What ?!?! No!

From a crush to a Lifechanger

Taeyang's P.O.V

   I think maybe if I could have a chance to just shut Jung-mi out of my life I would right my wrongful doings. I would give anything for her to leave me alone. The spark in our relationship deteriorated. The love died out. And the admiration turned into Pity and hatred. She knows all of that. Yet she still continues to get it to work. To say that she'll change. To act as if I will take her back as soon as she sheds a tear. Well that upsets me. I won't let her think that I need her. I won't let her know that I'm going to consider taking her back so quickly. I won't let her know that I loved her. More than love itself.  I have to move on and continue my life without her. I may sound a little feminine now , but I know what I'm saying.

   All through first and second period I couldn't stop thinking about Jung-mi's meltdown. I've never seen her that passionate.  Either way I'm not going to fall for it. She's just going to go back to her old ways. I know that for a fact. 

   I am making my way to third period when I spot jayhahn about to enter. I smile at her and she smiles back sweetly. Her smile kills me every time and I don't know what to do with myself . We sit down at our desks and she shifts over just a little bit towards me.

"What happened with you and Jung-mi ? I know you probably told her that you don't want to be with her anymore , right ?"

"Well... I did but.. it was a little more complicated than that. She just broke down.  Saying she loved me and that she would wait for me. I honestly didn't know what to do."

"For some reason I'm not surprised. "

"What !? Really ?"

"Yeah.. if you think about it.. when the pretty girl doesn't get what she wants , she cries."

"No no no. It's much more than that. She was saying that she always had good intentions and that they just ended up bad and that she would change."

"Well.. I honestly think that she could be trying to change. Especially after what she said to me in the hall before second period."

"What did she say ?"

"She just said that she apologizes for acting the way she was to me and that she hopes we could get along. And soon we're gonna hang out.  Isn't that something? Haha , I'm kinda excited."

"Woah!! No. I'm not gonna let you do it. I'm telling you Jung-mi only hangs out with peoole who are as deviant and conniving as she is. Don't trust her! "

"Didn't you just say that she was trying to change ?" Once she said that my face fell. I was just defending her and now I'm going against her.

"Yes.. I did."

"Okay so this might be her chance. She might be able to prove to us that she is a good person. Then maybe you guys can get back together. "

"I don't know about all of that but.. yeah definitely.  Maybe she really is trying."

"See? Now I should be free this weekend so maybe me and her could hang out."

"I just hope you don't go anywhere secluded. I think she might murk you if she gets the chance."

"Oh my god shut up! " she said with a laugh.

   Our teacher was inside setting up papers and finally when she was done she told the class to pipe down with their conversations. I'm still a little skeptical about Jung-mi and jayhahn.  But I'm also rooting for her. Change is good. Hopefully she is ready for that.

Jayhahn's P.O.V

   I'm really glad that taeyang was able to understand my intent for Jung-mi.  To just hang out with her and see her change. Thats all I really want to be truthful. I feel like if I try to talk to her and be a good friend to her that she'll know that somwone cares. I may be a nice person , but if Jung-mi tries anything I will roll with the punches. Okay I gotta stop being so voilent. It will solve nothing.

   All throughout third period I couldn't stop staring at Taeyang. I can't believe I was about to give up on him. He's a sweet guy with good intentions. I thought maybe he was someone that wouldn't want to even be touched by a girl like me. But all in all . He's head over heels for me . And that I know. But as for now. We're friends. And I don't want to mess things up this time.

  Because I need him. That I also know.

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sorry everyone but ill be doing a quadruple update this weekend!! please anticipate it!


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Chapter 19: I'm so confused... I have no idea who I'm rooting for, lol! Everyone sounds so snarky and yet... I can't stop reading. ^^ It's like drama everywhere! I kind of want the girls to get along and Taeyang to just go away... (Oh lawd... Lightning just struck me!)
Kpoplifestyle30 #2
Chapter 17: OMG! I've been away from this story for too long!! I actually felt bad for Jung-mi!!! Ughhh my heart broke for her when she confronted him then she went and did that... Gosh so many feels. I can't wait for the next update!
Kpoplifestyle30 #3
Chapter 13: I can't wait to see what Jung-Mi will do!!!
Kpoplifestyle30 #4
Chapter 12: So very frustrating! He's trying so hard!!! Ugh! As I love it! Your story makes me fangirl and smile uncontrollably. It's amazing!
Kpoplifestyle30 #5
Chapter 11: This chapter was sweet and calm. It was different and good! Keep going!
Kpoplifestyle30 #6
Chapter 10: OMFG!!!!!! I love it! HIGH SCHOOL DRAMA LLAMA!!!! It's really good I can't wait for the next chapter as always!!!
Kpoplifestyle30 #7
Chapter 8: Still fricken amazing! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 7: WHAAAAT?!? Lol! First... I was shocked when Taeyang called his ex the B word. It's so hard for me to imagine him cussing like that. Second... He JUST broke up with the girl and is now asking the main OC out? WTH. I don't know what to think now.
Kpoplifestyle30 #9
Chapter 7: Next chapter is needed!!!!!!! This so good I loves it!!!
Chapter 5: I get butterflies when I read this! <3 Yes, I agree... Why are the cute guys always taken... Or gay. -_- huhuhuhu Great development so far. Can't wait to read more!