Think about it

From a crush to a Lifechanger

Jung-mi's P.O.V

   I know it wasn't right for me to kick Ju-Anh out like that. But hey , she was choosing that over me . That's not what best friends do. Why would I waste my time on someone who doesn't have my back ? That's like an old person denying medicine. It's just dumb. For me that stands for something. Like I'm denying loyalty. As if I'm just denying something that's important in a friendship. Even if my consequences are harsh.. she knows why I'm doing what I'm doing. Even though I treated him like cow dung , taeyang is my everything. I love him. We've been together for a while and I know that we had some horrible memories but I can't imagine losing him. I love him more than she ever will. And That's not what I think. Thats a straight up fact.

   I decided to go to school today. I have to be my own lookout. Ju-Anh is now cut. As I put on my short skirt and tight fitting top, I think about Youngbae. Once he sees me in this he'll know. He'll know that he could never leave all of this for..... all of that. I'll have him wrapped around my fingers. Today is going to be an interesting day.


Taeyang's P.O.V

   I'm trying not to keep my hopes up. Even though she forgives me and is my friend now , I just know. Something will happen it always does. Small things get in the way. Including Jung-mi.  It pisses me off that she would just threaten jayhahn like that. All because she's jealous. She's bingu if she thinks that I wouldn't have found out one way or another. But I'm not worried about it. Jayhahn and I are now friends and we're going to be secretive about it. Because i don't want her to have to deal with any more drama already. She is my chingu , as she said. I can't stop smiling at the way she speaks Korean. She's so adorable. I dont know what I would do without someone like her in my life.

   There's now 10 minutes until class left and I'm in the cafeteria with jayhahn.  Jung-mi's most likely not coming to school today. So we can be sorta friendly. Not too obvious but just enough so that there's no tension in the air. She is listening to music and practicing her singing right now. I think she's doing great for someone who "can't sing". She definitely isnt a Lee Hi . But she's getting there. I stare at the clock for a few seconds. 6:55 . 10 minutes left. I dont want to have to go but.. I gotta. I tap jayhahn on the forearm and she looks up. I get lost in her eyes for a few seconds. But quickly snap out of it.. We're just friends , youngbae. Just friends.

"Hey .. umm... it's almost time to go."

"Ugggh. I wish today was a special day where we could just hang out here all day."

"I know. Then i wouldn't have to wait all the way until 3rd period to see you."

"Awww, yeah. That's true."

"But it's okay because... we get to hang out and stuff after school. Right ?"

"Oh yeah... definitely.  We're kinda gonna have to because we can't be seen being too friendly at school."

"Right. I don't think Jung-mi is here today though."

"You can never be too sure. "

"Okay. Well come on lets get to class."

   It was 7:00 and we were on our way up. We didn't walk close to each other. That would kinda give it away. She said something funny and I gave out a small laugh. As I went up the stairs to homeroom I see the one person I didn't want to see. While next to the one person that shouldn't have been there!  I quickly walked away from them and tryed to get to my locker. Then Jung-mi caught up to me. And grabbed my arm. I wish she would leave me alone.

"Jung-mi what do you want ? I told you I was done with you. For good."

"Oh come on , baby. You know you miss me." She said in a taunting way while tilting her head aside and letting her hair sway I front of her face.  I don't know if she was trying to be seductive or if she was just in a really drowsy and messed up state. Either way I don't want to deal with her.

"No. I don't.  And I don't have time for your crap."

"Are you kidding me ? You think that she can give you what I can ?!? Youngbae-ah.... I love you. You're my heart. My world."

"No. I was your pet. Your toy. I was your stress doll and your excuse for being the way you are. I don't want to deal with this anymore. We're over. The year that we shared together was great. But I can't stay with you."

"Why youngbae? Why ?! " she started crying.. aish. Lord please save me.

"I love you with all my heart and you just leave me?!?"

"Yes Jung-mi.  I don't want to be cruel but... it's just not  working. "

"Please youngbae.. give me one more chance. I love you. You're my everything.  I know that I treated you wrong but I can make up for it. My mistakes were just good intentions gone bad. Please youngbae.."

"How am I going to forgive you when I can barely trust you?"

"You can try. It'll work out. I promise."

"Well.. I need to think." 

"Take as much time as you need, I'll be waiting for you."

God what do I do? I can't just leave her like this. But I can't forgive her so easily for all the hurt she's given me. It's a difficult decision.  But.. I have to think about it.


So should Taeyang forgive Jung-mi ? Or should he just wait on jayhahn ? Kkkk let me know guys!

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sorry everyone but ill be doing a quadruple update this weekend!! please anticipate it!


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Chapter 19: I'm so confused... I have no idea who I'm rooting for, lol! Everyone sounds so snarky and yet... I can't stop reading. ^^ It's like drama everywhere! I kind of want the girls to get along and Taeyang to just go away... (Oh lawd... Lightning just struck me!)
Kpoplifestyle30 #2
Chapter 17: OMG! I've been away from this story for too long!! I actually felt bad for Jung-mi!!! Ughhh my heart broke for her when she confronted him then she went and did that... Gosh so many feels. I can't wait for the next update!
Kpoplifestyle30 #3
Chapter 13: I can't wait to see what Jung-Mi will do!!!
Kpoplifestyle30 #4
Chapter 12: So very frustrating! He's trying so hard!!! Ugh! As I love it! Your story makes me fangirl and smile uncontrollably. It's amazing!
Kpoplifestyle30 #5
Chapter 11: This chapter was sweet and calm. It was different and good! Keep going!
Kpoplifestyle30 #6
Chapter 10: OMFG!!!!!! I love it! HIGH SCHOOL DRAMA LLAMA!!!! It's really good I can't wait for the next chapter as always!!!
Kpoplifestyle30 #7
Chapter 8: Still fricken amazing! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 7: WHAAAAT?!? Lol! First... I was shocked when Taeyang called his ex the B word. It's so hard for me to imagine him cussing like that. Second... He JUST broke up with the girl and is now asking the main OC out? WTH. I don't know what to think now.
Kpoplifestyle30 #9
Chapter 7: Next chapter is needed!!!!!!! This so good I loves it!!!
Chapter 5: I get butterflies when I read this! <3 Yes, I agree... Why are the cute guys always taken... Or gay. -_- huhuhuhu Great development so far. Can't wait to read more!