
"Heaven" bakery

Jimin had always considered the month of February an excessively slow and an unbearable one. As always his dislike for the winter time and the never ending piles of snow was the main reason for that as by the time February came along he would have had dreamed about spring and March way too many times. It wasn’t February’s fault, really, but Jimin wished it would come to an end already.

One morning he felt that his lethargy had reached its maximum point, as he realized that he had been moping around his apartment, not leaving it for almost an entire week with the small exception of the three classes he couldn’t skip. That was it.  Usually Hoseok, as someone who really enjoyed the presence of snow, brought him either cooked food or ingredients so he doesn’t live on noodles and kimchi. He wanted to change that, to stop connecting the cold weather to past events, which always made him struggle being happy. And he swore to be happy. For himself, for his parents, for his friends.

That exact same morning Jimin almost started believing in Fate. He was never sloppy with keeping track of his e-mails, but for the past month he had been neglecting them enough to almost miss one of the most important e-mails his inbox had ever received. Or so he thought at that moment. He had to re-read it a few times and pinch his arm to finally start believing that it was really addressed to him. And if it wasn’t for the fact that he had decided that he wanted to do something and stop rejecting winter and finding an opportunity just twenty minutes later, he would have probably never changed. Hence his belief that Fate actually existed.

His mood immediately got better, so he dressed up and prepared his bag carefully. Ah, he really missed the feeling of it. The cold that he was met with just a few second after exiting his apartment building didn’t feel that harsh and in his face. His conscious was so used to bringing up his face every time Jimin got exposed to snow, so of course it happened again, but the determination he felt earlier to replace all of those unpleasant images with something else made it a lot more bearable.

For the first time in months he wasn’t rushing his way to his destination, but rather allowed himself soak the cold, the atmosphere around him and let his body get used to it. The images were there, but they were blurry now, not strong enough to completely occupy his mind. His voice wasn’t echoing that loudly at the back of his head anymore. He could manage. At times he slowed down to take a better look of his surroundings, seeing them from a different point of view.


“Hello and welcome to “Heaven”. Have you decided your order?” Yoongi asked ever so politely, placing a glass of water in front of Jimin. As if he didn’t knew, but you know, work policy can be a pain in the .

“Maybe a latté with a kiwi cake as a side.” Jimin said and let his smile take over his face.

“At your services.” Yoongi said and bowed, turning around almost immediately, but Jimin saw his lips quirk into a similar smile. Is it weird that he felt his heartbeat quicken yet again?

Just a few minutes later he was served what seemed like half a dozen of sliced kiwis with some cake as a side instead of the opposite. He felt like a child, he always did whenever Yoongi would really treat him like one. But hey, who doesn’t like being spoiled?

Yoongi sat next to him, motioning to his colleague behind the counter that he would take a break.

“Were you bored? You haven’t been here in so long. I was starting to doubt my latté making skills.” Yoongi said loud enough only Jimin could hear, dropping the formality in his voice. They were still really careful in public places, it was something both of them almost soundlessly agreed on.

“Felt like eating some kiwis.” The younger said sheepishly in between bites. “What about you, did you eat?”

“Still haven’t.” Yoongi hummed and rested his chin on his hands, trying his best not to wipe the mess of frosting around Jimin’s lips.

“Thought so.” He grinned and took out the plastic bag filled with still steaming rice cakes. Yoongi’s most favorite lunch, usually. “Still fresh.”

Yoongi stared at the bag for a second, wondering how did Jimin know, but then he gave up. Of course Jimin knew. Details never escaped his hawk eyes. Jimin has always been noticing all the small, on a first look trivial things about Yoongi and he wasn’t even doing it on purpose. It came naturally to him, but it still managed to surprise the older that Jimin always seemed to know what Yoongi wanted. The feeling of being spoiled was more or less mutual.

But Yoongi was also getting a lot better in understanding Jimin and what was hiding behind that constant smile of his. He wasn’t as good, but he was getting there. And today specifically there was an unusual for this time of the year sparkle in his eyes, an unspoken excitement.

“Did something happen?”

Jimin didn’t answer, but looked at Yoongi with even a bit more obvious excitement on his face and nodded slowly, although he looked reluctant to talk about it in the same time. Instead, he took out the camera out of his bag and looked through a few photos before silently giving it to Yoongi, motioning to him to take a look.

The older was truthfully surprised. They weren’t much, but the last twenty photos in the younger’s camera were all off the snowy scenes that were outside. Piles of snow, the occasional leftover Christmas decorations that were still scattered around Seoul, a group of teenagers throwing snowballs at each other, weirdly shaped snowmen that were almost everywhere, though nobody ever saw who makes them. It was everything Jimin had deliberately ignored until now and Yoongi also knew why, but right now if the older didn’t know Jimin and looked thorough those photos he wouldn’t think twice before assuming that winter was definitely Jimin’s favorite season. Maybe it was because he could understand the language that photographs spoke.

“Took them on the way to here.” Jimin answered Yoongi’s unasked questions that were written on his face. The younger averted his gaze from the other and thought about the e-mail again. Even though that was the main reason he came to see Yoongi, he didn’t know how to phrase it properly.

“Change of heart?” Yoongi asked softly, seeing the thoughtful look on the other’s face.

“Actually hyung… You know that I’m close to my course adviser and that’s why he usually helps me earn some money by referring me to different one-time jobs and such. This morning I found out that I was invited to participate in international exhibition and present my own stuff, kinda. My teacher showed some of my previous projects to one of the organizations and they said that they encourage young participants like me.” He stopped and scratched the back of his head, still not looking at the older. It was a habit he had and did whenever he felt shy or nervous. “It’s the Daegu photo Biennale exhibition, the one that’s held in Daegu every two years. I have to go there for a week until it’s all finished. I was thinking if you would like to come with me…” Jimin’s voice was trailed off at the end, probably because it brought back some mixed emotions.

Yoongi thought about his parents. They were a typical representation of a Korean family that strictly followed the traditions. They raised him with the thought that he had to become a lawyer when he grows up to take after his father and serve for the good image of the family. They never really asked him if that was what he wanted, since children aren’t supposed to disobey their parents, at least their mindset was like this. Yoongi had always disliked the idea of spending almost a decade of his youth studying non-stop for the sake of a job he didn’t even like. Of course his big, big childhood dream was to have his own gallery with his photos portrayed to the public eyes, but that stayed as a dream.

He still really appreciated his parents and was thankful that he had them, so after a few heated conversations and some yelling here and there they agreed that he can choose his own university, as long as he does not become a journalist. Fair enough, was what Yoongi thought back then and he chose Finances as his degree and they let him take they photography courses that the university offered. Yoongi respected his parents enough, but they gradually became distant as they couldn’t bring themselves to see Yoongi’s passion as something more than a hobby and so he rarely had something to talk about to them. He didn’t like going back to Daegu often because he always felt guilty when he saw the light disappointment that seemed to appear in his father’s eyes every time they tried to talk. But then again, he was happy with what he had right now and so were his parents with the four or five calls they received from Yoongi each year.


The older realized that he probably drifted away in his thoughts for way too long. Jimin looked worried and Yoongi reached out his hand to ruffle his hair once so the frown on his face disappears.

“What’s with the look on your face?” Yoongi teased, “You look as if you done something bad. I was just thinking. But don’t worry about me Jimin, you can go without me. Of course I’ve heard about the exhibition many times before and I know it is a rare opportunity, so go for it. I’m really happy that you get to spread your photos. Does it have something to do with winter?”

“The theme is ‘Snowflakes from behind the lenses’. That’s why I tried taking those in the morning. It wasn’t as bad as I thought.” Jimin said. “I’d have to come up with something more original though.”

“Let’s talk about it later.” Yoongi quietly suggested, seeing that the younger was having hard time talking about it and his break was almost over.

“So you won’t come?” Jimin whispered questioningly, still having that slight note of guilt in his voice. Yoongi only smiled at him apologetically and shook his head. Jimin understood.


“I’m hungry.”

“You’re always hungry Taehyung.” Jimin rolled his eyes, but stood up nonetheless. “What do you want?”

“Hmmm… Omelet!” Taehyung grinned and Jimin wondered how much that gummy smile of was worth in front of Hoseok. That guy could probably charm even the evilest person out there by just smiling.

“Of course.”

“How is your photoshoot going?” Taehyung asked after a while, seeing all the scattered photos around the table and the floor. White was the main point in all of them.

“Nowhere. I still don’t feel inspired.” Jimin sighed.

“It’s been only three days, don’t sigh like this. You’ve always succeeded until now. Remember that contest you were participating in during your last year of high school? It took you three weeks, but you still managed to make the most interesting collage out there.” Taehyung said and both of them laughed at the memory of a stressed Jimin as a teenager having breakdowns every now and then when his photos didn’t turn out well. He was still so new then, but he really managed to do it well enough.

“I promise not to call you in the middle of the night whining about everything.” Jimin said and served him a whole course of side dishes to go with those eggs. Taehyung was such an easy person to please, he only needed food and Hoseok, as cheesy as that sounds. He was beaming in seconds.

“Have you chosen a model?”

“Model?” Jimin looked at him confusedly and almost forgot to swallow his bite.

“So you haven’t?” Taehyung raised an eyebrow at him. Jimin always preferred to work with someone as a model, even if it was a stranger that happened to be at the spot he was taking photos at.

“I didn’t even think about it…” The other confessed.

“Well Yoongi?”

Jimin looked at Taehyung completely baffled. The sudden idea sounded crazy and close to impossible, but ideas immediately started forming in Jimin’s head. If only he could use him as a model. He wondered why didn’t it occur to him earlier, as he has been wanting to have Yoongi as his model for the longest time.

“Why are you looking at me like this? Haven’t you seen Yoongi’s face? His features are-“

“No… no, you’re right. I will try.” Jimin said more to himself than to Taehyung and the latter still didn’t believe that he was the one to point that out.

“You’ve panicked so much that you started overcomplicating things Jimin. Don’t forget the fun side of it or else it won’t come out naturally.”

Jimin didn’t have the time to answer as the doorbell rang and Taehyung jumped immediately towards it, muttering a ‘that has to be Hobi’. And it was, but a very tired looking one. Maybe that was why Taehyung came over so often nowadays not to disturb Hoseok’s work.

“Came to take him away.” Hoseok said and nodded to Jimin as a hello. He looked drained.

“He just ate two people worth of food so he won’t be troubling you that much. You should rest once in a while too, hyung.” Jimin was worried about Hoseok’s condition, but he knew that Taehyung would actually made him rest. He wouldn’t say this out loud per se, but he really thought that his friend was trustworthy, so he decided not to scold Hoseok or yell at him for overworking himself, but let Taehyung take care of him.

Hoseok made the effort to smile and nodded, taking Taehyung’s hand in his.

“Thank you. You have guests by the way.” Hoseok said and both him and Taehyung waved Jimin goodbye.

And indeed he had. The doorbell rang again and revealed a snowflake covered Yoongi, whose lips were almost purple from the freezing weather outside. And Jimin stared at him for so long, thinking about ways he could portray the beauty of winter through Yoongi, the poses and possible shooting locations they could go to. Jimin felt his creativity waking up again.

“What? You’re staring.” Yoongi looked at Jimin suspiciously and brought him back to reality. Jimin had to try at least, right?

A/N the next chapter will really be a challenge for me o<-< though i'm really excited of what is going to happen, since I currently have no idea myself :D
* The Daegu Photo Biennale is a large photography event that takes place every other year. The event showcased some 1,500 photographs by 245 artists from 22 countries and included an international photography symposium and a variety of events. (source)
If anyone is interested in reading more about the the Daegu Bienalle exhibition you can read about it here and here ;;

** And of course by 'spicy rice cakes' i meant ddeokbokki, though I preferred to say it in English;  I searched for popular Korean snacks and all that, but most of them are sweet and the Yoongi here doesn't really likes sweets so after 10 pages of different foods I chose the probably most popular street food dish ;;

I'm sorry for grammer and spelling mistakes and little typos that i always miss ;u; Thank you for reading and commenting!! ♥

Post of the day ♥

I'm also sorry that I won't be able to post anything for the next three days because I will be travelling;;


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Chapter 1: I started reading this story back in 2017 and now I'm back again to read it again.
iamtear #2
read this story back in 2015 and 5 years later, here i am again. frickin love this story, the story that made me a solid yoonmin stan. haha. i will always come back for it once in a while. so thank u for this amazing story. love?
Chapter 23: Chapter 22: I love your storyyyyy!!! What an amazing writer you are! :)
Chapter 23: I read and commented to this story a year ago and here I just finished reading it again. I remember some bits, but a lot of scenes exceeded my expectation and memory and I am very pleased. The effort you put to write this story is still very obvious to me and I am still very grateful for it. Thank you :))
Ambam97 #5
Chapter 23: Cuuuutteeeee
XueXing #6
Chapter 23: I like how you added in references.
I love the story so much <3 <3 <3
Please do write more, and I'm looking forward to all of your future stories. =)
keep up the good work.
Chapter 1: This is my first time reading this story, and already I'm loving this story. Yoongi is so adorable and Jimin is just cute. I can't wait to read more of the story and see what happens in the story.
BlueDragon16 #8
This Is what happens when you read stories three damn years later.. Even after you mentioned their hair colors, I still read through the entire story imagining Jimin with pink hair and suga with black!!
hyerim90 #9
Chapter 23: This story is really amazing.i don't know how to describe it but it's simple and so real to me.that's how relationship develop.thank you so much authornim for writing's very beautiful
BlueDragon16 #10
Chapter 15: Also.. I feel like Jimin was literally me.. Except the part where he's been in a relationship and ends up in one again, as opposed to me where I'm just a lonely whale.. But yeah everything else tho