Chapter 21

Fishy's Love


‘I…. I am… sorry….’ Donghae took a step backward, looking at Hanuel.

‘Lee Donghae!! Where are u going??’ Hanuel shouted at him.

‘I… cant…’ Donghae turned and run all the way, toward Chaerin.

‘Lee Donghae….’ Chaerin looked at Donghae when he stops in front of her.

‘Let’s run away….’ Donghae said, grabbing her hand.

‘Lee Donghae!!!’ Chaerin tried to pull him back but he is too strong for her.

 ‘Lee Donghae!! What are u doing??? Stop there!!!’ Eunhyuk who is standing close to Chaerin pounced to Donghae trying to stop him.

‘I love her, Monkey…’ Donghae looked at Chaerin’s eyes and she grabbed back his hand, Chaerin nodded at him.

‘I know…’ Eunhyuk whispered, pushing his car key to him slyly. ‘Take it….and run fasst!!’

Donghae grabbed at the car key gratefully and nodded at his best monkey pal before he pushed him away, running out of the hall with Chaerin in tow….




‘Wow~ that’s brave of Donghae….’ Suan stuck out her tongue, keep quiet upon seeing the frowning of her boyfriend.

‘He’s in big fix!’ Leeteuk frowned too.

‘But at least he faces up to his own feeling~ But this shouldn’t be the way…’Heechul gave out a bittersweet smile…He is happy that Donghae decided to follow his heart. However, can’t help being worried about his future. Ae Li looked at her husband worried face, She hopes her husband won’t be killing her later on….

‘Where is he now?’ Leeteuk asked, glaring to Eunhyuk.

‘Don’t look at me, I really don’t know…’ Eunhyuk clarified.

‘Call him…’ Leeteuk said, picking out his phone.

‘Let him be for a moment…’ Hyojin grabbed at Leeteuk’s hand, nodding at her husband.




Donghae cant wait to hug Chaerin close to him the moment they reach her apartment.

Chaerin lean on Donghae’s chest, hugging him with her eyes closed.

‘Thank u….’ Donghae took hold of Chaerin’s hand and gave it a peck.

‘For?’ Chaerin asked, snuggling closer to him.

‘For everything…’

‘Cheesy…’ Chaerin chuckled.

‘I am so worried u will reject me…’

‘U should thank your Ae Li hyung su nim…’ Chaerin looked at Donghae, smiling.

‘She? Why?’ Donghae asked in surprise.


 ‘Chaerin….’ Ae Li pulled at her hand, looking at her tear streaked face.

‘Ae Li eonni….’ Chaerin turned her face away, wiping her tears.

‘Chaerin… why?’

‘Because this is the best…’

‘But u love each other…’

‘Eonni… its too late…’ Chaerin said, looking at her.

‘Answer me honestly, Chaerin… Had u regretted your decision?’ Ae Li asked, looking at Chaerin.

‘Eonni…. I… don’t have the right to….’

‘If u were to follow your heart… and u are given the choice again, will u still push Hae to Hanuel?’

‘…………..’ Chaerin looked at Ae Li, shaking her head.

‘If I ask u to run away with Donghae now, will u?’ Ae Li asked again.


‘Just answer….’

‘Eonni… Its not that easy..’

‘Nothing is easy… But if u feel its something that’s worth fighting for, just go for it…’


‘We only lived once….Can u image how unfair it is for Hanuel as well for Hae to marry her with u in his heart?’

‘Eonni… If I have the choice…Yes, I will…’ Chaerin answered, however she know its not possible anymore. Ae Li smiled at her, nodding her head.

‘This is good enough….’

(end of Chaerin’s flashback)


‘Hahaha!’ Donghae laughed, looking at Chaerin’s surprise face.


‘No wonder she suggested me to run away with u…’

‘She did?’ Chaerin is surprised, never did she expect Ae Li will encourage Donghae to do such thing.

‘Yes…. That nosey parker…..’

‘So mean of u…’ Chaerin chuckled. However, still thankful to Ae Li.

‘Its fact… but I am glad to have her… gonna give her a big hug when I see her later…’

But… Hae…. We are in…. a big fix now…..’

*Sigh*‘I know… But I am more worried about Hanuel…’

‘Hae…. I… don’t know how I can face her….’

‘Me too, Chaerin…But…. But no matter what, U can’t leave me all right?’ I will die if u do so…’

‘Yes, sir….And I always keep my promise… Unless God doesn’t allow me to…’ Chaerin looked at Donghae, meaningfully.

‘No, HE cant bear to do so…. I will not allow it to happen too…’ Donghae  hugged her close to him.

‘Hae….I love u….’ Chaerin pecked at his lip, smiling at him.

‘Chaerin…. I love u too…’ Donghae pulled Chaerin into a hug, pecking her forehead.




The news of Donghae run away from his engagement is hitting the headline of every papers, magazines and news. Naturally, the media definitely won’t miss out the juicy news of the woman who runs away with him.  Chaerin looked at the newspaper, unable to believe what she had just seen… In just barely less than 24 hours all her personal details and family background are being published on the papers….

‘Chaerin….’ Donghae hugged at Chaerin shoulder, looking at the papers on her hand.

‘Hae… this is horrible…’ Chaerin said, turning to hug him.

‘I… am… sorry…’ Donghae pulled her closer to him, kissing her forehead.

‘No sorry Hae…Well…really a big fix now…What does your company say?’ Chaerin asked.

‘I….dont know…yet…’

‘Hae…. My appa called….’ Chaerin bit her lip, looking at Donghae.

‘Gosh…. Don’t tell me he wanted u to leave me…’

‘No….just  wanted… to see u…’

‘Only that?’ Donghae heaved a sigh of relieve.

‘But I don’t know what he wants…’

‘Never mind… I have to meet him no matter what…’ Donghae smiled at her, squeezing her hand.




‘Please… excuse me…’ Chaerin tried to push her way out from the people that is crowding around her, outside her apartment. She didn’t expect fans can be this crazy… The girls are throwing all sort of accussion and sneering at her for breaking up HaeNuel couple. Some girls even pushed and threw things at her. She bit her lip, keeping her head low. She wouldn’t want to have direct collision with Hae’s fan…She knew it would upset him much.

‘WHY!!??? Why are u such a ??’ a girl pulled at Chaerin’s hair, screaming at her.

‘Let me go, please…’ Chaerin tried to break herself free from her but that girl just refuse to let go of her no matter what. She just keeps on pulling at Chaerin’s hairs and threw rude words at her.

‘What are u doing? Let go!!!’ Donghae pushed his way from the crowd and look at the girl sternly.

‘Donghae oppa….’ The girl let go of Chaerin and looked at Donghae.

‘U are not my fan if u hurt her…’ Donghae spat at the girl, leading Chaerin back to her apartment.

‘Hae… u shouldn’t say that…’ Chaerin said, looking at Donghae’s angry face.

‘Keep quiet… Are u babo? Why allow them to hurt u?’ Donghae turned her over to face him. Chaerin kept quiet at his accussion and allow him to pull her back to her apartment.

*Phone ringing*

‘Donghae ssi?? We are calling from K press…’

‘Aish~’ Donghae ended the call immediately upon hearing its calling from media. He turn off his phone and threw it to the sofa. Sitting down on the sofa, burying his head in his palms.

‘Hae…’ Chaerin sat down beside him, leaning to his shoulder.

‘Chaerin…. I am sorry… for shouting at u….are u hurt just now?’ Chaerin shook her head, caressing his face softly.

‘Do not say sorry to me….We choose this path together… and we are to face it together..’

‘Chaerin… u are lots braver than me..’

‘Cos I have a superman with me….Bam… bam..bam..bam.. bam bam…’ Chaerin smile as she hummed at the tune of Superman.

‘U still has the mood to joke?’ Donghae gave out a little smile.

‘Oh… We have to learn to be Mr and Miss Simple don’t we?’ Chaerin said, swinging her hand.

‘Hahahahahahahah…. Im Chaerin… I don’t know there’s this side of u…’ Donghae  said pulling down her hand.

‘So… no matter what, we have to stay cheerful, ok?’

‘Yes, Miss Simple…’Donghae squeezed at her hand, smiling at her.

‘And…. Please contact your omma and SUJU hyung … I think they will be worried…’ Chaerin said, passing him his phone.

‘Tommorrow… let the phone rest a while…’ Donghae said, placing the phone aside and continued to hug Chaerin close to him. He know... tthe path in front are full of challange for them both... He just hope everything will be all right soon...




Donghae's phone ring the moment he press on the ‘ON’ button. He looked at the caller ID and picked it up immediately.

‘Hae… finally!!! where are u now?’ Eunhyuk asked, over the phone.

‘I am now with Chaerin…at her apartment…’

‘Hae… Siwonnie….. they…. Are in trouble too…’

‘Mwo????’ Donghae exclaimed in surprise. It’s bad enough for him to get into trouble like this… He didn’t expect Siwon to be involved as well…

‘Yes… so… what are u gonna do now??’ Eunhyuk asked, worried.

‘I… will be…back soon….We talk again shall we?’

‘Ok…Contact Leeteuk hyung and Heechul hyung 1st. They are hopping mad…’

‘Thanks, Hyukjae…’ Donghae ended the conversation and heaved out a heavy sigh.

‘U better gets going…’ Chaerin said, passing him his wallet and straighten his collar.

‘U stays at home all right? Don’t go out…’ Donghae turned, taking over his wallet from Chaerin.

‘Yes, I know… take care…’ Donghae pecked on her forehead and made his way to his hyung’s house….




‘Hyung su nim….’ Donghae took off his sunglass and looked at Ae Li with his red, bloodshot eyes.

‘Hae….Come on in….’ Ae Li pulled him in, closing the door and turned to Donghae, who pounced to her, hugging her.

‘Thanks….’ Donghae muttered, hugging her tightly.

‘For??’ Ae Li drift away from Donghae, looking at him.

‘For asking me to run away with Chaerin….’

‘Hae…. I really don’t know whether this is a good choice or not…Things are….getting too complicated….’

 ‘Even if he can’t married Hanuel…But U, shouldn’t had asked him to run away like that!!’ Heechul walked out, bailing at his wife, angrily. Ae Li bit her lip, keeping quiet. She knows she is in the wrong, but there’s no better solution at that point of time… ‘And u, shouldn’t listen to her!’ Heechul pointed to Donghae.

‘Hyung…’ Donghae tried to explain. However Ae Li shook her head at him. She turned to the main door when she heard the doorbell ringing again.

‘Chul… Siwonnie is here too…’

‘Great… get that one to come in as well…’Heechul heaved a sigh of relieve, gesturing Siwon to come in.

‘What do both of u meant by disappearing like this??’ Heechul bailed at his 2 close dongsaeng.

‘Sorry, hyung…’ Siwon apologize. Donghae just shut himself up. He had been thinking… what he should do now? How can he ask for forgiveness from Hanuel? He really shouldn’t have leave Hanuel to face the media, the guest alone like that….

‘Aish….. say sorry to Gae Teuk later… I think he is going crazy with all those stress from management….’ Upon saying this, Heechul walked in, pulling Ae Li with him. Leaving the both of them in the living room, having thought of their own. He is not going to let this woman off easily, for making her own decision encouraging his dongsaeng to do something so irresponsible. Sound of him bailing at her can be heard loud and clear even if he does it behind the close door…


**sorry for the late update *bow* kind of busy lately.... and dilemma between HaeRin and HaeNuel... i choosen HaeRin.. Sorry Hanuel... *Runs away*

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 25: Wow.... Such a sweet love story..... Liking forward to my next stop..... Siwon ssi Ur next.... Ur wonderful dear author
74 streak #2
Congrats on getting featured.
4545yigjhfhf #4
congrats again
4545yigjhfhf #5
very intersting
4545yigjhfhf #6
i like this
4545yigjhfhf #7
4545yigjhfhf #8
thumbs up for u
4545yigjhfhf #9
awesome story
4545yigjhfhf #10