
From a crush to a Lifechanger

Jayhahn's P.O.V

   Me, Taeyang, and Ju-Anh are inside of my room. It's about 9:45. We're dressed in all back. And we're carrying metal crowbars. This betrayed me and my trust. She disrespected me and tryed killing me. She must pay. At around ten we're going to leave to go to Jung-mi's house. She needs to know what I went through.

Me and Ju-Anh and Taeyang hurry over to Jung-mi's house , because it is now 10 o clock.

 When we get there me and taeyang hide and Ju-Anh uses her key to get inside. The plan was to sneak up to her room and tell her to come outside. I'm guessing everything went as planned because she came out. Then she told Jung mi to get into the car and we followed along.

"Wha-what are they  doing here?" She asks.. frightened

"Oh.. They're just gonna get revenge that's all."

"What are you guys gonna do to me?!"

"You'll see."

   We drive all the way to the woods and stop. As we get out of the car, Jung-mi struggles and me and Taeyang have to yank her out. She's crying and begging for her life. We're not gonna kill her. But she is definetely going to beg us to once we're finished with her.

"Please.. please. I'm sorry, okay."

"Its too late for apologies,  sweety." Taeyang said to her calmly.

   We walk through the woods making sure we take the path we had planned earlier so we wouldn't get lost. She wouldn't be able to figure it out though. I actually feel bad for this girl.  She's a mess. But oh well. Let her feel my wrath.  We drop her on the ground and stsre at her for a brief moment before she says something that sets me off.

"Well?? What you're just gonna leave me out here? How pathetic."

That's it.

I punched her square in the jaw. Then repeatedly. Over and over again. All I could see was red. I wasn't sure if it was just anger. Or if it was all of her blood. Taeyang and Ju-Anh watched as I kept punching her.  Then finally when I thought she was unconscious I stopped. I wanted more,.. but I didn't want to kill the poor girl.

Then we all left . We ran from the woods and got in the car and never looked back. And honestly I was happy. I got my revenge and I didn't feel guilty about it.  Now I could get some rest.

*2 weeks later*

As I walk past Jung-mi along with Taeyang on my side holding my hand,  I look at her to let her know that she couldn't stop me or my love for Taeyang. She has changed a lot. I don't get any lip from her anymore. Me and Ju-Anh  have become good friends. And of course me and taeyang are unstoppable. But this whole adventure made me learn many things




About love,



and generosity.  

He changed my life.

It's amazing how one can go from being a crush..

To a lifechanger. 

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sorry everyone but ill be doing a quadruple update this weekend!! please anticipate it!


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Chapter 19: I'm so confused... I have no idea who I'm rooting for, lol! Everyone sounds so snarky and yet... I can't stop reading. ^^ It's like drama everywhere! I kind of want the girls to get along and Taeyang to just go away... (Oh lawd... Lightning just struck me!)
Kpoplifestyle30 #2
Chapter 17: OMG! I've been away from this story for too long!! I actually felt bad for Jung-mi!!! Ughhh my heart broke for her when she confronted him then she went and did that... Gosh so many feels. I can't wait for the next update!
Kpoplifestyle30 #3
Chapter 13: I can't wait to see what Jung-Mi will do!!!
Kpoplifestyle30 #4
Chapter 12: So very frustrating! He's trying so hard!!! Ugh! As I love it! Your story makes me fangirl and smile uncontrollably. It's amazing!
Kpoplifestyle30 #5
Chapter 11: This chapter was sweet and calm. It was different and good! Keep going!
Kpoplifestyle30 #6
Chapter 10: OMFG!!!!!! I love it! HIGH SCHOOL DRAMA LLAMA!!!! It's really good I can't wait for the next chapter as always!!!
Kpoplifestyle30 #7
Chapter 8: Still fricken amazing! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 7: WHAAAAT?!? Lol! First... I was shocked when Taeyang called his ex the B word. It's so hard for me to imagine him cussing like that. Second... He JUST broke up with the girl and is now asking the main OC out? WTH. I don't know what to think now.
Kpoplifestyle30 #9
Chapter 7: Next chapter is needed!!!!!!! This so good I loves it!!!
Chapter 5: I get butterflies when I read this! <3 Yes, I agree... Why are the cute guys always taken... Or gay. -_- huhuhuhu Great development so far. Can't wait to read more!