Chapter 2

Fishy's Love

‘Doggie ah~ Its me!!’ Haneul aegyo to her best friend who is currently visiting her parent at Taiwan

‘What is that Pinky pig?’ Doggie rolled her eyes at the aegyo sound of her friend. She must be having some sort of ‘difficulty’ and asking for help now.

‘Aish… stop calling me that…. Doggie….’

‘U never stopped liking pink don’t u? I wonder why your name is Haneul….’

‘Doggie…..’ Haneul purred at her best friend.

‘Shoot….’ Doggie is more toward straight forward kind of girl, totally opposite of Haneul.

‘Doggie…. I met this guy, but he is a celebrity….’

‘Celebrity? U sure o not? O he claimed to be one?’ Doggie asked.

‘No, He is very famous, all right?’

‘Who? Bae Yongjun?’

‘No!!! He is not the only celebrity around, Doggie….Super Junior u know? Super Junior?’

‘The 13 boyband?’

‘Its 10+2 now…. before Kangin, Kibum and Hangeng come back.’ Hanuel rolled her eyes at her friend ignorance.

 ‘Thanks for the interesting information.’ Doggie stated nonchalantly.

‘Doggie… He asked me to attend his performance… shall I go?’ Haneul asked, biting her lip.

‘Just go, u are dying to go isn’t?’


‘I won’t receive this call if u don’t feel like going… ’

‘Hahahaha!! Did u put a detector on my body? But Doggie…. Would I sound too eager if i… just go like that?’

‘Then don’t go.’


‘Please stop being so wishy-washy… He initiated isn’t it? Nothing wrong with u with accepting his invitation…’

‘Hahaha!! Doggie I love u… u seem to be able to calm me down always..’

‘Can I put down the phone now?’ Doggie asked.

‘Don’t feel like talking to me?’ Haneul asked.

‘Yes, I am busy~ call ur Suju guy to talk to u… bye…’ without waiting for Hanuel reply, Doggie ended the conversation and it does irritate Haneul much.




Donghae been looking at his phone for the 10thtimes of the day, expecting call from that Song Haneul he met at lift that day. Did she get the correct number? Why didn’t he receive any call from her yet?

‘Yah~ still waiting for that phone call?’ Kyuhyun asked without lifting his head up from his game console.

‘*sigh*Yes… do u think she gotten the wrong number?’ Donghae asked, frowning. He hopes that is not the case… How is he going to contact her then?

‘Trust u to use this tactic…’

‘What?’ Dongahe asked, irritated.

‘Inviting her to our performance like this…’ Kyuhyun chided, looking at him amusingly.

‘I remembered someone use this tactic before don’t he?’ Donghae asked, rolling his eyes. Can’t he just leave him alone?

‘Eh? But…. Its because this tactic is not useful thus doesn’t work out…’ Kyuhyun snapped back.

‘But at least something else turn out…’ Donghae said, looking at Heechul who is talking over the phone with his wife.

‘Yeah…. The only problem is because I am too young~’ Kyuhyun smirked in triump.

‘Oh…. Wait….’ Kyuhyun roll his eyes at his hyung who is greatly excited at the sound of his phone ringing and  decided to leave him alone.

*Phone ringing*

‘Yeoboseyo…..’ Donghae answered, heart thumping fast.

‘An nyeong ha se yo, Is this Donghae ssi?’

‘Yes, yes, yes, Are u Haneul ssi?’ Donghae straighten his back and hold the phone tight.

‘Yes, I am…. How had u been recently?’

‘I am fine, how about u, Haneul ssi?’

‘I am fine too, thank u, Donghae ssi.’

‘Donghae, please just call me Donghae…’

‘All right… Donghae, I am calling to ask… about the performance detail….’

‘So u are coming???’ Donghae shrieked, excited that she is coming to watch him performing.

‘Yes…’ Hanuel chuckled at his direct reaction and she can’t help blushing  at the thought of his handsome face.

‘All right… I will send u a message later about the detail….so, Hanuel ssi…’


‘Hanuel….Do u mind if I ask how old are u?’

‘I am 23 years old.’

‘Ah….. So u shall call me oppa then…’

‘Hahaha~ Are u busy now? Donghae?’

‘No I am not….’ No matter how busy he is, he won’t want to miss the chance to talk to this interesting girl.




‘Hanuel… wait for me after the show all right?’ Donghae smiled at Hanuel who is looking so sweet with that blue dress of her, blue just like her name, sky.

‘All right….’ Hanuel nodded and smile at him.

 Hanuel is seated at the front seat where she can see the boys clearly from her seat. All night, her eyes are on Donghae and she can’t help noticing how handsome and charactisma he is.

‘I am sending her back…’ Donghae said to his brothers, which earn a very much commotion among the boys.

‘Hi all, Good bye~’ Hanuel waved at the boys and allow herself to be guided out by Donghae.

‘Are u tired? Hanuel?’

‘Erm, I am fine… u should be even more tired than I am.’

‘I am fine, we are used to it. Shall we go for a walk?’ Donghae flashed Hanuel 1 of his childlike smile, making its quite impossible to reject his offer.

‘All right… I am not rushing for time too…’

Donghae brought Hanuel to the beach and the both of them walked along the beach, talking softly. Donghae felt playful out of sudden and started to kick some sea water toward Hanuel’s side. Hanuel started to take revenge by splashing some water toward him too. The 2 of them started to have fun splashing water and wetting each other.

‘OoppSSS… I think we overdone it! We are now dripping wet!!’ Donghae laughed,looking at Hanuel who is wet from head to toe.

‘Its too late to regret, Donghae ssi…’ Hanuel chuckled, she don’t minded being wet at all, despite of the cold weather.

‘Come on, I better send u back before u caught a cold.

‘All right…’ Haneul started to shiver as the cold sea wind blow. However, Donghae’s gesture of  wrapping his hand around her make her feel so warm, down to the heart.

‘I am sorry~’ Donghae apologize, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

‘Its ok, u had the fair share of being wet too…’

Donghae started the car engine and make his way toward Hanuel apartment. Hanuel is living alone in Seoul since her university day, close to her best friend, Doggie’s place. Doggie refused to live together with her as Doggie is more like a loner, and prefer to have the whole place to herself. Living near to Doggie at least make Hanuel easier to bug her whenever she needs to do so.

‘Thanks for sending me home..’ Hanuel smiled at Donghae, letting out a sneeze after that.

‘You better go in and change these out fast… I don’t want u to catch a cold.’ Donghae frowned at the sound of that sneeze and pushed her into her apartment.

‘All right… please take care.’ Hanuel waved at Donghae, however quite reluctant to part with him.

‘Yes… And Hanuel ssi…. Can I see u again?’

‘Yes, of course… good night…’ Hanuel nodded her head at Donghae and his heart done a somersault when she done that…

Everyone could tell how good Donghae’s mood is. He been grinning from ear to ear and sung all the way to the bathroom throughout the shower.

‘I had a feeling….’ Eunhyuk said, looking at Yesung and his turtle.

‘What?’ Yesung asked, nonchalantly.

‘We would have another couple soon….’ Eunhyuk said, nodding toward the bathroom.

‘I guess so….’ Yesung nodded at him. Both leave out a heavy sigh after that…..




‘Yeobo…..ah…choo*sneeze* excuse me…. yeoboseyo….’

‘Haneul??? Oh dear, u caught a cold?’ Donghae frowned at how bad she sound over the phone.

‘Yes… hahaha~ but n worry *cough cough* I am… ok….’

‘U doesn’t sound ok at all!!! Are u alone right now?’ Donghae asked.

‘Yes, I am….’

‘I am coming over, Hanuel.’

‘Oh…. U don’t have to…’

‘I insist. After all I have to be responsible for my action isn’t it?’

‘Donghae…. Don’t worry, its just a cold…’ Hanuel tried to assure him but he just refuse to accept it. He forced Ryeowook to cook porridge for him and it does cause protestation from Suan, claiming that he bully her boyfriend.

*doorbell ringing*

‘Hello~’ Hanuel greeted and Donghae looked at the pale, sickly Hanuel who is clutching a tissue covering her nose and mouth.

‘U doesn’t look good….’ He said as he made his way in to his house.

‘I seen doctor, its just common cold…’

‘I am sorry…’

‘Hahaha! Its ok… I am surprised, u still look good…’ Hanuel chuckled.

‘I wish I am the one who is sick instead.’ Donghae stated, guiltily.

‘Maybe…. I should pass the germ to u…’ Hanuel winked at him and it made Donghae stunned for a moment  at her playfulness.

‘Haha~ so, had u ate your medicine? I brought along some porridge…’

‘Thanks u… u shouldn’t have…’

Donghae enjoyed talking to Hanuel sharing everything about him and his buddies. He enjoyed listening to her talking about her good friend by the nick of Doggie too. Donghae forced her to go to bed when he realizes that she been yawning and looking distracted.

‘I am fine alone, U might be boring….’

‘I won’t, I don’t feel good leaving u alone… unless u don’t like having me around…’

‘Of course not…. All right… please help yourself in the house… U are free to use the computer and read the limited books that I have if it interest u….’

‘Hahaha!! Did I tell u all my buddies won’t allow me to touch their computer?’

‘No… why?’ Hanuel asked, puzzled.

‘Because I tend to broke it!’Donghae laughed at Hanuel surprised face and add on. ‘So, do u want to take back your offer now??’

‘Erm… I had a good mind to do so… but I will still keep my promise if u agree to get me a new one if u broke it… my computer is kind of old too…’ Hanuel chuckled.

‘Hahahaha!!! U better sleep now….’ Donghae pushed her down and covered her well with blanket. How he wished he can kiss her goodnight on her fair forehead.




Hanuel’s recovered from her cold after 3 days under Donghae’s care. Despite of her assurance that she is fine, Donghae still visit him after his schedule and it does make Hanuel feel warm inside her heart..

‘Hanuel, stop dreaming and finish your porridge!’ Donghae poked at her head and she stick out her tongue at him.

‘All right…’

‘Sleep after your medicine and I think tomorrow u will recover completely.’ Donghae smiled.

‘U made me sound like a pig…’ Hanuel chuckled.

‘Yeah… Pinky pig…’

‘Hey!!! U are not to use that!!! Its belong to Doggie only~’

‘I am glad Doggie is a she…’

*cough cough cough* Hanuel choked on his comment and Donghae patted at her back.

‘Are u ok?’ Donghae asked.

‘Erm…. I am fine, thank u..I… think I wanted to turn in…’ Hanuel said, wiping .


‘Erm?’ Hanuel looked at him and Donghae wrapped her tiny hand in his.

‘Can I…. give u a good night kiss?’ Donghae asked. 

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 25: Wow.... Such a sweet love story..... Liking forward to my next stop..... Siwon ssi Ur next.... Ur wonderful dear author
74 streak #2
Congrats on getting featured.
4545yigjhfhf #4
congrats again
4545yigjhfhf #5
very intersting
4545yigjhfhf #6
i like this
4545yigjhfhf #7
4545yigjhfhf #8
thumbs up for u
4545yigjhfhf #9
awesome story
4545yigjhfhf #10