A thought. A plan.

From a crush to a Lifechanger

   I get downstairs where my mom and dad are setting the plates. Spaghetti with cheese and garlic bread. With a salad on the side. Im so glad I could wake up to such a heavenly sight. My mom and dad were always good to me. Breaking their back to make sure that I was happy and I know I can trust them. I sit at the table and smell the food that covered my plate. I swear they're the best cooks.

"It smells great , mom. "

"Thank you , baby. I made sure that the bread was soft but crispy around the ends like you like."

"Ooooh yeah. Ha, but mom we're in Korea.  Shouldn't we be eating korean food ?"

"We don't have to everyday.  We're not korean you know.."

"Well I still have some asian ancestry so I'd like some asian food."

"Alright ms. Complainer. We'll have some korean tomorrow."


   I watch my dad wipe down the counters and set up the dish washer so when we're done we could just throw our dishes in and be set for the night. I take a bite of of my spaghetti and instantly feel relieved about everything. I know the incident earlier made me seem kind of punkish. But I just got here and I dont want to start trouble because I got in good with the majority of my teachers. If I had a fight, which I'm sure I would've won , everything would've went downhill.  I just tried my best to rid myself of the drama because I dont want it . Any of it. At all.

"Baby girl , what's up ?" My dad says softly. He's so understanding.

"Nothing.  I was just thinking about some stuff. "

"Like what ? Schoolwork ? Cute boys ? " my says loosely

"No. No boys." yeah.. my dad was one of those.

"Ha, yeah. Schoolwork mostly."

"Okay good. Now I know in high school boys are a big thing but.... right now get good grades then socialize. Because you already know that you can pretty much do whatever as long as your grades are awesome."

"Yeah I know. That's all I'm focused on dad."

"Good girl."

   The rest of the dinner we had small chats here and there about multiple things. I really enjoy these momemts. When I get to just laugh with my mom and dad and just feel great. I finished my dinner , kissed my parents goodnight and ran upstairs to shower.

   My mood has improved quite efficiently and I have decided to sing. Loudly. Without a care in the world. Because I felt good. But I couldn't deny the small part in my heart that wanted me and Taeyang to at least me friends like we used to.... maybe tomorrow something good will happen.


Taeyang's P.O.V

   I don't know how to feel about all of this . I thought everything was fine.. maybe I was doing things too fast.. maybe it was the intimidation of Jung-mi.  I really dont know. Hopefully tomorrow I can fix this. I lay down on my bed and think about what I should say to her. I don't want to try and sweep her off her feet this time. I really just want to make her feel comfortable. To feel like she doesnt have anything to worry about. It's hard to control yourself when you really like someone. In most cases it's good. I just wanted her in my possession so badly. But I want to start slow. For real this time. 

And I know exactly how I'm going to work it.

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sorry everyone but ill be doing a quadruple update this weekend!! please anticipate it!


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Chapter 19: I'm so confused... I have no idea who I'm rooting for, lol! Everyone sounds so snarky and yet... I can't stop reading. ^^ It's like drama everywhere! I kind of want the girls to get along and Taeyang to just go away... (Oh lawd... Lightning just struck me!)
Kpoplifestyle30 #2
Chapter 17: OMG! I've been away from this story for too long!! I actually felt bad for Jung-mi!!! Ughhh my heart broke for her when she confronted him then she went and did that... Gosh so many feels. I can't wait for the next update!
Kpoplifestyle30 #3
Chapter 13: I can't wait to see what Jung-Mi will do!!!
Kpoplifestyle30 #4
Chapter 12: So very frustrating! He's trying so hard!!! Ugh! As I love it! Your story makes me fangirl and smile uncontrollably. It's amazing!
Kpoplifestyle30 #5
Chapter 11: This chapter was sweet and calm. It was different and good! Keep going!
Kpoplifestyle30 #6
Chapter 10: OMFG!!!!!! I love it! HIGH SCHOOL DRAMA LLAMA!!!! It's really good I can't wait for the next chapter as always!!!
Kpoplifestyle30 #7
Chapter 8: Still fricken amazing! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 7: WHAAAAT?!? Lol! First... I was shocked when Taeyang called his ex the B word. It's so hard for me to imagine him cussing like that. Second... He JUST broke up with the girl and is now asking the main OC out? WTH. I don't know what to think now.
Kpoplifestyle30 #9
Chapter 7: Next chapter is needed!!!!!!! This so good I loves it!!!
Chapter 5: I get butterflies when I read this! <3 Yes, I agree... Why are the cute guys always taken... Or gay. -_- huhuhuhu Great development so far. Can't wait to read more!