Chapter 12

Fishy's Love


*Sigh* Chaerin sigh as she sat inside Donghae’s car. She doesn’t know what happen to her, why would she be persuaded so easily like this?

‘Hahaha!! Don’t worry, u will find your trip worthwhile later…’ Donghae said as he glances over to Chaerin.

‘I hope I am not the wet blanket…’

‘Oh~ don’t worry, our nosey parker Ae Li hyung su nim won’t allow u to do that..’ Donghae burst out laughing, Ae Li will certainly kill him is she heard him saying so.

‘U are mean…’ Chaerin said between her chuckles.

‘On the other hand, Hyojin hyung su nim is a little bit too calm… and I think u both are quite similar in certain aspect. Except she is much friendlier than u….’

‘Thanks u…’ Chaerin said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. She is too, curious about the woman behind the Super Junior’s leader after hearing their story.

‘Oh… u are most welcome, I am just stating the facts…’ Donghae gave out a sinister laughter after that and it does annoy Chaerin.

‘Oh~ shut up…’ Chaerin slapped at his arm, laughing with him after that.

Jovial journey always seem to be short. Before they knew it, they are already stopping at the car park of Heechul’s apartment. Chaerin smiled at the sound of a jovial voice from inside. Obviously, this must be Ae Li, judging from her accent.

‘Oh~ It must be Hae~~ U are… eh.. Chaerin is here too?’

‘An nyeong ha se yo …’ Chaerin greeted and bowed at Ae Li.

‘I was at Pinky’s house just now… She is in love with your daughter… So, I brought her here.’ Donghae said, smiling at Ae Li.

‘Welcome…Chaerin~’Ae Li smile and nodded at her. ‘The little devil is over there..’ Ae Li said, pointing to Cherry whom is sitting down on the floor, playing with Junho.

‘Can I play with them?’ Chaerin asked, eyeing on the 2 little angels. She liked kids, and the 2 kid look so angelic to her.

‘Please help yourself, but she can be quite cranky nowadays…So, just ignore her if she decided to be unkind. KIM CHERRY!!!’ Ae Li said between her frown and shouted at the sight of Cherry’s intention of throwing toys at the innocent Junho. The baby girl turned and chuckled at her mother and Chaerin couldn’t help laughing at the baby girl’s fast action.

‘Aish!!! U are becoming more and more like an ajumma…’ Donghae said as he covered his ears with his hands.

‘Cheh… wait till u have children, u will be more ajussi than me…’ Ae Li said, walking toward kitchen.

‘Hey, angry?’Donghae asked, pulling at Ae Li’s hand.

‘No time to do so, I am going to get the lunch done…’ Ae Li patted Donghae’s cheek before she went in to kitchen, joining Hyojin.

‘So, what do u thinks of this product?’ Donghae asked, nodding at Junho.

‘Erm… Cute…An nyeong, Junho ah…’ Chaerin greeted at the cute boy who look at her in curiosity.

‘Junho ah, this is Chaerin noona. Donghae samcheon’s chingu…’ Donghae explained.

‘An nyeong ha se yo, noona~’ Junho greeted Chaerin politely, bowing slightly.

‘U are so cute…’ Chaerin crinkled her nose, smiling at Junho. Donghae never seen Chaerin smiling so much since he knows her. He couldn’t help notice how it brighten up her face.

‘They both looked like their father don’t they?’ Donghae asked.

‘Umn… no doubt..’ Chaerin answered, carrying Cherry up. Cherry looked at the pretty eonni and started to ‘lay her hands’ on Chaerin’s hairs and cheek again. Very much enjoying pulling and smacking her face with her plump hand.

‘Aish… Kim Cherry…’ Donghae hissed as he bit her hand lightly.

‘Kekekekeke….’ Cherry chuckled and decided to attack Donghae’s hair instead.

‘*Phew* Come on, lets get away from her…Better leave her to Junho….He is better at handling her…’ Donghae rubbed at his head, this baby girl sure pull people hairs with all her strength.

‘No.. I am staying with them..’ Chaerin shook her head. ‘Run along if u are bored…’ Chaerin said, sitting down, playing with the 2 kids. Looking very much like a small kid herself.

‘Oh~ I thought I heard it wrongly, so it’s really Chaerin…’ Suan said, coming out from Cherry’s room.

‘Yes… waiting for Ryeowook ssi here?’ Chaerin asked.

‘Umn… they will come here once they are done with their schedule…’ Suan nodded sitting down beside her.

‘U stay with her all right?’ Donghae said, patting Suan’s hand. She nodded at him, turning back to look at Chaerin.

(C)‘Why would u be with him?’ Suan asked, slapping at Cherry’s naughty hand.

(C)‘He stay at my house last night..’

(C)‘Huh?’ Suan looked at her wide eyed.

(C)‘Because Hanuel had an urgent changes of shift…’ Chaerin explained.

(C)‘But… why would he… did he tell u?’ Suan whispered.

(C)‘Yes, his dad…’  

(C)‘Chaerin… is there something going on between the 2 of u?’ Suan asked, earning herself a cold stare from Chaerin. ‘Hmn… don’t be like that, I will be scare, I am sorry…. Hahahaha~’

(C) ‘Cheh~’ Chaerin returned her attention to Cherry after she rolled her eyes at Suan.

(C)‘Chaerin ah…Is he ok now?’ Suan asked.

(C)‘I suppose so…’




Chaerin and Donghae stayed at Heechul’s house till quite late of the night and enjoyed themselves thoroughly. Donghae notice that Chaerin’s smile never left her face the whole day.

‘So is the trip worthwhile?’ Donghae asked.

‘Umn… Thank u…’ Chaerin nodded.

‘Seem like u can mingle after all…’ Donghae laughed.

‘Yes… if the person is worthwhile I don’t mind..’ Chaerin laughed and looked at Donghae meaningfully.

‘Hey!!!’ Donghae protested.

‘Hahaha!!! They both laughed out laugh out loud again after that.

‘Thanks for sending me home…’

‘Welcome… Chaerin…. Umn… thanks for yesterday….’ Donghae said before he step forward and gave Chaerin a gentle hug.

‘Its ok…’ Chaerin patted his back softly.

‘Goodnight, sleep well…’ Donghae said as he drifts away from her.

 ‘Goodnight… take care…’ Chaerin waved at him before she close the door.




‘Just come on… ‘ Donghae insisted, pulling at Chaerin’s hand.

‘Lee Donghae… let me go…’

‘Come  on… U wanted to come badly as well don’t u?’

‘No… let me go…’ Chaerin frowned at him, pulling back her hand.

‘Im Chaerin….why don’t I get them here instead? They will loved it…’ Donghae threatens, smirking at her.


‘Oh, I am dead serious… U should know how crazy my members are…’

‘Lee Donghae, this is my house…’ Chaerin put down the book on her hand and stare at him, rather fiercely.

‘And I am inside here, and I have the keys.’ Donghae smirked at Chaerin, in a rather thick skinned mode.

‘That’s remind me… u been dropping by too often for my liking too…’ Chaerin rolled her eyes at him.

‘Hahaha! No…U loved it…’ Donghae laughed, he is pretty sure she enjoyed his company as much as he enjoyed her’s.

‘I am not..’ Chaerin denied.

‘U are…’ Donghae insist.

‘I am not…’

‘Oh? Then why am I always getting my share of meal whenever I am here?’ Donghae smirked, looking at Chaerin annoyed look.

‘Lee Donghae…’ Chaerin hissed at him. However, nothing seem to work on him nowadays.. He is NOT afraid of her anymore.

‘Ok…. Who should I call 1st? Hyukjae? Siwonnie? Hmnnn….’ Donghae muttered to himself, browsing his phone list.

‘U are horrible….’ Chaerin said as she press his hand down, stopping him from what he is doing.

‘Go and get changed then…’ He said after flashing her his childish smile..He always seems to be getting what he wants from Chaerin recently and it just thrills him up.

The boys are all gathered at Leeteuk’s apartment for Hyojin’s birthday celebration. Chaerin know she is being duped upon reaching Leeteuk’s house.. There’s no way they will change the venue of the gathering as the house is all decorated in birthday party mood. She glared at the childish Fish who is chuckling at her annoyance.

‘Just go and play with my hyung’s products~ since u loved them so much~’ Donghae pushed her toward the kids, walking toward his hyung. He never had to worry about her being boring, she is always comfortable being with the girls and the kids.

(C)‘Wah…. U are here?’ Suan asked in surprise.

(C)‘Erm….i told him its weird…’ Chaerin said, glancing over to Donghae.

(C) ‘Chaerin….. I really can’t help suspecting something going on between u and him…’

(C) ‘U think too much…’ Chaerin started to get uncomfortable with Suan’s comment.

(C) ‘U look like his girlfriend more than Hanuel does…We been seeing u appearing in our gathering more than her…’

(C) ‘Meeting u all more often than her doesn’t make me look like his girlfriend…’ Chaerin reasoned.

(C) ‘Hmnn… Chaerin ah…’ Suan hesitated for a moment…

(C) ‘Moreover, its just because he knew I loved the kids thus he brought me here…’ Chaerin said, trying to convince Suan, maybe herself as well…

(C) ‘Oh…. Chaerin… u don’t know…’ Suan smirked at Chaerin’s puzzled face. If she were to tell Chaerin that these SUJU boy’s gathering are strictly for family member, she will definitely run away this very minute. She doesn’t want to risk being strangled by Donghae. Moreover,  She seem to be able to fit in to them more than Hanuel who always looked bored and do nothing but stuck up to Donghae. So, she doesn’t mind at all~ 

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 25: Wow.... Such a sweet love story..... Liking forward to my next stop..... Siwon ssi Ur next.... Ur wonderful dear author
74 streak #2
Congrats on getting featured.
4545yigjhfhf #4
congrats again
4545yigjhfhf #5
very intersting
4545yigjhfhf #6
i like this
4545yigjhfhf #7
4545yigjhfhf #8
thumbs up for u
4545yigjhfhf #9
awesome story
4545yigjhfhf #10