun.

"Oh I need to go home too," Baekhyun remembered.

"I will accompany you," Chanyeol hugged Baekhyun.

"Then I'll be with you," Xiumin said as Jihyun blushed.

"Bye bye!!" Chanyeol and Baekhyun waved goodbye.

"Thank you for helping me," Xiumin said as they walked together to Jihyun's home.

"I'm the one who should say thank you. You always find me in the right time," Jihyun managed to say.

"It's all coincidence. But no coincidence happens often so I don't know," Xiumin laughed.

That night, Jihyun had another dream beside curing her fear. A dream to be destined with someone.


Author's corner! ^^
Another happy birthday for Byun Baek! Oh how much I love him so much as well as the others too! ^^

Puppy face! :p

Rectangle smile hahaha ^^

Hope you'll be healthy always as well as the others too, be nice to Kyung Soo oppa, okay? kekeke
And again.... Happy Belated Birthday! (^-^)


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chapter 10 on the way.. thanks for subscribing! :D


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InfinitExo22 #1
Chapter 13: Exo are not one if kris will leave, but kris deserve's to leave because he have a reason why he want to leave but i think it's just a rumor that kris will leave exo. But if kris will really leave the group exo i will support him to what he's decision. I think i'm going to cry T_T
InfinitExo22 #2
Chapter 11: I think i'm going to cry, maybe they will meet again right?, author-nim update again soon :D