Start all Over

From a crush to a Lifechanger

Jayhahn's P.O.V

  Tonight. I'm going to meet him up somewhere. I have to. I can't go to bed with this void in my heart. I need to have some type of closure.  I don't have his number.... maybe I can get it from someone. But who ? It's not like he just has his number lying around. Phonebook ? Naah... WAIT!!! I remember a girl in my p.e. class saying she has everyone's number. And when she says everyone. She means EVERYONE. Even a few teachers. Which is creepy.

   But wait.... I shouldn't try to apologize at this very moment. It seems early.  The whole idea of us being in this little wildfire upsets me. I want to fix this , but I want to wait. It seems like the right thing to do. Just give him time to breathe. Yeah...

*2 hours later*

"Oh my gooddd!!!!" I scream. I can't stop tossing and turning. It's 10:45 and I'm trying to sleep. But every time I fall asleep I dream of him. They're sweet , but painful. They're painful because I know that could never be us. That couldn't happen because things are standing in the way. It couldn't happen because I know for a fact that he probably doesn't want anything to do with me. He even said it. He doesn't want to be involved with someone like me. I start to cry. Not sobbing. But just shedding a few tears. He's special to me. It hasn't been that long... but me and him have a type of chemistry.  That nobody understands. We have so much in common. So much we want in life. So many things we want to do. I always imagined us doing them together. Now I feel hopeless and stuck. 

   And the worst part... I always think that the next day will be better. 

*7 hours later*

   My alarm goes off and I mentally cry inside. It's time for me to go to school and I barely slept. Oh well. The show must go on. I feel that maybe if I act like I don't care about the situation these feelings might go away.. but then at the same time I am the one at fault. If I could just show him that I'm sorry he'll understand . Actions speak louder than words. But it also takes longer. I'm just going to have to explain myself.

   I start my morning routine and get dressed.  I have on black combat boots, white skinny jeans , and a black t-shirt. I top it off with a few accessories ranging in colors and a pink leather jacket. Contrast in an outfit is perfect. I grab my bag and run downstairs only to realize that I still have a little bit of time left before I have to leave. I sit down and get some breakfast.  I'm not much of a breakfast person. I hate eating in the morning. I start drinking some orange juice and a slice of sugar toast. Then I look back at the clock and I have 5 minutes left until I should leave. It's 6:20. I start to clear up my mess and get ready to walk out but before I do I bid my parents goodbye kisses. 

   6:45. I'm at school. And I'm on the prowl for Taeyang. I walk around innocently trying to look for him. Pretending like I was just going to see all of my friends and whatever. While walking up the stairs I see him.  On his way down. For some reason it felt like time stopped.  We stared at each other for a good 15 seconds then he continued walking down. I continued walking up. When we got half way I grabbed his arm. Scared at my own approach to him since yesterday,  I looked at him and took a deep breath. Here goes nothing...

"Im sorry. Yesterday was.. aweful. I shouldn't have said what I said. I know you only wanted to be friends but.. I've just seen this stuff happen so many times and.. I've been through this type of thing once. I didn't want to think you were like that but I just wanted to try and make you come clean if you were. Im really sorry. I hope you can forgive me. I shouldn't have backfired at you like that. You deserve better."

"It's fine. I understand. I really just want us to be friends and I want to be able to work with you. I want to be able to have our friendship grow strong."

"Me too."

"Good. Then we can start just being friends right ?"

"Yeah.. but there's one small problem."

"And what's that ?"

"Jung-mi.  She's gonna come after me if she sees me talking to you and I dont need that drama. Or that recognition for beating her senseless." He let out a small chuckle.

"I understand. Don't worry. It's between me and you. Secretly."

Now things are getting better.

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sorry everyone but ill be doing a quadruple update this weekend!! please anticipate it!


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Chapter 19: I'm so confused... I have no idea who I'm rooting for, lol! Everyone sounds so snarky and yet... I can't stop reading. ^^ It's like drama everywhere! I kind of want the girls to get along and Taeyang to just go away... (Oh lawd... Lightning just struck me!)
Kpoplifestyle30 #2
Chapter 17: OMG! I've been away from this story for too long!! I actually felt bad for Jung-mi!!! Ughhh my heart broke for her when she confronted him then she went and did that... Gosh so many feels. I can't wait for the next update!
Kpoplifestyle30 #3
Chapter 13: I can't wait to see what Jung-Mi will do!!!
Kpoplifestyle30 #4
Chapter 12: So very frustrating! He's trying so hard!!! Ugh! As I love it! Your story makes me fangirl and smile uncontrollably. It's amazing!
Kpoplifestyle30 #5
Chapter 11: This chapter was sweet and calm. It was different and good! Keep going!
Kpoplifestyle30 #6
Chapter 10: OMFG!!!!!! I love it! HIGH SCHOOL DRAMA LLAMA!!!! It's really good I can't wait for the next chapter as always!!!
Kpoplifestyle30 #7
Chapter 8: Still fricken amazing! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 7: WHAAAAT?!? Lol! First... I was shocked when Taeyang called his ex the B word. It's so hard for me to imagine him cussing like that. Second... He JUST broke up with the girl and is now asking the main OC out? WTH. I don't know what to think now.
Kpoplifestyle30 #9
Chapter 7: Next chapter is needed!!!!!!! This so good I loves it!!!
Chapter 5: I get butterflies when I read this! <3 Yes, I agree... Why are the cute guys always taken... Or gay. -_- huhuhuhu Great development so far. Can't wait to read more!